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Posts posted by Acherom

  1. I don't see any benefit to bringing a companion over a player. You get less social points, too.


    The "issue" is companions are cool-down based; where players are resource based. In instances where intense healing isn't required; companions will be superior because they effectively never go "oom". Granted the heals aren't as powerful; it just means the dps and tank have to be sure to put more effort into mitigation. (Also they have to pay attention because there is no healer for them to point at and yell "Its your fault!" to.)

  2. I wouldn't say nice. All the black crystals are equally hideous :/


    Finally someone around here with a little sense!


    Back on topic: the easiest way to obtain a purple crystal (arguably) is to purchase the main-hand weapon you found on the ops vender and canabalize it for the gem.


    Better yet; consult the unofficially elected Chancellor of Information: Dulfy.



  3. Even if you were fully equipped there is no way you could win as a healer. If the marauder knows what their doing they'll interrupt 3 of your heals and reduce all other heals by 20%. It is enough time to burst you down to zero.


    If you were the Jedi Sage equivalent of a Madness specced sorcerer, well then you would give him a good run for his money.




    Healing spec simply does not have the damage output to be a threat; it is nothing short of a miracle that you got him down as far as you did.


    One of two things was happening here:

    -1. He is an exceptionally bad Mara, and was kited about for a few minutes or longer while your one dot and companion ticked away at his health slowly.


    -2. You are actually the greatest Sage to ever live; and if you had any actual damage output or gear: he would be a red smear on Illum's surface.


    In all seriousness though; Sage vs Mara is a game of lethal tag. If he touches you, your health can drop in about four seconds. If you kite flawlessly, and he makes a few crucial mistakes you can theoretically win. But you're in for a long, uphill battle.

  4. We need to get our giggle back. If they went as far as switching the tracer missile and fusion missile animation for mercs based on "popular demand" then they should give us back our damn giggle. There has to be a better way to bring this to the dev's attention.


    Let your sub lapse and list it as the reason?


    Honestly I'm just feeling... detached from the game at the moment. Have had no inclination to log in for just over a week now.

  5. I'm not understanding the reason for getting so upset with this. I do understand that a certain level of gear is needed to complete end game content. But it was stated that this LFG tool was for heroics and non hard mode flashpoints, and excludes operations. Since hardmodes and operations take a certain amount of coordination and in some cases like with operations need a team speak server to effectively run. So did they change the LFG tool to now include hard modes and operations because if not then this whole thing is pointless.


    Where there are guidelines; there will be people cheesing them.


    Look at the random group thing this way: Its like jumping into a shark tank, head first; without safety gear.


    Sometimes: the rest of the group jumps in with you, and random antics ensue.


    Sometimes; one guy stands on the side and pours chum into the tank and the whole thing turns into a mess.


    Sometimes; one guy blows his whistle and says, "*** do you think you're doing!?" and breaks out the safety gear. Maybe he even teaches you how to use it!


    In the last instance; my friends list grows by one, and the random-lfg becomes less necessary. :)

  6. Just like here.. what the hell is enrage?? I have no idea what that is.. Does the boss double attack? what is a rage meter. You might as well be talking double dutch to me.


    Pardon if I didn't elaborate; I forget at times that others have not been in the genre as long as I have.


    Enrage is a mechanic in bosses in hard-mode flash-points that works as follows:

    When the boss is engaged, an invisible count down timer starts. When that timer hits zero: the boss gains an Enraged buff; that increases their damage output to the point where they can one shot even the best geared tanks.


    Its essentially: a damage checking mechanic. The only way to beat it: is to kill the boss before it happens. As outlined in my last post: the reason we were cutting it so close each time was the Sniper's weapon was far, far behind (a level 40 barrel). I offered to help him acquire a significant upgrade to make future runs easier; but instead got blown up on.

  7. I would normally say its completely un-neccessary, until I got into a HM-BT run recently.


    The first clue that there was something wrong with the group was when we wiped on the bonus boss twice due to enrage.

    Group composition was:

    Powertech, (Average rating on gear: 140)

    Operative, (Average rating on gear: 128)

    Sniper, (Average rating on gear: 108 (Weapon: 90))

    Merc. (Average rating on gear: 126 (Weapons: 140))


    Our problem was lacking DPS; took four attempts to kill the last boss (again due to enrage), but we did it. The worst part about the run? When I suggested we hit the dailies on Belsavis so the sniper could rip a 124 cunning barrel out of the companion modable reward (The blowing up generators one) he got _very_ offended and spent the rest of the run spewing profanities along with statements like, "Well I'm @#%(ing sorry I'm not up to your god-#*@&$( elitest standards! Some of us have jobs and lives outside of the game!"


    Wall, of the Text Legacy crits you for over 9000


    Sounds like a rather weak Ambush crit to me.

  8. How unlucky of you.


    I've lvled all my toons on Jung Ma, and I can tell you from what I have seen, the RP is alive and well. Its not common in very populated areas though. I usppose people are afraid of griefers messing with them.


    I lead Order of the Sith Lords on Jung Ma. We're an RPvP Guild, and we hold regular RP events. I mean, that may be why we see all our RP, but we're not the only guild or group that RPs.


    Slippery Slopes Cantina on Nar Shadaa is generally a good starting point to find RPers. Its considered to be our "Hub". Both Empire and Republic players gather there.


    *Raises hand*


    1-50 empire, 1-45 republic; I have had a single RP encounter the entire way. Alderan on my republic character.

    Eventually I hope to find a guild to break this dry streak.

  9. Completed this mission @ 34, first shot. (Full heal spec at the time)


    Noticed there seemed to be a targeting bug with the platform. (ie the railings caused LOS or something of the like)

    Put vector on passive, and ran behind the computers just off the platform; he followed.


    From there; he kept vector pretty tied up with CC, and I simply would dodge between the terminals to avoid casts.

    Didn't get a single spell off; couldn't melee me, didn't need to use evasion. This was a pathetically easy fight.


    Use the surrounding terrain to your advantage; and you should be fine. Good luck!

  10. Acherom--what armor is on your agent here? it's awesome!!!--could you link or name the chest, legs, belt, and hands?


    The main set is the agent's recruit gear; and the head piece is a re-modified http://www.torhead.com/item/fRFvYMU/force-sentry-headgear


    I will be uploading a screen shot of my non-pvp set as well later this evening. :)


    And here they are! Spoilered because they are quite large.










  11. I have to say as a RP server player; there is a metric ton of features I'd like to see transplanted from LoTRo to SWTOR. But it is mostly little things; working tables / chairs, fluff items, 'toy' items, player-played music (I can dream damn it), and customize-able living quarters (I'd be more then happy with customizing our ships a bit, as they serve the same purpose)


    But all of that is mostly fluff-stuff. Sure the little ... scenarios? are kind of neat; (Randomized mini-flashpoints. You hold a castle and defend it from X number of randomly selected mobs / bosses) but honestly just get dull. SWTOR: please make social stuff more fun. Give us more toys; encourage people to socialize a bit, it can do wonders for in-game communities.



    Side note; I was formerly a very prosperous pipe-weed farmer. Know what that stuff does for you? Nothing. Its purely cosmetic and one of the most profitable professions you could have. People. Like. Pointless. Toys.


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