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Everything posted by Rehsals

  1. Buy the Rakata implants/earpieces with those comms.
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=300965 Surge nerf wasn't that bad.
  3. Haven't been there in a while it's possible that they only sell the Armoring/Hilts/Barrels.
  4. PvP Daily's. They made getting both Centurion and Champion gear extremely easy to get. Ilum/Belsavis Daily's. Doing the dailys on these 2 planets grants Daily Comms. Armoring/Mods/Enhancements are 8 each from the vendors on Ilum. Getting the armoring should grant you 15k HP.
  5. This is another nice graph of the data. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Ajq2cQXn3ZWAdFJ4YXQtbzRFdmVLYUVnd21Ga2FRWmc&output=html
  6. Do you read anything you or I type? I'm not saying that someone should hit for 5k every time either. I'm saying that if I'm fighting someone and I pop every cooldown I have while going through my rotation (which allows for max damage output), as an assassin, I should be able to hit for 5k. And if you want to talk about medals being an achievement.... Guarding a player = no skill involved. 75k damage dealt = no skill involved. 75k healing = no skill involved. The Civil War WZ Standing at a node getting defender points for the 1k and 3k defender medals = no skill.
  7. Lmao, it's not hard to get 15k health. You don't need BM gear for that. BM gear should put you around 16.5-17k health. Are you even playing the same game as me?
  8. So medals should be rewarded for luck and not skill? You're making 0 sense. If I set up to deal the most damage I can and I can't hit a 5k crit with relics and other cooldowns on a light armor enemy how am I supposed to even get the 5k crit medal? Wait for a Jugg to sunder armor?
  9. This. Play PvP, get BM gear. Play PvE, get better mods. Profit.
  10. Why add 5k damage medals then? And 5k health is maybe 1/3 of someones health in normal 50 WZ's. If you're a level 50 and you have less then 15k health, you're doing it wrong.
  11. How is a 10% decrease in current surge and a 20% decrease in the potential crit multiplier not a nerf? Can't wait to read this...
  12. For one the resolve bar is a joke, any decent player will regulate how much he/she cc's you to keep your bar from getting full. It's not difficult at all. The CC's in this game last forever, and if you waste your CC breaker when your Resolve bar isn't full, you can just be stunned again immediately afterwards. Resolve bar needs a rework. CC breaker needs to grant a period of time where you can't be CC'd Also, snares need to be affected by resolve(also force shroud etc). I figured since QQ'ing on the forums seems to work maybe if we keep making threads like this it will get changed.
  13. At first I was raging about the nerf, then I stopped and looked at the actual damage decrease. Before Patch: Surge: ~85% After Patch: Surge: ~75% Now let's see how much I am affected. Base Damage(Before Crit): 2500 Before Patch: Crit Damage = 2500 x 1.85 = 4625 After Patch: Crit Damage = 2500 x 1.75 = 4375 Difference = 4625 - 4375 = 250 I don't have (and can't find) the numbers I had before the patch when I would pop all of my cooldowns. If I find them I'll post the Before and After data here.
  14. Lol, if an assassin/shadow goes "poof" he's out of combat. That means you are too... Pay attention and use your own shock frozen water instead of being a whiny *****. Whiners ruin games, not people that use their brains.
  15. You're missing the point entirely. What I'm getting at is... Limit the amount of healers/tanks/dps in a WZ. That shouldn't be too difficult. Each skill tree has points in it. If they are mostly in the tanking spec, they're a tank etc etc. If they're hybrid spec just classify them as whatever tree has more points in it.
  16. Mozilla Firefox + Adblock Plus = No commercials
  17. I know you can't have 8 man premades but more and more every day I'm going against a team of Heavy Armor Tanks/Healers + Regular Healers. It seems like you don't even need DPS for PvP. Just stack tanks and healers, you'll eventually kill the enemy and you'll only lose 10% health in the process. I'm expecting a lot of L2P replies but until one of you show me a game where you fight nothing but Heavy Armor Tanks/Healers + Regular Healers, and win, I will disregard your post.
  18. Double Score is any entirely different bug, I would assume. We were at the enemy teams base with the ball, the ball carrier died in the fire, and the enemy got a point.
  19. Yeah, when I get on later I'll send the link to this thread in an in-game ticket.
  20. Bump becaue I want to keep this on the first page. I would love a dev response to this. Crazy bug.
  21. Yeah, I go back and forth. Some times I use them constantly, other times I forget about them completely. EDIT: If you go to 18 minutes in the main video I get Immortal after using my taunt(s) =].
  22. EDIT: Direct Link to the bug http://www.twitch.tv/sl4sh3rop/b/308434205# Teamate dies in the fire, enemy gets the ball and immediately gets a point for no reason. ***?
  23. In beta they had 12v12 Huttball games. It was horrible. Nothing but pure chaos. Way worse than 8v8, believe me, you don't want 12v12 Huttball.
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