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Posts posted by Acherom

  1. Oh boy....


    A healer?


    If you were on Jung Ma...

    Just saying you were a healer on the fleet: You would have been knocked out / kidnapped. Then drug to someone's personal ship...



    And recruited into their guild, to do flashpoints / operations with them until you couldn't take anymore!


    Seriously, the whole 'healers suck' stigma hasn't worn off yet and its the only thing slowing down runs on my server.


    Jung Ma rules!



  2. Roll on a populated server and it rules.


    This a thousand times. I bit the bullet and abandoned my first 50 and all of his stuff because there was no one around; and now couldn't be happier.


    I'll get him back someday; when transfers hit. But in the mean time; I'm having a blast.

  3. What I can take away from all these threads... is people complain about people not playing the game... when all they do themselves is log on for 5 - 15 minutes; don't immediately get what they want, and log out.


    "But my WZ queue isn't instant!"

    Mine either; I have to wait a whole 40 - 60 seconds for it to pop, on a slow day. Usually the queue is up the second I hit solo / group queue.


    The fleet? There were only 168 on the imperial fleet, at off peak hours last night. Still hard to find a group for low level flash points, but no place is perfect.


    How is my experience differing so much from what everyone here is saying?

    Well I wised up early; and decided the server I was auto placed on wasn't what I was looking for. So I abandoned a lv 50; legacy lv 15, and several million credits and no-longer-obtainable items in order to get to a better server.


    Join a server with a little community; I haven't been able to get back to 50 yet (across three alts) because things like player-run pvp events keep distracting me. When was the last time you spent an entire evening fighting over an outpost with no tangible game value; simply because world PvP?


    All I'm saying is things are pretty darn awesome when you've got people around.

  4. I just reached 41 on Taris last evening. (Empire: 32 - 36)


    If anything; you gain too much experience to quickly in this game. Not that I'm complaining...

    I'm odd in that I want to get to max level before exploring for datacrons and such.

  5. Who knows what Bioware is thinking, I have no idea where you can get the cyan or purple lightsaber color crystal anymore. Probably rare drops in raids, you can get some different colors from the PvP vendor, but those are the extreamly fugly black colored ones. I think there is a purple black one there, they all looks horrendus.


    Or players who, like myself: stock piled them because of their rarity. :)

    I love using my Cyan crystals on my empire characters; because no one else seems to have one.

  6. I didn't mention the Consular / Inquisitor because pocket healers have far less impact on those 2 classes. Both the Consular and Inquisitor can heal, regardless of AC. Sage / Sorc get outright heals, while the Shadow / Assassin can heal themselves, on the fly, in-combat, based on the stance and spec tree they use.


    In the case of the Consular / Inquisitor, Consulars do receive their pocket healer first (Nar Shaddaa) vs the Inquisitor (Hoth) but as I pointed out, pocket healers have reduced usefulness for a class that has heals in both ACs.


    You can not deny however, that in the 3 other classes, Empire is favored in when they receive their pocket healers, and in those 3 classes, pocket healers play a much more important role.


    Using that argument: I'd say the only class where it matters is the Knight / Warrior. As you say one of the ACs can heal; so can Commandos / Merc, and Operatives / Scoundrels.


    Unless you meant to count Dark Charge / Combat Technique; which you can't actually switch to 'on the fly' to gain any significant healing from. (a couple of percent, at best, on a proc; that costs your entire resource pool to shift to)


    Leveling both a Sage and a Sorc; the difference between getting your healer at ~23 and ~44 are massive.

    (The issue I have with this particular match up is more in quality of story writing more then anything; I did not feel engaged in the Sage story at all, at any time of playing the class.)

  7. I remember running this at fresh 50, as a Sorc healer...


    We had a Jug tank who would initiate combat with a ranged attack, get thrown waaaaaaay away by a screamer; and Force Leap in; then get threat up. After the second knock back; we had generally been able to re-position to a spot where he was just tossed against a wall; and didn't actually go anywhere.


    The Mercs are way more annoying to deal with... especially when the DPS isn't paying attention. -.-


    "Interrupt the channel."


    "Interrupt the Merc."



    *DPS dies*

    '*** no healz?'

    "I'm still CC'd dumb-@#&, next time interrupt the Merc."


    Ahh... good times actually. Frustrating as all get out the first run, but after they caught on it was much better.

  8. Ok, I'll make an agent.


    Next question: operative or sniper?


    I'm bias toward Operative; especially medic.


    Because I can literally do anything. I have ranged damage, I have melee damage, I have excellent healing.... there is never a situation you don't have a card / gadget for.


    However; if dps is your flavor of choice I believe Sniper wins out in the 'fun' department. Although honestly I haven't tried out concealment as an OP yet. I just believe Lethality would work wonders better at 30 range than from 10 range.

  9. I'd suggest playing a bounty hunter instead if you can't manage energy.


    Actually BH's have the exact same mechanic; only its reversed. We try to keep our bar full and they try to keep it empty. (Less heat dissipation at >40 heat, >60, and >80 if I recall the correct break points.)



    Would have helped if I read the 2nd page, huh? This was pointed out by CTifer; my bad.


    I can remember having a set of gear with mana regen on my Vanilla Hunter for farming, and even on certain raid bosses having 1 or 2 regen items was a DPS gain simply because your pool was bigger.


    Oh god, I wasn't the only one!? */sniffle*


    On topic though: I like having a pacing mechanic over having a 'pool' mechanic. I've found that on my operative; that once you get a hang for a rhythm in your abilities I don't even need to look at the energy bar to keep it above the fast regen mark. It just feels 'right' hovering above the 60 area.


    Unless of course I'm about to kill something, or finish a fight that I'll have time afterward; then you pound abilities faster because you'll have recoup time in a second. It gives finishing fights a faster, higher action feel.


    Personally? I love that the mechanic engages me to the point where I'm even considering the fight. The pace of it; how soon it will end, how much time will be between the end and the next. It keeps me from falling asleep while fighting specifically becuase its more involved then some other games inconsequential systems.

  10. Noticed this a long time ago on my Sorc healer (Before he was retired in 1.2), quite easy to reproduce.


    Target any far-away mob, command your companion to attack it, then throw a heal of any kind (instant works best). The mob will aggro to you, almost regardless of the actual distance between you. You can then set your companion to passive; and the mob will keep coming. You can use this method to remote-pull boss type mobs or elites that you don't want to clear all the way toward.


    Tried reporting this; but at the time the bug service was down, and it wasn't a pressing enough issue to remember to report again later. I had actually forgotten about this since rolling my agent; these days I just stealth past things I don't want to deal with rather then remote-pull. Good find though.

  11. Increasing your social level actually unlocks a few of these.


    /map for example; allows you to hold up one of those display panels and look it over.


    /holocom randomly pulls up one of the ship / person / planet displays on your communicator.


    and the /datapad brings up the device commonly used to tap into machines / terminals for a few moments.


    I believe all of these are listed under the legacy window.

  12. The problem isn't I can't send off the companions - the issue is that you don't even get the option. If I'm lucky I have one 'moderate' mission (which maybe returns 2 gemstones) and one 'abundant' mission (which maybe returns 4). The rest are always companion gift missions. So I can only send out 1-2 companions - have too wait and hour - 'maybe' get what I needed and then send them out again. So I can craft 1 item in a 3 hour play period.


    What you need to support then, is the suggestion over in the suggestion thread for: "Allow refreshing the mission list."


    I have had a similar problem where, as Cybertech; all missions either return fabrics (which I can't use) or companion gifts (which I don't want) Not having a single metals mission is quite common.

  13. Coolest MMO-related smartphone app I've seen is Ventriloid. Vent on your smart phone. No more "broken microphone" excuses! :D


    B-but... I have no Mi- damn... Uh, I don't have a smart phone! D: Yea... that's it.


    In all seriousness; I would love to see some type of smartphone app for in-game stuff. Maybe just managing crew skills; or the market. Or see what they have going from there.


    And as someone mentioned in another thread, they could probably port the Space Missions to a decent smart phone too.


    I'm torn on this... on one hand I'd love it...


    On the other, my daily productivity would plummet. And I'm already far over-leveled for content. I shudder to think what would happen to my level if I were able to shoot things all day via phone-app.

  14. Umm, I have sat in one place and until the next level is available, all I could do was those same missions, again and again.


    Yes, they need to add a shuffle button. I hate that I have 5 missions available for companion gifts, but none for metals, which is what I need to do...


    This a thousand times...


    I'm Cybertech at the moment; and I can't help but groan every time I open the mission tab and see 4 missions for fabrics, and none for metals.

  15. I was looking through the Legacy Unlocks the other day; and came across something interesting. The Valor unlocks, the whole Jab - Uppercut, melee combat stuff.


    Oh, ok... looks interesting. Ran over to a target dummy, and tested these moves out. I was surprised to see these moves actually hit harder then my Agent's gun (rifle shot, with of-level epic barrel). So I got to thinking...


    What if, we could swap weapons in combat? I could go through my normal rotation, maybe burst harder and burn out my energy. Then while waiting for it to come back; throw the gun down temporarily and beat the ever living snot out of my target.


    Makes me feel like some type of super martial arts expert; mostly because the agent retains the ability to use knife-based abilities without a gun equipped. (You lose access to all other abilities, including healing probes in Medicine spec)

  16. Imagine a game where you have to AWAKE and pay attention or you'll die. No. SWTOR is a snoozefest.


    While I personally would enjoy an environment like this; players like myself are sadly in the minority. The combat can't be to difficult or too 'skill' involved or its going to scare the 'casuals' away. Some may say that is a good thing. Realistically; the casuals are numerous, and hungry for games. They will flock to things that are simple yet enjoyable; and thus what ever is able to accommodate them will flourish infinitely better then any type of 'hardcore' game.


    Sadly, I was not able to get into TERA to test it out. However from what little I've been able to see: I don't think I'll be able to convince friends to move over, so there is no point to perusing playing. When mentioned to my group; its met with complaints against its art style: to "anime-ish", a lack of apparent role-play tools (honestly SWTOR is lacking here to), and finally; the slightly smaller segment of female members of my group point to the ... [expletive] outfits the game calls 'armor' and won't touch it with a ten foot pole. I wish it the best of luck; but it just doesn't appear to be the game I'm looking for.

  17. Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


    I got to try the closed beta a little over a month ago: said nearly the same exact thing and got nothing but flamings for it. I really hate to say it, but a few good 'I told you so.'s are in order...


    It honestly didn't hit me to just how enjoyable a fully voiced game ( and all those little cut-scenes with NPC's while picking up quests) was until I went back to a game not having them. But it is what it is; yet another high-fantasy MMO, which quite frankly I've gotten my fill of.




    I read a little ways back, someone complaining about their 'high end' computer running on fleet with only 10-15 fps. I really hate to say this, but you're doing something wrong. Its probably something like service configuration (especially if running Win7). There is a thread on the general boards... buried many pages in: that has a "things you can disable, or prevent from running to drastically speed up your system." guide.


    I recently applied most of the steps of this guide: (avoiding the ones that just didn't make sense based on said friends normal machine usage) and he went from 10-12 fps on Drumund'Kaas to a smooth 60 fps. (Bottoms out at 35-40 on fleet)


    Using an Intel Core Duo @ 2.4 GHz, and 2 GB of DDR3 RAM. (This is by no means a 'high end' system) Don't know the exact video card... but its at least 2 generations old. The point is: the game doesn't actually run all that bad, when your system is properly optimized to run games. (The general guide also drastically boosts performance for all games; so even if you're set on not sticking with SWTOR I'd give it a look to improve performance with whatever you end up with.)

  18. I mean how do you beat the line "Hey ugly I'll pay you to lick my feet... He'll do it, can you spot me 20 credits" said on getting to Nar Shaddaa for the first time, I nearly fell of the chair laughing when I heard that one.


    I'm glad this was mentioned because this is specifically one of her lines that exemplifies my hatred of her.


    Okay, fine; maybe she's just a tortured soul whos acting out for attention. Its not cute; I'm a god-D#%ed professional here. I have a job to do.


    Sure that kind of stuff might fly when she's running about with her space-pirate gangs or what have you; but she's with Intelligence now. Grow up a little and do your work, and do it right; or for the love of the Empire space yourself. (Or at the very least transfer to some other unit where I will never have to see you again.)


    However I will admit; that being able to insight such disdain is a mark of a very well written character. I do not for a second argue against her in that regard. If I didn't care at all it would be a whole lot worse.

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