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Posts posted by Rikalonius

  1. Is this some kind of KOTR canonical thing that I'm not aware of or just ugly game design? I cringe every time I see a dude with cornrows in this game, so I cringe a lot. Every time I see an imperial officer with corn rows I want to shut the game off. I'm all for varied hair designs but you guys need to select some hair to not come up in your randomizer when you make NPC's. It looks totally ridiculous.


    It's the new hotness of 3500 BBY

  2. Even with the voice actors, more species could have been possible as proven by alien companions that were player armor. Companions races that speak basic and wear player gear. Devaronian, Weequay, Cathar, Togruta, Mon Calamari, Gand, Chagrian. Also Quezen Fess wears player gear, so Trandoshan could have been a playable race because some of them speak basic.
  3. Ok, I'm not one to post threads to encourage or feed trolls. But instead of saying this same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over :eek: ((deep breath)) and over and over and over again, I'm saying it once and done.




    2. I see complaint upon complaint over things said, then things changed. This isn't politics. It's not that serious. They may say one thing fully intending it to hold true and be it. But then down the road they realize, "Hey, not going to be able to do that, but we can do this. Cause quite possibly doing that other thing we said would not come out as good as we hoped." ANY game developer tries to make a game that appeals to as many people as possible, while maintaining quality and vision. Sometimes their vision doesn't line up with your vision. SO WHAT! Not your vision not your game. Things don't ALWAYS come out the way you expect them to.


    "You can't always get what you waaant"


    Seriously, while you have control over your toon online in what he does and doesn't do, you have to come to a point where you realize in real life, you don't always have control. Nothing is "OWED" to you. Just because you complain and cry and hold your breath and kick your feet does not give you the right, or footing to bash a company because you can't get Rainbow Dash as a mount in ToR.


    Ok, I think I'm done now. Rant subsiding. Please everyone, just remember, it's a game. Have fun. Don't get addicted and have Social Services called on you cause you forgot to feed your kids and it's all gravy. Life's to short to have an annurism ((yeah don't know how to spell that but you get the picture)) because you can't ride a taun taun. :jawa_tongue:


    Geez, almost 4 years of listening to this same mantra. Maybe we aren't owed anything, but we don't owe Bioware anything either, including loyalty. The broken promises are legion at this point. Some of us stay around to try and fight the good fight, but the rest have voted with their wallet.

  4. I was thinking, Shouldnt SWTOR include Weather, and day/night cycles? to improve the realistic veiw of the game


    I was personally getting burned out on a Tatoonie that was sunny...24/7...why not add some night time into the game, i would love to roam around a night time Tattoine, Belsavis, Coruscant, Alderaan, etc. also adding weather in the planet experiances, like rain storms, dust storms, wind, snow storms. I believe this was included in the SW movies...


    Please let me know what you all think!


    It could be done, but then you have to have textures for every planet for both day and night. Taris has it, as Empire sees it at night while Republic sees it during the day, but that's the only one. Using the old single light source model looks like crap and is very recourse intensive, which is the last thing this engine needs. Baked textures are absolutely the way to go in my opinion, so I'm cool with no day night cycle in lieu of a pretty look. I honestly don't see my boredom with the leveling process suddenly changing because it is night time.

  5. I give it 6 months before you can buy this in the cashshop. 12 months before you can change any class to any other class in the cashshop. :(


    How long before you can change races and gender for your current character. Ooo, I vote at the same time as these other items.

  6. Look at the OP, it says it right in there.


    My apologies for not reading that properly. I'm going to go cry now. That's what you do when someone you loved violates you so badly! I'm like a BioWare domestic abuse victim. Oh DA2 stunk, I know you'll do better with Mass Effect 3. Oh, that was a horrible and unfinished ending, and you want me to spend money your CCG that doesn't even have collectible cards called M3 multiplier. No, I don't want to press charges, they are a good company, it's my fault.

  7. HK is just a bunch of BS. Back during San Diego Comic-Con they said HK-51 would be released in "the very near future". Now they say they have no idea when he will be released.:rolleyes:


    I'm not doubting you, but i would like a link to someone saying they have no idea when it will be released, because that could just be the nail in the proverbial coffin for me. If there is even a hint of cartel coins or cash shop being involved, I'm so done.

  8. Is giving false promises lying?


    Is a business giving false promises or lying fraud?


    Is a business that displays a pattern of false promises and lying to paying customers civil fraud?


    Is a business that displays a pattern of false promises and lying to paying customers civil and criminal fraud?


    Any lawyers out there that can explain this to me a simple customer who feels he has been hoodwinked?


    We are all PO'd abut it, but unfortunately the EUA pretty solidly backs the company's right to screw you over. We all sign those things willy nilly in ways we would never do in real life. Can you imagine if a car dealer put a contract in your face with similar language, nobody would ever sign it, and place would go out of business, but we're all guilty of ravenously hitting "agree" so we can get to our game. ALL OF US.

  9. Sounds good to me. I'd rather pay $50 than kill the same 5 people over and over again on 4 whole maps for hours on end. Thanks in advanced EA and BioWare :D


    And you will continue to feed the beast. Great job! Trust me, though, you are a minority, and EA/Bioware will never do what they are promising to do, because they have't done anything they promised to do yet. They will try and have another big payday with $14 dollar box-sales, then hope to milk some cash out everyone with cash purchases, and then they'll just hope to have enough money to run the 10 servers that are left while they move on to another title.

  10. I'd like to see where all this talk of a cash shop is comming from?? F2P isn't even out yet and people are complainaing about something that doesn't exist.. I don't get it??


    Past behavior predicts future behavior. FTP is a one-trick pony. Just take a look at all other FTP, and then look at Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. The writing is on the wall for anyone willing to read it.

  11. On the swg emu fb pages there is so much hate for swtor

    They say there isn't much to do, I been playing for a while now and still keep busy where as in swg I was always bored.


    There's plenty of content tbh, and there will be more, bored at 50 and geared and everything? U do realize you can make a new toon!


    Maybe these people like to play games 24/7, but in that case any game would eventually get boring. Or maybe their computers aren't good enough so they hate on it, lol jk


    I love swtor; honestly the best game I have ever played.


    Been hearing rumors that swtor will be shut down and they are petitioning for a swg remake...


    Please don't do this :(


    As someone who has played since pre-launch, has 4 50s, 3 25+, and one 10, I don't hate the game. The problem is that while the class stories were decent, they only made up 10 hours of the leveling process. The rest of it is filled with re-doing the same quests over and over. I don't hate the game, but other than it's VO, it is honestly not very innovative. This is the conclusion that my friend and I who played SWG up till the NGE, EQ1, EQ2, and WoW. The game is solid, but it is solidly status quo.


    Is there stuff to do at 50. Yes, but it isn't something you can repeat over and over and over again without getting deeply depressed by it. The operations are decent, but nothing different than other MMOs; same for the flashpoints. I hate their rail space shooter, but I hear-tell others like it. To each his own I guess. BioWare didn't do enough to make this a game you want to stay with it. It's horribly disposable.


    I'm not saying SWG was a good game, it wasn't, and the myrmidon SWG fanatics are bigger water-carriers than any Biofan. The one good thing SWG has going for it, however, is that your character reflects your investment in more than just the latest gear pieces. Had SWTOR offered that little bit of sandbox hybridization they had promised early on, i.e. player housing --and had they not screwed up so bad on the gear customization, I think they may have retained some players. Add to that the total screw up that is Illum, and PVP in general, were they god's honest truth can't seem to balance the classes even a little bit.

  12. I think all three games mentioned in the article have the top down stench of EA business practices souring their potential sales. I know as a fan of Battlefield since 1942 became Desert Warfare, I read many, many post complaining of lack of LAN support, and lack of modding support. EA didn't recognize the difference in the Battlefield franchise fans and the CoD ones. CoD was a console game from the outset, not so with Battlefield. So EA made a calculated decision to cast off its fan base in hopes of grabbing the console market. Big mistake.


    Couple that with their marketing the most popular map off all time as a DLC and you can see why fans were a little ticked at EA.


    The same trickery came into play with Mass Effect 3. A great game, but with the day 1 DLC controversy, the horrible ending (punctuated by the infamous DLC advert following said ending), they again gutted fans in favor of another market. I used to buy Madden, but after this last year I refused to buy NCAA and I refuse to buy Madden. I may be only one person, but it looks like I'm not the only one who is tired of Riccitiello's shtick. Go back to Sara Lee you hack!


    Now I like SWTOR, but it is a far cry from what was promised, and as someone who was a very active member of the forums for three years prior to launch, I got to watch as one promise after another went out the window. We watched as feedback was ignored and features were implemented in direct contradiction to player opinion. Well, BioWare, maybe you didn't have a choice in dealing with EA, but this is what happens when you get in bed with a corporate entity who has long ago abandoned any semblance of a gaming company, and has become the multimedia conglomerate juggernaut they are.

  13. Does Kaliyo recognise whether or not you are a fellow Rattataki?


    I doubt it. I have a human agent so I don't know for sure, but the dialog never seems to go beyond "alien" for any conversation. For instance, you'd think my Chiss Bounty Hunter would a better reception on Hoth, but they never recognize him as a fellow Chiss. The same goes for a Chiss agent. The Twi'lek outcasts on Tython never acknowledge you as a fellow Twi'lek if you play one as a Jedi Knight or Consular. You'd think given their predicament, they'd appeal to your race in hopes of gaining your understanding.


    The only dialog I've ever seen recognition of your actual species, other than to call you an alien, is when the Sith Pureblood woman just inside the Academy on Korriban recognizes a Sith Warrior Pureblood as a Pureblood.

  14. The first time HK-47 met Malak Malak asked what HK thought of him. HK informed Malak of his 'meatbag' status and it amused Revan so much that he programmed HK to refer to all organics in that manner. LOL! I loved that bit of backstory...


    I don't think Revan programmed him to refer to all organics as meatbags, but he certainly encouraged it. I know this goes partially against the wookiepedia, but I've always felt HK-47 was better thought of as partially "alive" LIke he actually has a taint of the darkside in him. I've always thought of him like Steven King's Christine, or Leland Gaunt from Needful Things. He pretends to be your servant, but slowly manipulates you into doing things you wouldn't have otherwise done. Before you know it, you are having him murder everything in sight, and when it comes crashing down, he fades away as a harmless protocol droid again, looking for another victim to manipulate.


    When I found the missing dialog between HK-47 and G0TO on Malachor V, i was disgusted that the game wasn't finished. It was clear that HK-47 is something different from the copy-cat models based on his design.


    So I'm glad HK-51 doesn't say "meatbag" because that is something that HK-47 says, because he's unique.

  15. I was waiting for him to says "Hell, it's about time." Nice homage, Bioware. Still, I can't wait for my HK-51. My Agent will be the first to get it. Two Psychopathic androids on one ship, done! I just wish my Voss wife could join me.
  16. People who want to play exotic species is a minority, yet the work required to make all the gear and animations work on a single exotic specie simply outweighs the benefit. The majority of players prefer humanoid-species whom they can more easily relate with, as such more work is done of those species.


    Had BioWare introduced species, chances are those species will have: 1. awkward animations, 2. nearly all the gear in the game do not show up, or only show up in a very limited number of forms, 3. no proper VO, only alien gibberish. Only in such circumstances can the amount of work be justified. Yet if that had happened then I'm certain there will be even more complaints. As a result BioWare chose the safer option of not introducing those species as playable characters at all.


    People who wanted non rubber forehead humans were not the minority, they just disagreed on which alien species should win out over others. If you could go back to many of the pre-release poles, you'd find that number of votes for something other than humanoid won out over humanoid.


    Rodians are humanoids, no change to animations or gear required. Trandoshan, Togruta, Mon Cal, Devaronian, Weequay, and Cathar are all companion characters that were designed to wear player gear, so any of those could have easily been a playable race. There are examples of Trandos speaking basic as well. The decision to use rubber forehead aliens was argued for by Daniel Ericson with his infamous "Princess Leia" defense. To paraphrase, if you couldn't imaging your character kissing Princess Leia, then it wouldn't see the light of day as a playable species. Which is funny since I guess the female trooper can get down with some furry action, and that isn't weird.

  17. I think the devs need to cut out this tap dance, cut directly to the matter, and make it clear to all players on all servers:


    The Red Zone is for the immediate loading and unloading of passengers. There is no parking in the Red Zone.


    "Listen Betty, don't start up with your red zone sh** again."

  18. Honestly, I give up on this game ever having a viable economy.


    Other than augments, I cant think of a single thing that is crafted that I would buy or need.


    How did crafting turn out to be so useless in this game?


    I see how they tried to make the economy a little more viable by allowing cross faction GTN, but even that is worthless because for some stupid reason when I buy a republic piece of armor on my IMP, it turns into the damn IMP version!


    Meidcal or stimpacks? Oh maybe if you are a min-maxer that has to have the best and be buffed all the time, but frankly i run PvP, HM FPs, and never once have I used a stim unless I happen to get one for free out of loot, and I have beat every single FP in the game.


    And I'm not even hard core.


    But to make things worse, there are so many damn gold sinks in this game its ridiculous.


    If I remember correctly, it takes around 4 hours to do all the dailies, for a total of ~300k.


    Well lets figure out operating costs, repair bills, swapping mods, those f-ing expensive legacy perks, augment costs, oh great, all that money I spent the whole day making? Gone.


    Seriously, some of us only play ~5 hours a week, I dont want to spend my whole damn time grinding dailies.




    I play this game to have fun.


    The irony, is for example, by the time I grind all the credits and Legacy experience to get my "XP bonus stuff" unlocked for an alt to "Customize my playstyle" I could have just leveled the damn alt up.


    All that time you "save" not having to grind boring planet missions you have done 10 times already is spent grinding credits to get the stuff that is suppose to save you time.


    SO the economy is completely dead. Huge gold sinks, to "keep inflation down" on the items nobody is buying anyway.


    So you played the game for four hours and earn money to purchase the items you wanted to purchase.


    I see flaws in your logic train there pal. You spend 5 hours a week playing and you have notable repair costs? On bad day during EC progression in full Rakata I spent maybe 60K in repair costs. How much repair cost could you have? I have an Agent who does all my dailies, he is in most blue 50s mods, with a couple of purple ones. After a full set of Belsavis, Illum, and The Black Hole, I maybe have a 2000 credit repair bill, if I didn't die. I don't even do all my dailies every day. It also doesn't take me 4 hours.


    Legacy perks. What legacy perks are you all that interested in when you play 5 hours a week? I've bought the repair droid and the mailbox. That's 1 million credits, and I only bought the mailbox because I prefer to be on my ships to send out companion gifts and easily log from character to character. Neither of those seem particularly necessary for someone playing 5 hours a week. Do you need a target dummy?


    Changing all those mods. On what? How often are you swapping them?


    Augment costs? I didn't spend a dime on augments. I ran slicing missions with one character until i got the mod I wanted for my Bounty Hunter, who is an Armormech. Then I crafted all the green gear to disenchant and make my augment kits, and my augments. You seem to just want your gear to instantaneously be a certain way. If you want that, you pay for it. I just made a million credits yesterday on people who wanted augment kits right now. I'll start making my own now.

  19. An example of Bioware's censorship. This is a deliberate attempt by Bioware to quiet the people who are so unsatisfied with their game that they cancel their subscription. I might be one of those people in the not so distant future if certain issues are not resolved.


    Why could people post on the forums before the game were released openly without purchasing the game. Suddenly the community is censored. In other words Bioware doesn't want to listen to your opinion unless you pay them their monthly fee. Should not the simple purchase of the game be enough to post on the forums? We purchased the product but Bioware will not allow us to participate in the forums unless with pay them a monthly fee. I never thought I would see captialism used to censor the customer, but Bioware is on the frontier of censorship it seems. Why not. We all know that everything is working as intended anyways!!!


    Anyways good job censoring people Bioware. I am ashamed that I once respected the founders of Bioware. Obviously their success has made them lose touch with reality or stop caring about their product. Bioware should be ashamed of censoring people who purchased their game on the forums. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen an MMO do and I go back to the beginning. I can't believe Bioware is going to censor their players who purchased the game by allowing read only access for non-subscribing members. Shame shame Bioware.


    I have the right to post this since I pay. Sadly enough before the game came out ANYONE could post. Now you can only post if you pay us our monthly fee even though you bought the game. Good job listening to your customers Bioware.


    You must not have a very good memory of the forums pre-launch. I for one was ecstatic to finally get rid of the bitter, vitriol spewing haters who had nothing constructive to add to any conversation. They did however take the time to write too long, nonsensical, illogical posts about how much the hated Bioware, how badly the game was gonna fail, and whatever other cliched rhetoric their fingers banged out on their keyboards.


    Calling it censorship is disingenuous. The right of free speech is a limitation placed against the federal government. It is not censorship. This is a private club for paying members. If you no longer hold a membership, you no longer have access to the service. Is it censorship for an Airline to have a private area for preferred customers? Can I lift weights at Planet Fitness if I'm not a member? If I stopped the payment on my membership to my Muay Thai academy, I promise you, they'd stop training me --and if I stood there yelling and screaming at them about democracy and censorship, they would forcibly remove me.


    If you don't like Bioware's business practices, then don't join their club. If enough people don't join their club, they may change their business practices. That's capitalism. The problem arises when an infinitesimal small number of people don't like a company's business practices, but they see that very few people agree with them, that they have a meltdown.

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