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Everything posted by Rahlex

  1. Frankly, the main reason world PVP has always been one of my favorite aspects of an MMO is the LACK of an objective. Why does there have to be an objective? All the options have an objective involved, why can't we have some killing be the objective? On my server Ilum was at its best when it was massive teams battling it out against each other. Sure it was objective based (if you can call it that) but the only reason people wanted the central point was for armaments and to increase the valor buff. Ilum could have been better by putting Armaments at ALL capture points, dispersing the larger faction and allowing the smaller faction to then go from point to point picking off smaller groups rather than having to zerg central as that is the only place where anything good is. Crafting nodes in the zone would also bring more people to the zone and leave many single players around for possible 1v1 or small group fights. I enjoy large scale battle but many don't, and even more people's computers can't handle the large fights so the only option is to reduce the amount of players in the battles, to my dismay. 1) Have the entire world PVP zone give a valor buff, incentivizing people to go there and stay there even if it is just for in between warzone ques. The buff should be removed after a warzone and reapplied only if the player is in that zone. Much like the Ilum valor buff from before it gives bonus valor for PVP kills in the zone and an extra little bit from each warzone. Leave the capture points but have them increase the amount of bonus valor. The flat buff just for being there will incentivize people to be in the zone, and the increased valor from points will further incentivize people to max their valor while they're there, stimulating the PVP action over said cap points. NOT centralizing everything to one cap point for both factions to fight over will not only reduce group size ( as there is less need to zerg one point on the map ) and therefore help alleviate a lot of the performance issues people had while in Ilum. Balancing the outnumbered with NPCs or a bolster type buff would also help the servers that have heavy population imbalances where one faction is basically guaranteed to be outnumbered every day no matter what. 2) Letting players of the lower populated faction use their companion is one thing that may help but let's take it a step further. Give players of the lower populated faction the ability to summon NPCs at a base controlled by their faction by racking up deaths. Adding an incentive to dieing will also keep people in the zone. Think of the Deathstreak reward from Call of Duty but each additional death allows 1 additional NPC to be summoned up to the amount of players the other faction has in the zone. This would make people be not so mad about being farmed by the other team but get them saying to themselves "Yeah you can have this death, but when I come back with a dozen NPC's we'll see who's laughing then", and people won't abandon the zone when they know they're outnumbered and hopeless, as with the aid of those NPC's even if you are outnumbered it isn't completely hopeless. The NPC's shouldn't be meant to be of equal power to a player but more of a threat in combination with their general or in large numbers where most likely there is also multiple enemies taking them out. This would even let solo players go out there and die a few times, get a few NPCs and go wipe out a small group of enemies for kills of his own. This can be expanded to include operations commands to these NPCs. Ops leader and lieutenants can have the option to command the NPCs to attack certain enemy players, just as a team of people would coordinate focus fire, giving the NPC's the feel of a group of trainees being commanded by their General Jedi/Sith. Similar to the companion system but expanded to a group of NPC's limited only to the world PVP zone. No other game has this and if any developer can handle companion systems I would think it's you guys (Bioware). Face it, 2 faction world PVP will never be perfect so we can't let perfection be the enemy of something at the least. You (Bioware) have admitted Ilum is a failure which is why this feedback request even happened, as if there wasn't feedback on the forums before Ilum was completely withdrawn and restarted. Right now there is no aspect of World PVP in this entire game and nothing that will ever be done will be perfect, ever. Ever. I'm not saying my suggestions would make it perfect, but as much as I heard the guys at the Guild Summit talk about "incentives" the whole team has failed to realize that in order to stimulate World PVP there has to be an "Incentive" for people to do so. These ideas are designed to incentivize people to stay in the zone and add more incentives to actually take part in the PVP. Instead of the same old tried and failed balancing act that people have done with 2 faction PVP like buffs and static NPC's. Try something new and fresh that no one has done yet. No, it won't be perfect but at least no one can say it's a copy of anything and for that reason alone it draws appeal. I'm sure your marketing team can have a field day with this as well. As I'm sure this would not be an easy task and would definitely be a lengthy endeavor, please do not leave Ilum as it is right now until then. At least revert it to how it was but with Armaments at all points and resources in the zone. That shouldn't take that long to add, but there is frustratingly little World PVP at any time of any day any more. Before it was only really good on Tuesdays for resets when everyone would try for weekly in one day, and maybe Monday while people were trying to finish before reset but since all incentives have been pushed on to Warzones Ilum and World PVP in general has been non-existent.
  2. My guild cleared 16 man EV and after killing soa while fighting through ball lightning the entire way down since they bugged and didn't despawn the loot doesn't spawn on the boss. Instead it spawns about 10 feet in the air in a purple crystal lookin thing. When I looted we saw the mount dropped, which I won after guild deliberation. And most other items were destined. Most people recieved their destined items, but one didn't recieve his saber, and I never recieved my mount. The loot literally despawned out of nowhere and poof, goodbye. Has this happened to anyone else and has ticketing worked?
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