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Posts posted by Josewales

  1. So..... clickers aren't hardcore players? Is that what you're saying here?


    Hardcores who dont click would make great receptionists!:) I would hire one them come with pretty:P

  2. PvP leaderboards are led by macros & superior latency. Even raid dps races. Funny how 99% of the self proclaimed pros confuse this and having pocket heals with skill. Nothing wrong with clicking in this game due to slow GCs & energy burns. But I would still get a good gaming mouse anyways...takes half the muscle memory out of it and more relaxing. Helps with focusing on the environment in pvp also.


    Plus for those with big hands such as myself, stumbling through a dozen keybinds on the board is a handicap for us.


    Now for cyborg to master the game claw since they got the mouse ftw now!

  3. Been back to SWTOR for a few weeks now after a very long afk....and damn I forgot how ugly some of the armor is in this game. Especially endgame sets. Most peeps look like a bunch of skittles or Walmart specials! So....instead of minor stat bumps (in the big picture) from augments, why not use augments for set bonuses and let folks wear the groovy threads. And at the same time promote endgame economy via enhancements.


    I though this game is suppose to bring out the e RP in all of us? And I am a pvper for 13 yrs and even myself wouldnt mind to be groovy with the eye candy.

  4. I used to be a clicker for a long time also....up to Vanilla Wow. Tried my damnest to keybind...but always ended up only using a few keys for mashing. Then came the rught gaming mouse & game claw. All in the thumbs baby! And ya it is true what they say about big hands!:D. Some of us can't type worth a damn. Even most mice are built for little hands. But all is good now...no longer looking at trays and keeping focus on the environment. A must for melees especially.
  5. Okay then...I lvld a Merc into the mid 20's and now a Gunslinger. Yep Mercs seem borked. I am destroying mobs with little down time and no interruptions as a slinger. I can easily envision the Sniper or slinger doing well in pvp and pve. More utilities and ensured burst.


    Oh well one day when Mercs get fixed I will dust him off. For now I will tote my Outlaw title and pistols. I just hate playing with a conscience as a pub:P

  6. So yesterday, I gave in and rolled a Gunslinger. I tried one at launch and wasn't a big fan on the cover system. Since my return this month after a long afk, I tried both BH types and still feel like something is missing from their mechanics. I spent most of yesterday lvling the new slinger to 18, and realized fast that one needs equipment or enhancements up to date in order to chain mobs with little downtime..ad soon as I let my mods slide around lvl 15, I noticed a big difference in downtime and taking meds. TG for a few ultra rare rolls to sell and support.


    Now for the mechanics. Took me a couple hours to evolve a keyboard bind layout and get used to it. It was a no brainer that without a healer, entire rotation needs to be on que during the process. Once I got used to tossing aoes while taking cover, it was just an easy mash after that.


    Even though my main Sin has biochem. I may have to pick it up again to make dps a priority.


    Anyways, the slinger I see can be a lot of fun if prepped properly. So far he's a mofo. Hope it continues. I read quite a bit if posts here, and mixed reviews. But common theme is rotation. To me it seems how fast one can mash keys instead and course gear dependency.

  7. PvE is fantastic....to bad our companions are unfaithful. I demand companion renames! Oh right then BW would need to redo voiceovers. Want well thought out. But hey when we ****** about the little things...then game must not be not that bad. Oh wait...I forgot about pvp already:P. Another story.
  8. Nothing will ever match pre-nge SWG...man that was fun. Player made game that took a year to get off it's feet. I remember my return at that point and saw a cantina brawl in Coronet...and was hooked for a good year or so after that. Old skool MMOs, where it was still a subculture and little investor pressure...FTW!


    Now we make do.

  9. Cuz it's Star Wars...yep! D&D based MMOs feels like they are created by random name and story generators. Like the other poster mentioned, I myself can't recall any other atorylines. Except escape!


    Joseywales feels more Star Warzy anyways.

  10. I am curious why do folks play SWTOR?




    I finally had enough of the adopted Blizzard's pvp formula that many new gen MMOs are forced by investors to use today. Ever since Blizzard dev nubs arrived on the scene and wrecked pvp in MMOs for good, I been craving realm based pvp on a deep and interactive scale. 2 many LAN nubs and WoW spawns have no clue what old skool pvp was, where each MMO at one time had their own unique brand to pvp. Ie...Daoc, SWG, AO, etc.. In the post-wow era, it's all about individual achievements. Where 99% of the pvp population believe that topping leader boards via macros and superior latency makes them pro and skilled in 'rock/paper/scissor 'arenas or Wfs. There was a time where pvp meant more to a large mass than it did to self centered players. Now that I dont give a damn about pvp anymore until a new gen MMO reinvents the RvR wheel and gets MMOs back on track concerning, I still like to kill ****:) Sure I will dabble with pvp, but will never take it serious as I did for the past 10 years. No more getting my PhD in classes, grinding rep to keep ahead of the curve, etc...


    Now I need to get back to basics and fun. I still remember my first day playing MMO shortly after Anarchy Online launch...best 3 or 4 years I had of gaming. It was fun all around. To me, SWTOR offers that. Sure it's still broken in many ways, but it does have an entertainment value. I was here for the first few months after launch and hated the combat mechanics and ended up leaving due to it. But that was from a competitive pvp mindset. Now since there isnt a 'real' or true pvp/rvr model out there concerning new gens, it's time to enjoy pve once again. A few weeks ago, while playing merry go round for marks in Rift's fake RvR they call CQ...thats when I realized that I had enough of the mindless pvp grinds. And quickly thought of SWTOR to get back to 'old fashion' fun and type of genre I like for a change...D&D types can kiss my donkey:D


    Anyways, a long book short....and OMG I like pve again! Bad pvp gear:P


    And you?



  11. I never RP'd before, but Joseywales needs a class to spam movie quotes:P. I tried long time ago the gunslinger, but the cover system is annoying and gives me a headache. So Merc I prefer more. Yes I know that Mercs are crap in pvp. And I don't mind taking a break from pvp anyways...WFs are so frikin old. I am a RvR'er at heart and WFs are dime a dozen since Blizzard wrecked pvp. But besides the point. If Mercs are fun at PvE endgame then I will keep leveling one. So far he blows chit up pretty good with no downtime. If word is they still suck at endgame, then I may have to roll a Mar and accept downtime.


    Maybe Mercs will get pvp love one day and leveling one was worth it. But in the meantime I need to level something to relearn the game (my 50 Sin doesn't deserve meh ATM)...and my as well have fun with PvE and annoy the cantina RP'ers with my quotes:) I can pvp the Sin after expansion again if need be.


    Is Mercs worth investing in at all?


    Anyways I still have no clue what to do. My time is very limited due to career and real. I dont have the luxary of lvling more than one toon.



  12. I haven't jumped into pvp yet since I came back, but from the reads tank hybrid seems to be the fav in pvp based on role. I am on my iPhone or Zi would link ya the builds.
  13. I'll just post this dev quote from an upcoming 2013 MMORPG:


    Yep blame Blizzard for that. Overnight I seen WoW turned Daoc into a ghost town when it launched. So I gave in that day and bought a copy...immediately I knew MMO pvp was in trouble. MMOs became the 'ME' generation where leaderboards and macros rule pvp. Its sad thinking we may never see realms and factoions enjoying beating the crap out if each other as we once did. Devs these days totally lost what pvp once was. Blizzard was responsible for introducing millions of LAN nubs and new MMO spawns...investors need to give up the fantasy of their mass revenue and get back to MMO being sort of a subculture and less commercial.


    Imagine if Daoc or pre-cu SWG was modernized or remade today. I am sure both would have a very healthy following again and make cash. Point it that a solid game will look after itself and less worrying what Blizzard is doing. And maybe we can have our pvp back.

  14. Well I just dusted off SWTOR after almost a year afk from the game. After I heard about the incoming expansion, I decided to come for the PVE chits & giggles. I been around the MMO block since 2000, and WFs & Rockpaperscissor arenas are dime a dozen out there. Ever since Blizzard turned pvp into a trainwreck for all the new gen MMOs, WFs got same ol' years ago. Before WoW, pvp was unique and to their own. Ie..SWG base raids & cantina brawls, Daoc's 3 faction RvR, AO's Tara & Towers Wars, etc.. In the new age, WAR was a BIG digression for mythic due to broken mechanics and pop imbalance (2 faction system)...and lately Rift trying out 3 faction with Conquest...where it is also turned out to be a boring fail due to being a merry go round for marks and a bias faction farm with steamrolls between RvE.


    Now for SWTOR. I left a few months after launch due to crappy combat mechanics, where other MMOs have better. And again, WFs are dime a dozen. The new gen MMOs do not feel like a war going on (no game ineraction or impact) as old skool once did, but rather a sandbox for epeen & macros. Now with SWTOR expanding this year, this is Bioware's chance to make pvp their own and get away from the beaten down Blizzard pvp path and formula...that many old skool (preWoW) as myself crave for.


    Since the theme to the new storyline for SWTOR is to have both factions somewhat working together against or for Cartels...then why not somehow spin this into a 3 faction concept for pvp. SWTOR already has alignments! Use that for RvR, where it prevents 'flavor of the day' faction ques and offers stability. For example, since my BH played the light side storyline...he would be assigned to that faction for RvR until he changes over. Point is there is tons of potential for SWTOR RvR based on what is already in place. BW could go as far offering unique faction perks and rewards,...once a player is exhausted or bored, he or she can switch over. I seen it work well in Anarchy Online back in the day and did help pop balance. Ie. Dark Front guild on Rimor server used to be clan at game launch. Then they decided to go Omni, and had a significant impact balancing things out before Notum Wars expansion arrived on the scene for pvp.


    Anyways, most think they know better. But if one hasnt tasted both apples and oranges concerning how pvp once was vs. new gen copycat models...it's hard to imagine or compare how great RvR was and could be into today's era.


    Whatever BW or any other new MMOs does in the future...stop creating easy to design WF sandboxes and give us epic RvR for a change in an interactive enviroment. Ilum open pvp doesnt even come close btw (no meaning or interaction with the rest of the game). WE NEED IT! We dont buy into half failed attempts. More to RvR than a zerg chasing it's tail. Ask Daoc...wait, even they screwed up at one point with easy keep takes for speed teams. Oh and a Darkness Falls or two would be nice:) Cant forget...it's easy hiding class imbalances in a mass of pvpers...wink wink Bioware:D


    Until then, I will continue MMO hopping and dusting off old toons hoping for a new 'epic' RvR model one day......and pve for Chits & Giggles once in awhile as here in SWTOR.




    My Dreams.


    PS...I am asking to much, I know:P

  15. I just dusted off my Sin last night after almost a year afk. Still sporting old pvp gear, but decided to quickly spec a tank hybrid spec and see how it goes in pve. Messed around in Ilum for a bit, and quite pleased. Used Ashara and my biochem heal...and easy peasy. Elites focused on meh while Sahara went to town on anything she pleases. Hardly any down time at all.


    I still don't know if I should level up an alt for expansion, I am very tempted to stick the Sin and build her up and enjoy content until then. I always been a dps kind a guy fir over 10 yrs of MMOs...but the Sin tank, I have to say is somewhat fun for solo, pvp and maybe even pug flashpoints. Looks like I will cash in the free chips for PvE tank gear and see if the kiddies will scream at me for my noob tank skills:)

  16. I just came back from a year long afk from the game. Last week I decided to dust off SWTOR to see what changes occurred. Therefore, I started a Merc fresh and relearn...where I have a 50 Sin on the shelf still. Anyways...after enjoying a bit of pve with the Merc.,,I started to do my homework before I get carried away with the Merc.


    After many reads and latest videos, a common theme I am seein is that Mercs get interrupted to much or not enough dps. But a couple videos caught my eye. Sorry I am on my iPhone and pain in the donkey to link. With that said, I notice when players actually use their cc and environment...the Merc does very well. Which I assume playstyles are responsible for many QQs here?


    Don't get me wrong, I am only trying to understand why Mercs are getting the bad rap atm. It seems when DPS is first priority the Merc becomes inferior...but when they do take advantage of utiltlities and environment they succeed.


    And yes I know...I need to see it myself in pvp before judging. Again I am only fishing for opinions on the matter before I get carried away.



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