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Posts posted by charoi

  1. No, you wont trade cos would be really stupid. You might kill one guy faster (if 2 min CC breaker is on cooldown or resolve bar not full ) but you would die much faster too cos NO PANIC button anymore plus medpacks and camo. I´d trade my melee range stun (im range dps) by UD right now and i ´d give you Dodge too. 5 secs inmune to damage? you kidding me?.


    And yes, we can CC when is on UD but A Mara can be healed at 100% in 5 secs and you must take down same Mara again. This is not 8 vs1, you always fail with the same bad argument.


    Call it stupid, but if i were mara i would trade. Imo force camo is enough as panic button. And 5 sec 99% damage resistance does not help mara under cc (again there are really huge number of abilities to counter UD). And if mara kills 1 enemy faster - that's one less enemy to attack mara - less damage taken.


    And please don't bring healer in this discussion cause it would really be stupid to attack mara to the point when he uses UD instead of killing healer. UD in and of itself does not heal mara.

  2. Yes, i see the difference: UD is much much much much better than a stun. Stuns can fail, UD never fails and even if they incapacite you, cant kill you anyway.


    What i meant was - there is only one ability that counter stun (except assasins), and there are a lot of abilities to counter UD.


    Stuns can fail only against full resolve and assasin's def cd. But you would never use stun against either of these.

    If mara uses UD and you cc him - you can kill him 5 seconds later while he do nothing (I presume I can call it "UD failed"). And don't forget, almost all cc have lower cd than UD.


    I've got a feeling, that all maras would gladly trade UD for hard 4 sec stun without hesitation. Imagine - stun plus ravage and force scream. Trust me, it's better for us that maras won't get hard stun instead of UD. It will cause a lot more whine than current whine about UD :-)

  3. stun is one target, dmg reduction is from all enemies. Stun can be broken, dmg shild not. You see the difference?


    Stun can be broken by 2 min ability. UD can be countered by a wide array of abilities (root, stun, knockback, mezz, etc), every one of these abilities has much lower cd than stun breaker (and UD). While you're stunned you can't fight back, you're denied any action. While mara uses UD you're free to do anything you want.

    You see the difference?

  4. LOL, I find the "most mara/sents are bad" retort to be down right silly in defending the classes overpoweredness. I know most Mara/Sents on my server are actually competent to good. But ok.


    I find it silly to cry for marauders nerf while stating that maras are easy kill for you and admitting that "most Mara/Sents on my server are actually competent to good."

  5. BS, Mara sents have amazing utility, the buff that buffs damage and healing trumps ANYTHING a guardian can bring to the table.

    Once in a five minutes. TWO uses during wz at most and only for your party. Aoe taunt is usable every 45 secs and affects all enemies. 15% bonus to your party against -30% bonus to your enemies.. hm..

    They have ZEN,

    Zen? How does it contribute to party? 6% max hp - only in watchman, combat's and focus's zen contributes nothing. Plus Zen uses the resourses needed for inspiration - the buff that you mentioned above.

    and an in combat boost

    What boost? Be more specific please.

    they have all the defensive cooldowns I mentioned, plus force choke/stasis, and ALL of those are BASELINE!

    ALL that juggs also have also BASELINE. Plus several features of their own.


    Honestly I just want more defensive cooldowns for my guardian and VG.

    Than can you please make a post "please buff jugg/vg" and not join "nerf mara" thread.

  6. Please sir, stop, just stop. DPS juggs have THREE defensive cooldowns, this isnt a talk about utility, because Sents Maras easily equal Guardian/Jugg utility, and dude heavy armor MEANS NOTHING at all! Please stop with this lame excuse.

    Dps juggs have four def cds. Saberward (which is better than mara's), hp buff, focused defence and leap to ally (that also heals jugg) plus heavy armour. Why do you think 5-6% more damage reduction (heavy armour) that is always active is nothing? Why don't you want to talk about utility? It's tank class's most strongest point. If you neglect it then it's not "mara op" but l2p issue.


    I want them to lose some defensive cooldowns, have some put on as talents, OR VGs and Guardians get some more baseline defensive cooldowns.

    Why do you want them to lose def cds? They are already easy kills for you, as you said.

  7. Heavy armor is only about 5-6% passive damage decrease against 2/3 attack types in the game. Taunts are nice but they only last a few seconds and are on a long CD. An AoE taunt won't turn the tide of a fight on a node and a single target taunt wont help a healer from a high damage class like the Marauder.


    Heavy armour is always active. So, heavy armour will provide 5-6% damage reduction against 2/3 (60%) attack types all the time during warzone.


    AoE taunt won't turn the tide of a fight? Really? -30% damage to all enemies for 6 secs won't turn the tide? Single taunt (also -30% damage) won't help a healer being attacked by marauder? Really?

    15 secs for single taunt and 45 secs for aoe taunt - is on a long cd?

    And marauder's def abilities with a longer cds and the same duration surely will turn the tide?

  8. Oh I never said I lose to Marauders/Sents. They're pretty easy on my Shield Vanguard or SS Gunslinger, I just said they're imbalanced. Thankfully, 9/10 Sentinels and Marauders are terrible and you sir sound like you're in that 90%.


    So, you roflstomp them, but want them nerfed so they will be even easier kill for you?

  9. Who said anything about being outplayed? I was merely talking about a class that is a DPS based class having way more defensive cooldowns than two of the main tank ACs in the game. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, I know you want to keep your superior class and claim its you outplaying someone else. I murder plenty of Mara/Sents, but I do think its absurd that a dps class has way more defensive abilities than two tank ACs.


    If you want to compare tank specs, than do it properly. Don't know about tank powertechs, but tanks juggs are tankier than marauders - Invincible and sonic barrier, and, btw, you forget about jump to ally, that also heals juggs. That makes more def cds than maradeurs. (and lets' not forget about shields and heavy armour.)


    Considering dps juggs - they only have one cd less and that makes for their heavy armour (that always active). And please don't forget about their utility - taunt/aoe taunt is massive enemy damage reduction.

  10. actually someone in this very thread said they have a talent that healz them to full ehalth, Ive had a zillion encounters with a marauder and amples of game time experience I know what they can do and cant do, to say that them having a stealth talent is not BS.... Like seriously bioware is smoking somethign for even considering giving them a stealth talent.

    It was me and do you really consider a full health heal a reality? It was sarcasm.


    Ok, you're lazy, but don't worry - I'll help you.


    As mentioned on page 1:

    1) mara's UD last only 5 sec.

    2) their hide is waaaay worse - it last only 4 (6 if specced in watchman) seconds and doesn't remove combat.

    3) their self heals heals only 2% (3% during zen) of max health and only when their dot crits.


    If they have a lot more health - the only way is rakata/warzone medpak or healer. You know, the thing, that doesn't forbidden to you for use.

  11. Welll I always witness them have more health when they come back, so I dont know what their doing, but they go from zero health back up to 100% quickly then have the 10 sec invincibility, I do understand this game and MMO's which why im not complaining about their damage, if u played a stealth class all all of ur MMO life, you would be pretty pissed to that a non stealth class has a better vanish, and talents that ur class should have and still puts out more burst damage.... They got it right with the damage, one thing that wsa retarded about the fury warriors is they should ahve been doing the damage marauders are doing now, but the stealth crap is freaking nonsense.

    Please, educate yourself:



    Feel free to return here when you've found all the skills you mentioned. Then, and only then, we'll talk about balance.

  12. its longer then 4 secs, and im talking about it being better then a stealth classes actual vanish, a marauder can protect a node from 4 people simply by vanishing, hide heal up a bit, stop cap, come back pop 10 sec invincibility at 5% health, by that time he is reinforced, its ridiculous really, they have a rogues cheat death and stealth and there not even a rogue class.


    Don't forget about 15 sec aoe stun, mass root without cd, numerous mass heals that heals from 10% to 100% almost instantly and of course several ways to remove stun from himself!

  13. For example:


    If a Marauder uses the 99% mitigation CD which lasts for 5 sec and during those 5sec he is focused fired by 8 DPS doing 1k DPS that is 40,000 points of damage of which 39,600 points of damage have been mitigated.


    8 people focusing mara/sent while he's under UD? Yes, nerf mara/sent because of other people's stupidity!

  14. By the way, for those of you out there who don't know: Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage lasts SIX seconds.


    Actually, it is five seconds. I dont understand why everyone on this forum thinks that UR lasts 6 seconds :-)

  15. Don't play stupid. You know as well as i do that i'm talking about Force Camouflage. (i have a marauder so don't try to play that card with me son). It is exactly what i said, a away to completely Vanish in the middle of combat while simultaneously mitigating 50% of all damage).


    Compleletely vanish, sure. For evelasting four seconds! It's just insane! And God forbid to target sent/mara again!


    Well, it even doesnt drop combat, son! Just watch the red dot.


    Also pretty much every other class suffer the same problems with roots so donät play the victim here.

    Sure , if by "the same problems" you mean "cant move" than you're right. But effectively rooted/slowed sent/mara cant' deliver her insane dps.. Should i explain more in detail?

  16. Do you play a level 50 Sentinel/Marauder?


    What is this access to multiple of certain very powerful skills in one build you speak of?


    Of course it's that legendary 31/31/31 build that only maras/sents can achieve!



    Fine? FINE?


    Saber ward, Cloak of Pain, Obfuscate, Undying Rage, In combat Vanish, predation. All that on a mobile top damage class.


    And again, care to learn some basics first? What combat vanish are you talking about?


    BTW, talking about mobility. Sents/Maras suffers most from beeing rooted/slowed, roots/slows effectively kills any mobility of this class. You know, that rooted mara/sent cant use charge, right?


    You wont believe but best defence is AOE taunt. 30% damage mitigation for 7 people in wz, beat this!

  17. Sorry for my ignorance. Haven't rerolled to sentinel yet but how do I get force choked and left hanging while a marauder walks away? And I could swear I'm still taking hits while force choked too. Just lag maybe?


    TIP: That "Marauder" was a tank specced Jugg/Guardian.


    When people actually care to learn at least some basics of the game?

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