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Everything posted by ReckonerH

  1. Im not generating high amount of dps in my tank spec and my companions are nearly useless. Healer companion cant heal fast enough, tank companion drops too quick, and dps dont damage enough. Even with me interupting the heal and killing the mob spawn, I struggle to get this monstrosity to half health. Is my only choice to come back when Im more geared or am I missing something?
  2. Since upgrading to my new PC game has been running completely smooth. Game engine could support it, it's just very demanding on older computers.
  3. So they changed their minds, ok. Yeah I thought I remembered reading this would be a monthly thing. Pretty bad to put it out there and not go through with it...
  4. A while back I received a free name change option in my email. I was wondering if this is a regular occurance for being a subscriber or if it was a one time thing.
  5. That sounds awesome! I've got a lv 40 something trooper on the server. Any way of contacting you for a guild invite?
  6. Have a full set of conqueror (lv65 mods) pvp tank gear. Been entertaining the thought of running some HMs and/or Ops. Given that I know the tank mechanics and the fights and all other factors in play on my part, is the gear itself viable enough? At launch I was able to successfully tank in pvp gear that was available at the time (quite frankly the entire guild was in pvp gear for the run). It was pretty neat.
  7. Both in pvp and pve, whenever Im being overwhelmed I pop both to stall for time so my healer(s) can come to the rescue or whatnot. Lately I've been wondering if that's the right move since I'm using two defensive cooldowns and whether I should split them up. Do they stack together for a comfortable amount of damage prevention or should I start casting one as soon as the other depletes?
  8. Recently upgraded computer so I get to play on all of Ultras glory
  9. Voss. It has that one place where the two factions have flight paths right next to each other. Pilgrim Retreat? Had some great pvp battles around launch time there.
  10. When travelling the planets outside wzs or arenas and you get in pvp battles, is it better to have pvp gear or pve?
  11. Even for us Republic guys Ilum definitely had its moments when the game came out. My guildies and I would separate from the gank fest at the base and go around collecting the crates(? forget what they were) and would pick off straglers or imps moving around on their own. After a while the imps would get wind of what was happening behind them and stop camping our base and go hunt us down Alas, it was not meant to be. Ilum was just too demanding for the game's engine. Majority of the time I was playing at 1 fps and standing around in the base collecting "kills" for the daily. If you were within a certain perimeter when someone on your faction got a kill it counted for you as well. Upgraded computer since then, shame Ilum has been all but forgotten. With the new computer the game runs much smoother for me.
  12. So I notice my old level 50 champion set has higher stats than some of the greens I picked up on Makeb, should I keep using those Champion pieces until I replace them with Conqueror/Obroan?
  13. Just got to level 55, went to buy some pvp mods and noticed expertise stats on them. I thought they were taken out.
  14. http://static.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/1332353660092_2974942.png
  15. Hate to be that guy but, nowhere near as funny as star wars kid was at the time. Plus the novelty of these has worn off.
  16. I guess it helps that I tank so the odds of me getting matched in a decent class composition is more favourable. But still, queue times are really short, at least on bastion here. Getting put into an arena game now and then should be refreshing I think.
  17. Recently came back as well, and I too enjoy pvp tanking a lot. How is your peeling? Are you slowing down the enemies with freezing force? Are you guardian leaping away towards allies? It might help. Good luck.
  18. Nice defense spec guide. Its very similar to my own rotations and talents
  19. Recently came back again to the game and playing with a buddy of mine. Our arena games are really fun. Quick and to the point. Everyone who has been put in with us has been completely cooperative up to now. It's a fresh change from long/semi long wzs. Yet I'm hearing talk here of getting them out of matchmaking? Why?
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