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Everything posted by Naitaka

  1. They're obviously better people than you'll ever be for having pre-ordered at an earlier date. How dare you taint their forum with your incessant whining! You should hang your head in shame now for not throwing your money at Bioware for a product you knew absolutely nothing about and had no pricing structure announced.
  2. I predict it'll take less than 2 hours for someone to drop all sort of spoilers all over the channel. Best of luck to your endeavor though!
  3. People needs to keep this thread on page 1 so fans and disgruntled customers taking pot shot at each others aren't ALL that we see on this forum.
  4. Females exist in MMO to get all the reward without doing any work just like how virgins exist to hunt unicorns. This is a fact!
  5. Conjecture and speculation, don't we all love them? Can we please stop adding fuel to the fire and just let the forum run its course without people creating more animosity?
  6. This is almost as good as the post on EvE forum about a husband that had an overdose because everyone stole his stuff while he was in therapy...almost.
  7. A post that's not mired in anger and hate?! What has this forum come to! May the Dark Side take you all in the end *shake fist*
  8. Exactly my sentiment, I've been saying this since last night. This feels a reenactment of the Hellgate London community during its however short life-span. Comes, 20th, people on either extreme won't just forgive and forget and the community WILL suffer for it.
  9. Stop sprouting lies. Highest I've seen is barely reaching level 30. And yes this issue has been around for many builds already, I HIGHLY doubt Bioware will take any actions against these players.
  10. Just seems there's way too much rage on both side that Bioware should just put Dark Side corruption on everyone on the fourm.
  11. Yah, I'm not saying Bioware have done anything wrong by sticking to their plan. However, regardless of whether the launch is a success itself. A significant amount of people seems not to be taking it very well. And this community is suffering as a result. Most of the interaction I've had with other Bioware fans on the forum was overwhelmingly positive before swtor, and now we have this...
  12. Do people on the forum honestly think that once Dec 20th rolls around, everyone will just forgive and forget and put all the bad blood and animosity from the EGA out of their mind? Whatever the EGA might have done for server stability, it is doing way more effective of a job of splitting the community into elitist ***** (according to one side) and whining QQer who don't have the patience to wait their turn (according to the other side).
  13. because I have experienced Hellgate London's mess of a launch. I would not pre-order anything before knowing exactly the price model and having seen extensive amount of gameplay.
  14. But they're sure to have rivals! =P
  15. Yes, pull the troll card on anyone you don't agree with. Real classy. Just another thing to remind me of the good old Hellgate London community before it crashed and burned.
  16. You're asking for a reason, I gave you a likely reason. Calm down, no need to get angry here. Just because you're fine starting a game 4 years late doesn't mean other people are. People have different expectation and different ways to play a game. Perhaps getting server first isn't a priority for you or me, but it might be for others. *shrug* just saying that it's not all that incomprehensible.
  17. The fact that day1 will still be 3 days ahead of them in gear progression doesn't seem to enter your brain either. Honestly though, unless they're tied down by their guild, why not choose a fresh server to start on?
  18. ...the Hellgate London community. Disproportionate amount of hate directed at the Developers, checked. Fanboi defense force out to call every post with an ounce of negativity troll, checked. Every thread looking like a PvP War Zone gone bad, checked. Community Managers working overtime, checked. Whatever the case with Bioware's launch of the game itself, you can't argue the fact that the community is not off to a good start, let's just hope we don't starting seeing "Bioware'ed.com" popping up soon.
  19. Just think of it like this. Would you rather your character have an exp bar that shows exactly how long it will take you to reach the next level even though you're getting tiny amount of exp per mob, or to have no visual indication of when you'll level at all?
  20. I agree with the op on this. These forum exist for a reason, there's no excuse to not have the same information on their own official forum to begin with.
  21. If you're going to stream it, I vote for Imperial Agent. Most entertaining storyline on the Empire side imho.
  22. December 5th, not in yet. Nor do I expect myself to be in before the weekend.
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