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Everything posted by barricadezero

  1. Im leveling up a Vanguard trooper and was wondering which stat is more usefull for him. Crit or power? I got armormech as a crew skill and was just figuring out which direction I would need to go.
  2. Stupid question here- I'm gonna play a Jedi Knight Guardian and cant stand the Jedi armor and love the Trooper armor. I'm gonna get some orange trooper armor and wear it on my Jedi. If I get to end game and get the tier armor for Jedi Knight- I know I can take out the "stats" and put it in orange trooper armor, but don't I lose the set bonus?
  3. I'm starting a new Jedi guardian and was wondering what would be the must useful crew skill for leveling? I was thinking synthweaving. Just was curious and wanted opinions.
  4. When I first saw the commando with the assault cannon I thought it was pretty awesome. Now I wish blaster rifle was the choice for commandos. It just seems more commando like to roll with a blaster rifle as a ranged DPS Has anyone heard that rifle might become an option for commandos? Like how in WOW the warrior has a DW or 2h spec type deal or something. Or maybe you guys think that might be an option in the future.
  5. So orange items are modable to level all the way through. Now, can you mod orange item with the highest level mods and still be comparable to the high end tier armour?
  6. Looking to roll a republic toon and was wondering what are you guys opinions of the most populated Republic servers. Empire just trashes the Republic side in numbers and I dont want to roll a Republic toon and be all alone lol.
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