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10 Good
  1. This is the saddest post I have ever read. You were probably the type of kid who broke other kids' toys that you selfishly wanted.
  2. I'm amazed by how many Eric Cartmans we have in this community. Seriously, even if everyone who is waiting doesn't get in until the 20th (the actual day the game is officially released!), nobody would die! This immature entitlement mentality amongst gamers (specifically MMO gamers) is disgraceful and only further validates the stereotypes of gamers (again, specifically MMO gamers) being fat, socially defunct, immature losers who live in their basements. In other words, a bunch of Eric Cartmans. Grow up people. Bioware never had to give us any early launch, and while they likely did it mostly for their own purposes (trickling in users, stabilizing servers, etc.), ultimately they did it to improve the gaming experience for US! Wait your turn, quit complaining like a child, and be thankful for even being able to live in a country where such luxuries as this even exist!
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