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Posts posted by Josewales

  1. I found my sweet spot with massacre tactical. Gore and vicious throw with mashing massacre. I am in a complete set up and am getting 50 to 60k on both and lots of 25ks on massscre. And add in the fluff dps. I don’t know why carnage is getting a bad rap regarding sustainable dps. As long as the feet are moving they are a machine. Best aggressive high octane class still to play. Now for getting ccd constantly, that’s where I see some love needed....especially for ranked. Ton of fun for regs though.
  2. Open world PvP relies on carrots. Worried about the engine then spread the carrots out. Worried about getting ganked as a care bear, then have quests that flags similar to SWG. And so on. Stop making excuses for incompetent developers regarding open PvP. They were noobs then and still are. There is more to open PvP than zerging. I just returned from a year of Warhammer Online private server. It is now a lazy and unbalanced zetgfest where roam groups became extinct. Keys to open PvP success are choice, world significant interactive incentives and unpredictable skirmishes. And not population dependant blobs. It wouldnt take much to splash objectives around the worlds...and even a conquest map to evolve off of. Simple stuff.


    Anyways the Devs will never commit to learning from MMO history nor think outside of their own box. Before WoW there were a handful of unique MMOs with their own model.

  3. Carnage has good sustainable dps. The no fix on burst, then maybe a tactical similar to Overwhelming offense, where they are immune to cc as long as they are beating on someone? I find carnage more for hard swap support and easily CC’d in long solo fights.


    I still love carnage when it comes to mayhem and unpredictable regs. I am topping boards with 40 to 55k punches. As long the feet are moving!

  4. Well yeah.

    It is on you, the player, to keep up w the Devs announcements. They post that to let you know things that are important. It's your responsibility to check that info. I mean you don't have to but it is on you mate.


    They even took the Fleets down for that fix Fri afternoon (stateside).


    Then they should have an in game news board. Why do we have to go to the forums to play the game?

  5. agree with all your points and i have also noticed the clipping ability of hyper stacks, i was still disappointed with the dps output of carnage even with tacticals, its still just not anywhere close to fury.


    Any positive changes to carnage is a step in the right direction imo


    I agree the burst isnt quite there for carnage. I run 50% armor debuff tactic for Sustainable damage. I crit for about 40K to 50k in PvP with 45% crit and 71% multiplier, 1.4 GCD. In a complete 306 build including new augs and Max in weapon amplifiers. Not complaining about the big crits it’s the time between with fluff dps. But still lot of fun. I am topping reg boards as a single dps and no aoe...but that is constantly mashing on targets without many breaks.


    Imagine a perma berserk tactic gob gob :p

  6. Title says it all, same old story. Remind me what the basic idea is supposed to be of ranged in the rock-paper-scissors? Because they still seem to have it all without disadvantages.


    Shooters have a lot of tricks up their sleeve. Accuracy debuff, 8 sec blind, hightail, dampers, KB, etc... Yes very hard to kill and have a ton of dps. With a quick mind they are machine. I see them becoming more of fotm once they are learned to play. I myself am now dusting off my 70 that I once mained during hybrid for an alt.

  7. Or do we not care if casuals keep subbing to help this game survive? Lots of whining and complaining regarding endgame content. To us casuals every minute needs to be productive and rewarded, and this update does that. If we can’t access the endgame content because we don’t hard core rated or raids, then players such as myself will take another long afk. Be happy that the fleet has a 200 pop again!


    I am a pvper that cant stand most MMOs pve. SWTOR pve is actually fun for short term grinding and coffee breaks.


    Be happy!

  8. I bought a brand new gaming laptop and run ultra setttings in PvP. Everything is fine w/ 80fps expect for sync issues. CCs feels like rolling a dice hoping your opponent didn’t beat you to the sync punch. 1 second lag is common.
  9. It's not my fault you have poor reasoning skills. You've displayed that several times in this thread. Pretending that you have an argument that you won't post is one of the more pathetic things I've seen on these forums to be honest.


    Why so toxic? At least Krea goes through the effort to save others time. Disagree or not. Respect bro.

  10. Please do something about your current customer service. I'm on my 3rd ticket regarding a simple matter such as lost items. I don't want to raise a fuss, but this is becoming beyond ridiculous after 10 - 11 days as a subscriber.


    Overseas supply cheap support labor. For one dollar an hour, BW can’t afford it? :p

  11. I was worried about carnage maras in regs. Last night finally got into regs after grinding 306 gear. Sustainable damage is still very good. Longer fights means dealing with more CCs. Can’t burn players down as fast, but most classes are in the same boat. I see slingers/snipers getting the best out of the 6.0 longer fights. I mained one before, and longer you can hunker down without hightailing and now going poof, they are a machine. 6.0 decep sins, sure they have burst but didn’t notice the big scare as many are claiming. And I too once mained a deceptive sin to EWL, and they did have a burst deficiency. Let’s see everyone fully feared before we panic regarding sins.


    Anyways carnage Mara feels the same as before. High octane substantial dps.

  12. Last night was my first go in regs as a 306 carnage Mara. Topped the boards a few times as a single target dps. Bumped into a few sins/shadows. Sure the initial burst eats through half your hp within a few seconds, but after that with my def CD I was able to tear them apart before they go on the defence themself. At first I mashed while spiked to lessen the electrocute and mauls. But found I really didn’t need to. Pop a stim and go to town with sustainable damage and strafing. I saw lot of 60k hits from sins and the odd 80k. Seems a lot but after that it felt like tickles. I kind of agree with Krea on her argument regarding solo.


    Now here’s where I see the nerf cries transitioning over to...Slingers and snipers. Soon as more learn how to play them with all their tricks. They are a pain in the butt I noticed. Their defence and 6.0 long fights allows them to sit there and pew pew longer without hightail or poof.


    I mained all three throughout the years. Slingers/snipers I see becoming fotm soon for those with a quick mind and quick buttons.


    Anyways...I know we all don’t like our class nerfed due to mob rule and always like an advantage, but Sins/Shadiws imo are not as scary as many are claiming. I could be wrong since this is my first impression.

  13. Damn I wish my Elite WL 'Hashashin' deception sin had this kind of 'fotm' burst last few years. I might have to dust her off with legacy 306 gear and see for myself. I loved being a pain in the WZ arse with her until I fell in love with the high octane carnage mara. Tempting.


    Deception sins did need a small bump in burst in the past and better regen rate for mauls, but not these crazy numbers within a CC window players are reporting.


    Anyways once again SWTOR goes through bias OP defenses and offences coming out of a major update gate. When was the last time an OP or imbalanced class was left alone after a major update? Why buck the trend now? Because some argue better than others?


    The one thing that worries me is a train of deception sins stun locking and hard swap like a game of hopscotch. Similar to smash monkeys back when. Which had me initially leaving the game for awhile back then. FOTM classes always supplies the numbers to create such an epidemic. Diminishing returns or sins lose dps when next to each other is the answer? There is always a solution to a problem.


    Anyways I am ready to be called an idiot by Krea:P



  14. Because the gearing system benefits pve'ers more than it does pvp'ers, you go through mastermode red reaper and you are fully geared by day two of the grind if not more. Pvp'ers have to work twice as hard to get their gear, I'm not much of a pve'er but this just baffles me to the point that leaves me frustrated.


    I am a pvper and have np grinding over a week of vet fps....instead of going afk for almost a year as a casual player because of the ugly gear grind last version. Just finished my 306 set last night and my alts are smiling too. Gut tells me when the zerg settles into 306s, pvp bolsters will be revisited? Or PvP is just a side game for bored pvers, where gear continues to not matter? Interesting questions lies ahead.

  15. My understanding there is no cap on crit in 6.0 and alacrity no longer effects GCDs (I just returned after a year afk). Since I use 50% armor reduction tactic instead of spamming massacre tactic, I still prefer a sustainable rotation. Therefore, where does alacrity has its place regarding carnage maras?


    Thanks. Before I invest silly creds on new augs. :p


    Edit: Oops wrong section. Soz.

  16. Relax and wait for the market to settle in. The first month is expensive until everyone is geared and more crafters thinking they will make millions off these same prices. Like usual augs are already half the price into week two. LF more crafters to saturate the market please!
  17. Not much of a difference between stim 10s and stim 11s. Meanwhile other trades are prospering with the new content. Especially augments with around a 100 stat difference. Us herb pickers would like to sell 11s too for a nice profit where there is a demand. Really no difference in performance between the two.



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