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Everything posted by kunomchu

  1. Its a real pain in the *** when you travel to the fleet with intent on forming a group, only to delve into spam hell. Then you have to go all the way back to your questing area.. This means Hangar Run to Ship Load ship Run to Pilot seat Select planet and run back to door Run to the orbital station Run through orbital station Run to Shuttle to get back to Planet Take taxi back to where you were before In Wow... Oops no group? Well i'm going to take a FP back to my town or... wait i can use my 1hr/15min hearth! No load screen or just 1. Done. Its not like this game is a open world mmo where you can trek by foot from hoth to corellia. Theres so many instances to go through.
  2. As a former wow player, b4 and after the dungeon finder, I see ups and downs. But I do ultimately support a dungeon finder. ups: Quick groups (almost instant if you are a tank) All business (run dungeon, get loot, get out) Mostly overgeared people running dailies Downs: Not Noob Friendly No communication (no friending) No consequences for ninja looting or being a baddie Member kicking doesn't work People quit and leave groups easily I'm in a large guild consisting of 300+ members. Reason for joining this guild? Another channel to spam LFG. It sucks how there isn't a global lfg channel. My server pop only has 120-190 ppl on the republic fleet at a time. I spent 1hr + just trying to set up a group for Maelstrom Prison. 30minutes to get a heals and 1 dps. Nearly 25minutes spamming to find 1 extra dps.... DPS!!!! took a 15minute break and attempted again for another 30 minutes. I would like BW to learn from Blizz and improve and create a better dungeon finder. Do not enable cross server partying. Make it easily to group without messing with the community overall.
  3. I had Kira do most of the work. I geared her up pretty and got lucky from Cademimu drops. Basically interrupt. Helps if you are biochem, use your medpack.
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