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Everything posted by Tetian

  1. Maybe your problem you don't know how to play your class and need to reroll something else or go back to playing with building blocks.
  2. Dude are you high???? You must be a Bloodelf in WoW. I have played warcraft series since it first game out. It was all good till BC when they started screwing with the lore little here little there and finally got to point where it doesn't even make any sort of sense anymore. Leveling SWTOR is way more riveting than WoW. Only time I had enjoy leveling was from 80-85 rest of it was pretty borning.
  3. IMO the MMO game is just breaking down into its little niches. All mmo from now to until forever will compare to WoW or EQ because they the are foundation. Unless you're up for making Virtual reality , holographics, or something don't expect some completely revolutionary in the gaming world. Just expect lil better graphics here, physics there, I bet in a year SWTOR will be back up where it was when it launch.
  4. Im in for the long haul, but I think biggest thing hurting the game is how demanding the graphics are for some people
  5. http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/star-wars-old-republic-loses-400-000-subscribers-233012275.html
  6. Where do some of the premade guild hosting sites get their information for Hard Mode & OPs progression? I am working on server website for Empress Teta to coordinate things server wide, build rep, and recruit. I would like to possibly include some of the codes to these snazzy modules.
  7. I hate to do this, but please do something I have people telling to skip heroics and flashpoints, I rather so i wait patiently for lvl 50s to run but I rather do with a grp my level so please do something soon.
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