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Everything posted by geoffreyromain

  1. they stated that!??! okay thats awesome! got something to look forward to now
  2. Thank you! we are supposed to say this. its so bioware can hear us out and think on it. we are the paying customers after all we should have the chance to voice our opinions for a better game.
  3. right because this is directed to you and not bioware?? these are suggestion jeez. what me and my friends want in future content
  4. -3 warzones.....thats it... -cant even choose the one i want...why do i want to choose you say? well i lag like hell in voidstar so i can barely play it.(lag as in fps not server latency) -The whole tatooine dune sea thingy was fun as hell sorcs could stun me and then bring me to 50% health in no time but i have plenty of skills to deflect absorb and reduce damage. easy win. but why dont i get anything for killing them?!? so i HAVE to do warzones till i get to illum?? isnt that kinda dumb or am i missing something? please make world pvp more risky... its like all there is are pve servers and carebear pvp servers... you know something like getting a dog tag would be nice too
  5. well no other mmo's have had swtors ammount of pre orders and betas and approval rating....geez yall think WoW is gonna last forever? please... WoW is going to get a major injury from swtor's release (plus continual damage from WoW players seeing their friends leave for swtor) and THEN the free guild wars 2 will deal the final death blow. and mists of pandaria might help.
  6. I believe the caps will increase as more players join (sort of stressing the server). if the caps do not increase and these massive queues remains at launch then there is in fact a major issue
  7. then that would mean that cunning is for gunslingers n endurance is for scoundrels?
  8. Scoundrel. focus: Heals im so confused about what to get....i got scavenging and armortech or sumthing like that but it was only for medium and heavy so i had to get new skills cuz my scoundrel can only use light. please help what should i get??
  9. Waitttt **** i just turned off shadow and it works smoothly now sorry for blaming u bioware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I know its not gaming, i said its a student laptop lol. its usually atleast 20fps which is playable compared to 5fps i get cuz of interiors. the 250gb space and 4gb ram is good. All thats preventing me from getting higher fps is my gpu
  11. **** its Ray Muzyka!!!!!!!!!!! He gave up his doctor career for this what a bold decision. Thanks to you guys we can now get great interactive storytelling !!!!!!!!!
  12. Absolute minimum?? lol i bought this in 2010. its a student laptop. its not the best but it sure aint absolute minimum...
  13. i use intel hd graphics card. its integrated into cpu which is i3 M350 @ 2.27GHz (4 CPUs) canyourunit.com said it would run fast...and it did but only in beta
  14. my fps seems to drop 400%(from around 30 to 5 or lower) when inside buildings/caves. That didnt happen while in beta so what did u do BioWare?? And the lagging doesnt start when im inside but it starts once im like 5 meters facing the building. if i turn 180% (to face the other side not the building) my fps goes back up. Its like you made interiors look cooler and my pc cant handle that coolness. 20fps is playable/acceptable. 5 is not.
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