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10 Good


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    Kicking middle schoolers off bicycles
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    Professional couch tester
  1. Jedi Knight 4/10 It just felt really lazy. None of the major players outside of your companions are characterized all too well, they're all one-dimensional borefests with single defining character aspects like "old mentor" and "evil guy". The fact that I can sum up the entire sentence in exactly three sentences and not miss anything at all just lends to the fact that there is very little depth and complexity to it all. The story itself was mediocre at best, but I feel like they made the structure first, then wrote the story around that fixed structure instead of allowing the story to feel dynamic. Don't even get me started on the whole Mary Sue aspect. I know that in the other stories you're essentially the golden boy (or girl) but the Knight takes it to a whole other level. It's as if BioWare desperately wanted to make you a hero but couldn't think of any way to make it so. Sith Warrior 9/10 Probably my favorite so far. I love, LOVE Darth Baras and his character and his voice acting is wicked strong. The Sith Warrior's voice actor also knows his stuff well and while it's silly when he's trying to flirt or be romantic (as it kind of falls flat) the Sith Warrior's voice really fits well whether you're playing dark side or light side. The Sith Warrior story is the strongest in my opinion merely because the characterization is fantastic and the voice acting is strong.
  2. Still can't beat this fight. Being shackled to T7 was bad enough. I've tried multiple things; LoSing him around the statues at the sides of his room (which don't work, because he casts throguh them), LoSing him around the pillars near his throne (Also doesn't work, still casts through them and sometimes just goes under the floor and casts from there). Kiting around corners (still casts through them). How the hell do I beat him? I've been scouring the internet looking for a strategy that doesn't barbecue me. I save Force Stasis for Force Blast, interrupt Thundering Blast, and LoSing him as the who claim he is soloable say. Overcoming a challenge is great and all but it's frustrating when I can't overcome it because I don't know what the challenge is because I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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