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Posts posted by Varicite

  1. The secret of the universe is change. Just because PvP was unexpectedly popular shortly after launch, doesn't mean it still is. Or the queues would still be popping.


    You seem to be assuming that I don't understand that.


    I just found it to be ironic in an amusing sort of way.


    Arguing that there wasn't a large PvP community that contributed to the longevity of the game shortly after launch is just silly, as that's simply just a fact.


    I don't have an agenda. I don't even care about the game enough anymore to have one. I only returned because it was a fun memory and I thought I'd give it another shot after all of these years.


    I find it hilarious, however, that the remaining community is acting in this manner from a simple casual observation.


    It's no wonder this game is dead if this is the community that players have been encountering, though. Ah well, guess I'm outta here again. Not like there's not plenty of other (active) fish in the sea.



  2. He was trolling you with confirmation bias, IMO. :) Pretty normal bias from the avid PvPers... because to them PvP is the only thing that matters.


    I'm talking about things being the opposite from what they were from 5 years ago. I'm not sure you have been around long enough to even have any idea what I'm talking about.




    However, if you WERE around, back then, perhaps you will remember this quote:


    “The first was that although we had not originally planned the game to be heavily PVP-focused, the ease of getting in and playing the Warzones combined with their fun design gave us the highest PvP participation of any modern triple-A MMO. At that point we turned a huge amount of our resources to PVP development"


    It was a long time ago, I know, but there was a very large and extremely active PvP community here once upon a time. While PvE was still being worked on, it was this community that helped to keep SWTOR afloat.


    There's no "confirmation bias", just a simple statement of facts.

  3. Really? What aspects of PvP were "keeping the game afloat"? The 4 on 4 FPs with PvE objectives? OW PvP on servers that were screaming for a merge? Just curious, because I see this claim a lot in PvEcentric MMOs, such as DDO. Where there is no OW PvP, and what PvP there is, is limited to cantina brawl areas, and duels.


    Personally, I don't see organized teabagging, the only thing that PvP is good for even now, as being the only thing keeping this game afloat.


    Um, the 4v4 stuff didn't even exist back then, so no. OW PvP was pretty fun on Ilum and such, but not that. After all, that was about the time that we were discovering that OW PvP in large numbers was simply not ever going to be what Bioware advertised it to be.


    Mostly that the old warzones were really popular w/ an active streaming community, while there was only a single Operation out and not really considered challenging. WZs were pretty much the go-to endgame activity for most players while PvE was still being developed and many PvErs were leaving the game, rather than wait for content to be released.


    ...thus the server merges, as players were leaving the game in droves.


    Bioware themselves said that they were surprised by how popular the PvP in SW:TOR had turned out to be, as they had maily focused on the PvE aspect of the game near launch.


    Now fast forward 5 years, and the PvP community seems to be languishing while PvE is considered the real meat of the game.


    I just find it interesting how things have come pretty much full circle is all.

  4. It's cute how you still think PvP is a factor whatsoever in this game lol.


    But deep down you must know you're just one step above that guy screeming his lungs off that the game is dead and burried because GSF is dead.



    Fact of the matter is game is not dead/near death, it's just catering to the segment of its player base you loathe/whose very existence you deny. To great financial success too apparently. Sux finding out you're not the center of the universe, I know.


    Strange reading stuff like this.


    Last time that I was an active player, it was PvP that was pretty much keeping this game afloat before it finally went f2p.

  5. It's not hard as a stealther to predict where the stealth scan will go. Moving unpredictable is quite easy. If you simply follow the principle of not going in the same direction you used to when you were visible, it's already a more than 75% chance that you will not be busted.


    I think 75% is being a little optimistic that so many people can't figure out dropping a stealth scan in the opposite direction they saw a stealther heading when they vanished. <.<

  6. I always saw Carnage as a higher risk / reward spec, personally, as you aren't receiving heals unless you're queued w/ one. Then again, I've been Carnage pretty much 100% of the time (my fiance plays Annihilation very well, so we compare notes from time to time).


    Anni is more mobile via shorter cd Force Charge (which can be used to get out of trouble) and shuts down casters almost brainlessly w/ multiple interrupts. Carnage hits harder up front (although I haven't caught a good player w/ a full Gore-buffed Ravage in a while), but has a lot less staying power than Anni under fire.


    Anni does have a higher ramp-up time than Carnage, but it also has a lot more leeway in order to reach those milestones. The trade-off is that you need to watch your opponent's debuffs and your own rage bar more closely, which can be complicated if you're not used to doing so. Carnage, on the other hand, needs to watch its surroundings more closely because it's just so very easy to get caught w/ your pants down, and has the weakest defenses and lowest mobility of all 3 specs.


    Also, from a pure total damage standpoint, Annihilation has the easiest time of all 3 specs getting to the top of the scoreboard if you just spam Rupture on everyone around you on cd, which also increases your healing at the same time, allowing you to deal damage for a longer period of time. Carnage has no similar mechanic to increase its staying power.


    Just my 2 creds. /shrug

  7. Eh, good luck with that one. Remember the Ilum valor farming? They said they would look into it and take action against those who participated in it and do roll backs....guess what? Nothing happened. They were hoping everyone would forget.


    They never said they were going to do roll backs. All they said was that they would look into it.


    They never even said that any action was going to be taken, just that they would look into it and decide what to do about it from there. The rest of that stuff is just what some people wanted them to do, but BW never said those things.


    Either way, win trading sucks, but all of this is going to be wiped for the start of Season 1 anyway.

  8. I would love to gore+ravage the forums...


    BTW, been playing my main again. Where you been?


    And if you say GW2 I will buy the game just to find you and hunt you constantly. :D


    Haha, I took a month-long hiatus to take care of some RL things. Guild wasn't all that pleased, but most of them moved to GW2 anyway.


    Time's been pretty sporadic lately; I'll look for you next time I'm on, though. : )

  9. I never said carnage Defensives were better. Theyre about the same, but what carnage has over rage is that they can take down targets before they even know whats going on, whereas rage has lolsmash, run away, then lolsmash again. Carnage survivability is better than rage in regards to the fact that they can kill targets much more efficiently than rage. The only spec with better Defensives is annihilation. I guess you figure omg 6k crits how awesome! But in reality, they aren't worth much. Pit a rage marauder vs any other marauder, or jugg, and they'll lose unless the opposing player simply sucks. I don't believe you have half a clue as to what you're talking about, but you're welcome I try again.


    Carnage's burst is tied to Ravage and Berserked Massacre spam.


    Ravage is easily avoided by most players, and even when it isn't, it's tied to a channel time. "Lolmash" (as you refer to it.. very original, like everything else you've written, btw) is instant cast and does very comparable damage on a shorter cooldown.


    Massacre spam is awesome when Berserk is up, but Rage brings 0 cost Vicious Slash spam to the table which hits for just as much as Massacre thanks to the crit bonus in the Rage tree. It is faster dps, thanks to the lowered GCD during Carnage's Berserk, but the overall difference is going to be pretty negligible.


    Carnage does not have "better survivability", and it does not "kill faster". Please stop talking out of your derriere, because you are really just patently wrong.


    Next time, just say: "I THINK that Rage is a worse spec, but I really nave no logical reasons to support my argument." Or bring something better to the table than what you've written here, because it's just .... bad. /shrug

  10. The only people who play rage/focus spec are players who can't manage the other two. How does this not make sense? Rage/focus is a terrible spec, because in order to even be remotely viable you'd need a healer on you 100% of the time, they're extremely easy to kill and due to the lack of survivability don't do much damage without extended playtime ensured upon by a dedicated healer. That being said, even with a healer they're just too easy to kill. It's a worthless spec.


    Rage is a sturdier spec than Carnage, so you are wrong about it being "extremely easy to kill" and "lack of survivability", etc. Not only is Rage sturdier defensively thanks to Defensive Forms Shii-Cho and Undying, but it is also a lot more mobile via Force Leap / Intercept.


    Considering that is the "meat" of your reasoning that Rage is worse than both of the other specs, I can't really take what you're saying here seriously.


    Why would you need a healer to be viable "100% of the time" as Rage, but not as Carnage?


    I can wait, but I'm inclined to think you just don't know what you're talking about and are here spouting something you heard somewhere like so many other lemmings before you.


    I don't even play Rage, but anyone who has half a clue can see that what you're saying doesn't actually add up.

  11. No. Try again. ;)


    I kinda agree w/ Philar, what you wrote doesn't make any sort of sense..


    You're saying that some bad players use Rage and play ineffectively w/ it because they are bad players, so therefore Rage is a terrible spec for Marauders.


    Did I miss something?

  12. He hasn't grown into the current gamer mentality of "ME ME ME ME ME" yet; hopefully he never does. Because of this, he just sees the objective goal, and the easiest way to accomplish that goal, and trucks along his path. I pray that he never falls victim to the realization that in today's generation, he doesn't actually have to do this. Instead, he could more easily be selfish and play however he deems "fun". If not winning after playing selfishly for so long becomes "not fun", then he can just add his voice to a cacophony of others to simply have the objective goal changed to suit his purposes.


    It's not their fault, really; games in general cater to the lowest common denominator these days, so mouthbreathers still usually wind up doing "okay", because let's face it.. games are ridiculously easy for the most part. For some reason, they equate this to being "good at video games", and not that games had to be dumbed down in order for the newer generations to enjoy them. In essence, they cannot recognize that problems may lie with their own limited skillset and not the game or mechanics themselves.


    For example, in 1985, if you were playing a game and came across a difficult section, you kept trying until you got it down. If the ledge was just out of reach, you just kept jumping until you finally nailed it, etc. There was a sense of accomplishment involved, and you actually learned how to work through a problem and find the solution.


    Today, when the ledge seems out of reach, you either stop playing the game or complain on the forums until the developers actually move the ledge closer to make the jump easier for you. You typically do not try more than a handful of times before giving up and deciding that it is "impossible". And this type of scenario is common today. That never happened in the past, and I think it's a pretty decent example of just how much the gaming culture has changed over the years.


    Wow, not really on topic anymore, lol. Oh well. /rant, I guess.

  13. Am I the only one that's noticing more of these guys?


    Pretty beastly too. I once asked if there was a advantage that the marauder would have over a jug in rage spec since rage is the only marauder spec I haven't tried yet. No one responded with anything useful. Can anyone shed some light on this? Not familiar with it at all but what I do know... is after watching a few of these guys put in some serious work.... I'm curious.


    I still think Juggernaut does it better, thanks to the Force Push resetting Leap.


    But either AC works fine for the job. Mara has a bit more survivability.

  14. You have to keep on top of your cooldowns as Annihilation.


    I'm fairly certain that you have to do that as every single class in this game, including every spec of Marauder.


    I'm not one of those people who tries to say that one spec is "easier" than another simply because I enjoy playing Carnage, but I can at least be honest about neither spec being "harder" than the other.


    I will say, however, that it is MUCH easier to top scoreboards (lol, like this matters) as Annihilation if you're savvy w/ your Rupture spam. Some misinformed people like to equate this to Annihilation being a "better" spec.

  15. Hey Captain Paranoid. DDO and LOTRO are using the same model SWTOR is suggesting, and NEITHER of those games are Pay2Win, and BOTH of those games are the most successful models of F2P out there.


    So try again, only this time, with less delusion.


    Do you honestly expect people to take you seriously while writing nonsense like this?


    Or did you just not play LotRO as a free player? <.<

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