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Posts posted by wolveroach

  1. I am the laziest of the lazy as I find no entertainment on the GTN. If dropping those auctions on default gets me back out adventuring even 2 minutes quicker, it is worth it.


    I generally see about 1 in 5 auctions complete successfully. The rest go to the vendor.


    What I can't figure out is why people spend so much time playing the GTN for credits in a game.

  2. I've said it before and I will say it again, increase the time the Tracer Missle debuff stays on the target and you can add a cool down or add heat. When I can only get off 3 or 4 attacks before I MUST use Tracer again to maintain the debuff, it will always be heavy in the rotation. Interrupt me during that refresh and you can bet I will be spamming again as that debuff is too important to ignore.
  3. As long as all the Nerfers understand that you cannot just mess with Tracer or you will make Arsenal underpowered. Move some of the functions that Tracer provides to other abilities or extend the amount of time the debuff stays on target THEN you can add a cooldown or reduce the damage.


    I will not argue that the devs made this a well rounded class. However as many of the classes best abilities rely on Tracer, you will see Tracer spam or dead Mercs should Tracer get nerfed without modding the other abilities. Which now that I think about it is exactly what some of you want, just dead mercs...

  4. Man you are so wrong, I want to write a math paper and make it a proof.


    My kind of help = helps everyone get an equal chance to win what they helped make drop if they decide they need it.


    Your kind of help = you get 100% chance to win what you help make drop if you decide you need it and everyone else gets 0% chance to win what they helped make drop if they decide they need it.


    My way helps more players in the group then your way does.


    Your kind of help means you and your SEVEN companions are rolling against twenty four other characters and companions (assuming a simple FP) should they play by your rules, the loot goes to the best random roll of a computer and the gear lands where ever trusting the decision of the fickle computer and chance gods. Any gear that ends up on a companion is effectively relagated to open world PvE and PvP.


    By my rules, the four HUMANS get first dibs on their class items, after that it is a crap shoot. Those four characters will end up better geared and more effective in future group activities.


    I don't care about your companions, but I do care if your character has the gear to survive. Higher number of characters with better gear is better for the server and for me and all the PUGs I join.

  5. Then we will agree to disagree.


    The whole issue here is rolling Need for a companion against a player in the group. Yeah you participated but your companion did not. Yet you think your companion deserves the loot as much as the player who ran through the FP with you? You will never change my mind on this and obviously I won't change yours either.


    You can say the companion is a part of your character and I can say your companion did not participate. You group with your type and I will group with mine. I won't join a PUG if they play by your rules and you won't join one playing by mine.

  6. Quote:

    Originally Posted by wolveroach

    OK expanding on my previous idea, if nobody in the group can use the item (even if it is just a 1 point improvement) or if those who could use it but choose to pass then Need can be selected for companions.


    No thanks, I will pass on your offer and find another group to run group content with that offers everyone in the group an equal chance to win the fruits of their labors that they can and will equip.


    ditto, I want nothing to do with someone who would deny a group member by taking a drop for their companion who hasn't done a damn thing in the group.

  7. I'd love a free roaming space feature but that is about 10,000,000,000 on the list of things I want to see in this game. I enjoy the space game for what it is. I don't want to start questing so I will spend 10-30 minutes blowing stuff up.


    I got all but the level 50 proton missles and grade 4 or 5 everything else. I will keep playing the space combat missions on my main and all my alts with a great big smile on my face.


    I would really love to play gunner on my friends ships or have my buds destroy everything in sight while I tried to pilot the ship between astroids and blaster fire while riding on the rail. That would go a long way for me.

  8. How about a cool down on the tracer and longer lasting debuff? I can use maybe three other abilities before I must fire tracer again. Between the long cast and missle animation, you have to fire with 1/4 of the time remaining on the debuff or it drops and you are back to spamming tracer again.
  9. As I mentioned PvP isn't really my thing, I know I suck at it. My heart races, I make tons of mistakes and generally forget everything I should be doing and start clicking any button that will respond. I think I win maybe 1 in 10 head to head fights, gear not being a factor. When it comes down to gear, I might as well run away as that 10-20% is the difference between a chance to win and certain death. I know I will not be doing any instance PvP after I hit 50 as I won't ever dedicate the time it takes to get the gear.


    I am not asking for the stat to be removed, it is in the game and that is that. I am saying I will never move beyond an occasional PvP match player as the barrier to entry is too high for me.


    What I am saying is if the goal is to make PvP a bigger part of SWTOR, then the stat is not a benefit. It simply makes those who do it often better and encourages those of us who don't PvP frequently to stay out of it.

  10. PvP gear with a stat is a Dis-Incentive for me as a player. PvP was never my thing but from time to time it is a nice change of pace from questing and crafting. Knowing that my limited ability in PvP is magnified when going against opponents with Battlemaster gear, I simply won't do it. This is no skin off my nose, I will just play the other parts of the game. I respect getting killed by a player who is better than me. I don't respect a player who kills me because of a 20% swing in damage input/output, I am just annoyed and won't PvP willingly.


    If you want more numbers in PvP then remove the stat and make it about the individual player. If you just want the folks with time to grind or real ability then leave the stat in and play with fewer players.

  11. I don't want recount or any other add-ons because I know many people who used Curse got viruses and hacked accounts. I will never install a thrid party addon to my game ever again. If that excludes me from your group so be it. Meanwhile me and my friends are going to figure out how to win with practice, knowledge and a bit of luck.


    When your enjoyment revovles around "Winning" then I wonder exactly why you play games in the first place.


    My enjoyment comes from playing and that includes getting my arse kicked by a boss or losing a PvP battle.

  12. This game is the first that I have started out on a PvP server from the onset. That said, I remember this issue in WoW and it pissed me off then and I back the OP and other PvE players. Anybody who thinks it is cool to use this tactic is a tool and needs more than just a ticket submitted about them.


    Record the offender's name.

    On each and every planet you visit, see if that tool is on the same planet as you.

    If you encounter the tool and he is marked for PvP, tell Guild/General/Trade that the tool is in a specific area and likes to autoflag players for PvP. Don't spam, if someone is interested in helping the will send you a /w.


    Do not try to turn the tables if they aren't marked for PvP as that will get you in trouble.


    Hopefully enough people will make it their goal to ruin the tool's day. I know I would.


    I don't grief, hell I feel bad about ganking, but I love to grief the griefers.

  13. Having a blast. I have played a dozen or so MMOs and got one max level character in maybe half of them before it got old and I quit. In this game, I am playing 6 characters and I don't intend to stop until I have finished all 6 story lines. The game is far more engaging than any other MMO I have played.


    I worry about end game but at the rate I am playing I got a couple of months before this is an issue.

  14. I LOVE the Voice acting rather than a window of text. If it weren't in the game, I would be playing Skyrim. While I will skip conversations from time to time, almost always on my alts, I am very happy this is in the game. All of my guildmates also listen and that includes the Nth time through a FP.


    You are welcome to your opinions but do not speak for me when you say it is a waste.

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