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    Clarkston, MI
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  1. Whats the dps spec of choice madness or deception? also, I'm racking my brain here try to get my accuracy to 105% anyone know the best way to get there? or maybe a good website that details what your gear and mods should look like completed? Thanks in advance
  2. Skilled player LF pvp guild, currently with 5 total characters. I am looking for a guild that understands each WZ's strategies, tactics and puts winning above the padding of their numbers. I currently have mumble, ventrilo and teamspeak. Working on a 46 Assassin dps, 55 Sorc healer (almost full conqueror gear), 55 smash Jugg (full Partisan), 50 Op (dps, but thinking of moving to heals), 50 Merc dps (hate this character). I'm not looking to join just any guild that throws out an invite or a guild that just started yesterday, would be willing to form a new guild with some experienced players of the same mind set. Strategies and Tactics over a lose with ridiculous numbers from players that just care about themselves. I can be reached in game on either Heisenburgg or Divulse or reply to this thread and I'll get a hold of you.
  3. Fatoo

    worst PvP ever

    Its called legacy gear
  4. Fatoo

    worst PvP ever

    Its called legacy gear
  5. Yes I was trying to bring more attention to the issue, seems as though the squeaky wheel might get some grease if enough complain about it.
  6. This is getting out of hand bioware, how do you expect a 6 man team to even have a chance against a full 8 man team. 6 v 8 or 7 v 8 is unacceptable when you know others are just sitting in queue to enter a match. Get off your butts and stop working on meaningless garbage. So what my companion can unify its colors!!!!! Can someone see that gameplay should come before sprucing up the game with fluff????????
  7. Yep, straight up broke! Im a worthless body in a WZ now cause a key ingredient in my spec is severely bugged. The smash goes off in a group of 4-5 and im lucky if it hits 2 of them, and I have personally witnessed a 6k smash register right over their head and their helth never moved a bit. Please fix this bug!
  8. Fatoo

    CC is off the hook

    I hardly ever post to forums, so this is my 30 sec on the soap box. CC is way off the hook, the resolve bar needs to kick in sooner. Can anyone tell me that its not ridiculous to get cc'd 3 - 4 times in a row?? and you would think that once you are white barred you git a few second of relief, but no...... here comes a root!
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