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Posts posted by banehammer

  1. Reality check.

    I agree that AP has all the DR goodies and it should be more even with pyro. The suggestion of putting it into utilities makes perfect sense to me.

    I agree that the AP rotation is a little boring and simplistic. Increasing its complexity would go a long way towards balancing the class without nerfing damage (and would make it more fun too).


    Slightly off topic – Pyro… I love that you need to be a tricky SoB to catch 1 or more in a buffed flamethrower, but when you do, boy it’s sweet. So keep it, but reduce the ability bloat for the rotation pls. And putting some of the DR into utilities will help balance the two specs.

  2. Wow, just goes to show, give a brother a rope and he'll wana be a cowboy...

    You get something for 'free' and you'll complain about it.


    PT/VG tanks didn't 'lose' anything - Only the exclusivity of the charge ability. And to make up for that, we get transpose on top of existing abilities.


    I think it has tonnes of potential, especially in pvp which is what most of the new abilities have been aimed at - Mobility in pvp (cept maybe 'slingers).


    It'll be powerful in arena. Swap places with a friendly being targetted then carbonite them and flamesweep your little heart out, then AOE taunt before they all run away to hit something squishier.


    Huttball... OMG huttball. With jet charge and transpose and hydrolic overdrive the mobility for PT/VG tanks in 4.0 is giggidy giggidy.


    Don't complain about freebies ;P

  3. Anyone have advice on the following?


    If mastery will take place of all mainstats will that mean that any willpower, strength, aim and cunning datacrons will contribute? Ie. Before the expansion you could get about +50 mainstat from datacrons, now you'd have access to perhaps +150 - 200 if all are the same stat - mastery?


    And what if you ran around and got them all now, when the expansion launches, will they convert to mastery? (that ones prob a question for the dev's unless it's been answered already?)


    I hope the above is true. I think the datacrons are a great part of the game because not only do they encourage exploration but the outcomes contributes to every part of the game. Ie. The stat bonus contributes to PVE and PVP. I think this succeeds where other 'mini game' elements don't because they're too silo'd.

  4. Is there any solid info I can find on how the 'free' lvl 60 character that was mentioned early on is going to be handled?


    For instance, All my character slots are full, so will I get a new character slot?

    If I have a lvl 15 that I just want to boost to 60 because I have some nice gear bound to him, can I do that?



    Anyone know?


  5. Definitely TK.

    Burst is great, and so is AoE with +25% storm dmg utility.


    Balance is a little soft for solo because of the dependence on dots, but still viable of course. In the end, play what's fun. I just don't find 3.0+ balance fun.

  6. I’ve read that 3.1 brings a new vital shot animation/visual and I’m very keen to see it, anyone have a link?


    Scoundrels can be a little dull on the flashy’ness that I love so much about this game. ESPECIALLY after losing flachette (though it is a quality of life change and I’m not that cut about it… ) and XS freighter Flyby. – Which is an especially devastating loss for roleplayers, plain ol’ star wars fans and raw functionality lovers alike. Since it’s so damn core to the smuggler! Having his ship fly by… come on…


    I digress.


    Please link if you can, I hope it’s proper pewpewpew flashy :D

  7. I healed through him on my Sorc the other night.

    I guess we're weaker with AOE heals and that makes that particular fight difficult for us vs ops and mercs.

    However, since it's such a short fight (low HP), you can spam salvation and force bubbles, and use force mending (can't remember it's name...) on CD, without having to worry about running out of force.


    And on the flip side, the droid boss which immediately follows, is where a sorc healer is the most efficient due to having the best mobility of the 3 healers.

  8. I support this thread wholeheartedly! ;P

    Agree, make it a substantial time investment before hand by requiring a minimum legacy level. I agree with 50.

    Charge 2000CC's and people will pay it, myself included. I love levelling but doing all the side missions after playing the game for so long (since launch cause that's how rad I am) can be a real drag.


    Hey BW... Do it. Do it. :D

  9. Let's face it, Blaster Volley is trash. It barely works in my experience, it's just not reliable.


    In my opinion, there are two easy ways to improve DoT spreading.


    In Ruffian, have Shrap Bomb spread Vital Shot, just as it does for Gunslinger's Dirty Fighting.


    In Scrapper, have Thermal Grenade spread Vital Shot.


    Alternatively, change Blaster Volley.


    A suggestion would be to remove the upper hand requirement, make it channeled (similar to Gunslingers Sweeping Gunfire) and have it as a targetable AoE (again like SG). I think the 10m range would be feasible still in both specs.


    These would make my PvE life more enjoyable when dealing with adds or trash, it would also bring us on par with other classes on ease of spreading DoT's.


    What are people's thoughts?


    100% agree.

    Blaster volley is just bad. Or hows about giving XS freighter flyby back to the parent class... It is just awful that it was taken from scoundrels. It's so iconically smuggler to have their ship fly by and drop bombs. I think that was a very poor choice and I hope they roll it back :/

  10. I haven’t seen any pvp guides for 3.0, but from my own experience, here are a few things with utilities in the new lightning spec that are working particularly well for me –

    • Force speed - 2 x insta lightning bolts after force speed – Use it before you lose it. There’s so much mobility to the new spec, get the ‘emersion’ utility (tier 2) to remove movement impairment on use, makes it really easy to kite melee.

    • Force storm hits really hard now (nerf incoming…), crazy hard with a charge of recklessness. Get the +25% utility buff, ‘tempest mastery’ (tier 1) and use it when opportunity presents itself, you don’t have to worry about force management in pvp with this spec.

    • Overload with ‘force suffusion’ (tier 1) and ‘electric bindings’ (tier 2) heals you and allies as well as providing a root. Works really well together.

    • Using electrocute to ‘Sap strength’ (tier 1), reducing damage the enemy does by 25%, is pretty useful.

    • ‘Force mobility’ (tier 3) is what makes the new lightning so damn fun and mobile. Casting TB on the run can mean you can do the following rotation without having to stand still to cast at all – AF > TB > CL > LF > ForceSpeed + LB > LB > (then SHOCK if you want). Then you’re about at the point where TB will be coming off of cooldown, so hit ‘em with it again for another free insta-CL. Precast CD if you have the opportunity, or use it sometime after LF for the reduced cast time.

    • ‘Haunted dreams’ (tier 3), making whirlwind an instacast is awesome for getting jumped by 2 enemies and shaming them with a solo win ;P

  11. Lightning is bad***** in pvp now. With thundering blast on the run, lightning flash hitting hard and reducing the cast time of Crushing Darkness, force speed giving two instacast lightning bolts and of course the free and instant chain lightning procs... You can burn down someone to 10% HP without having to stop to cast.



  12. Hey everyone, anyone who is returning or interested in playing swtor 3.0 and are looking for a Imperial oceanic player based guild, Wookie Muff newly formed semi serious / social guild that will be looking at Ops for new 3.0 plus do older ops are recruiting all lvls and types of players. Got Team Speak, XP Bonus Guild Bank etc. Just either send Myself (Tylivis in game whisper) or Hulk-Angry, Lortharius or Cyber'Warrior.


    Sweet, will do :)

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