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Everything posted by DoctorMcNinja

  1. Hello, I still havent received my CC code, in fact, I'm not getting any emails from you guys.
  2. I'd like the ability to set my timezone when on the forums. As it stands I have no idea what time people are posting on the forums.
  3. Is there anyway to increase the mouseover tooltip text size? I've tried increasing my UI scale from 1 to 3 and I don't see a difference. I'm actually straining my eyes trying to read the tool tips. I also tried lowering my resolution but that did nothing. I'd rather not get a headache trying to read small text.
  4. Hello, I played Swtor for the first 9 or 12 months before quitting and at that time I only had 2 level 50s, both well geared Gunslingers. Lately I find myself missing Swtor so I thought I'd try it out again.I have some questions that I could not find answers for and was hoping someone (or more) could help me get some answers. 1) I'm going to start "new" at level 1 and I was wondering if there is an Legacy unlocks or Hutt Cartel Unlocks I should purchase/unlock to make leveling from 1-55 easier/faster. 2) Is there any professions I should consider focusing on to help generate credits? 3) Is the PVE content still good for leveling? Or should I be pvping or doing space mission stuff? 4) If I don't pvp UNTIL I hit 55, will I be at a disadvantage for gearing my toon for pvp? I would like to mainly pvp and so some PVE content. 5) Any other tips you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
  5. DoctorMcNinja

    Hey Bioware

    Are you guys *********** stupid? Can you explain how the **** you can justify Shadows/Assassins?
  6. Care to explain why you ban players for exploiting some game mechanics but allow other game changing mechanics to be exploited without punishment?
  7. I completely agree with the OP. I've been playing various MMOs for 10 years and no other MMO has been this well put together for it's release. There are certain features I'm sure BW will address and add to the game, be patient.
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