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Everything posted by Dannicus

  1. "So, hey, guys, I like cover, but..." Removing the cover requirement is kind of meaningless. We get a ton of bonuses so long as we're at least crouched, or upon crouching, actual cover isn't necessary for out bonuses. I don't understand the problem. "So, hey, guys, I like using lightsabers, but seriously, Jedi shouldn't need to always have lightsabers, it gets tedious."
  2. Are you playing the tank class and spec? Don't know warrior/knight very much at all here, but something tells me you're not playing the class you should if all you want to do is kill. Glue yourself to a healer, guard him, and taunt one of their hardest hitters, then lay into him until he dies. I'd say that's a viable option. If you're the tanking AC, you're not entirely there for damage.
  3. Beyond the obvious gameplay glitches Warzones are suffering from (FPS lag, ability lag, etc., and anything that's class specific) we need only these changes currently to bring PVP to a better balance in Warzones... Tank AC's get their taunt, guard, and tanking "stance" at level 10 Sprint at level 10 Low levels to get an extra boost, as much as 30% more for sub-20's Level 50s to bolster downwards and require at least one piece of dedicated PVP gear, with a PVP stat cap Introduce a level 50 only bracket that's optional to queue for that removes aformentioned cap and bolster effects
  4. Can you please make this actually full screen? Other games get this done perfectly, where having focus on the game shows it as full screen, but I can alt-tab like I would from a browser. Instead, we have the application bar up top and the taskbar on the bottom. I've accidentally clicked these a few times when trying to target something or when things are hectic and I try to make a camera turn. It's rare, but it's happened, and it's annoying.
  5. Even if resolve is working correctly and is providing some real immunity for players (most times I get chained, I'd be dead anyways cuz I was focused by 2+ players), the bigger problem is the CC breaker is on a 2 minute cooldown. Most every CC is on one minute or less of a cooldown. When a long match might net you 6 or 7 uses of a CC break VS a couple dozen stun opportunities, I think there's a problem. CC breakers need to be 1 minute cooldowns. Done.
  6. Premades are premades. Making it a bracketed system won't stop that. Bolster will be improved and, with any luck, we'll see a 50's only bracket they can choose.
  7. Reasons Bolster is better: Brackets have the same exact level/gear problems, minus the queue issue, PLUS making it a cinch to PVP with Guildies and friends. Done. Bolstering isn't going anywhere, it'll only be improved.
  8. Stopped reading right there. Welcome to how to win: Premades. I'm willing to bet they'd wasted you just as bad if they were all level 15.
  9. Here's a nice, condensed list of what we need: Sprint to be learned at level 10 Tank AC's to get their taunt, guard, and tanking power at level 10 Lower levels, particularly 10 to 15 or so, to get an extra 15% or more bolstering Level 50s to bolster down slightly and require at least partial blue and/or PVP gear to be fully effective Cap the impact of PVP stats Introduce a Level 50 only bracket available as an option when queuing that removes any bolster effects or PVP stat caps Done.
  10. Voidstar's door is definitely unfair, I'm willing to bet something glitched out. I've had that thing just sit there for as much as 30 seconds before, while I'm being told I'm going to be auto-kicked for deserting for some reason. Only ever seems to happen on Voidstar.
  11. From doing stuff near objective, near as I can tell, which is retarded. Yet another game where PVP the points and rewards end up going to people with the highest kill count and damage score. I hope the first patch they introduce makes some changes to how things are scored.
  12. The best way to do it would be to require so much light and so much dark while capping at one of the levels. Like maybe this neutral gear requires 2k light and 2k dark, but I cannot hit Rank 2 light or dark or I lose out on the gear, that makes it so I require getting points but must be careful not to over extend one side. This gives you your neutral range.
  13. All we really need is an actually functioning and useful Social tab (as in, not this barebones crap we have now) with a universal LFG channel.
  14. Dannicus

    PVP Balance!?

    PVPing in beta as a vanguard trooper without my tank skills or Sprint yet was also a load of crap. Yet I still hit top 3 of damage every warzone... PVP only really gets good by 16 or so when you have Sprint and your most staple abilities. By then, you should have enough to hold your own against most players if you're any good. Only classes that yours is weak against will start causing issue.
  15. Kaliyo sucks cuz she gets nothing more than a chance to shield absorb. She needs actual mitigation. I feel like Aric Jorgan lasted longer than she did when I played trooper in Beta, while having far superior damage output and area effect from him at the same time. I last longer than she does with medium armor and the same health. She's only useful because she meatshields long enough to kill enough of a mob group that you can cover from the remainder after she dies. I soloed an early 2+ heroic on Nar Shadaa recently, and only thanks to biochem did I win, since there's a medpac type that acts as a battle rez for companions aside from its healing. Had I done it with my trooper at the same level, I'd have beasted it no problem.
  16. Brackets are inferior because every issue that bolster has, brackets also have. However, Bolster also solves many problems and simultaneously makes others easier to deal with. The biggest complaint (and realistically the only) is that in Bolster, you can have a level 10 against a level 50. At any given moment, if you're not level 50, you're at risk of lesser gear, will have fewer talents, and a less robust array of rotation, control, and survivability skills. Introducing brackets across all level ranges solves nothing because this leads to the same problem... Take a game like Rift. A level 10 is not as effective as a 19, just as a 20 is not as effective as a 29, all thanks to disparities in gear, available skills, and allotted talent points. Level 50 is broken up into PVP rank brackets, meaning the moment you reach the next rank you're underpowered to everyone else. The disparity then comes in the form of PVP gear alone and partially the PVP souls. In a bolstered system, the biggest disparity is in available skills and allotted talents. Already, the playing field is far more even, because now things are far more tied to a player's personal skill with available tools rather than stat differences. This next point for the bolstering system is that brackets arbitrarily split the PVP population. On SW:TOR, I can request an invite from my guild on my new alt and play with their high and max level characters. In a bracketed system, I'm forced into playing teen levels. In a bracketed system, once I or my guildmates outlevel a bracket, we can no longer play together. Included in this problem is the queue. I may go from near instant queues at level 20, but once I hit 21 and enter the next bracket PVP dies down drastically and my queues are long. So, once again, bolstering wins out, this time on the social side of things. The third and most key point is the ability to balance and gauge the flow of PVP. Rather than worrying about the impact of altering a certain ability across all level ranged, it can be tweaked in a normalized environment, helping to limit any negative impact on gameplay elsewhere. Bioware will have a much easier time of determining where and how a particular ability, or mix thereof, becomes too powerful, allowing them to make much less drastic changes and achieve a better balance. They also do not need to predict how a change for a low or mid-level bracket will impact higher level brackets because of the normalization. They'll know right away how and when a particular ability or combination of abilities becomes problematic and have far less consequence and risk for any changes. The changes that Bolstering needs are minimal: Every Tank AC to get their taunt, guard, and tanking stance (for the damage mitigation) at level 10. Sprint to be brought down to level 10. Impact of stats increased on lower levels, mostly 10-15 or so. Require level 50s to have at least a partial set of PVP stat'ed gear to normalize their stats, or even reduce or eliminate the impact of PVP stat'ed gear in a bolstered WZ Coupled with the above suggestion, provide level 50s with an optional 50s exclusive bracket when queuing that removes any cap or suppression of PVP stats and has no bolster mechanic. Bolster is a far superior system. It's like going from Windows 3.1 to Windows XP. It's going from a cellphone to a smart phone. It's Final Fantasy 1 to Final Fantasy 6. It's going from Starbucks to brewing your own coffee at home so you're saving $3 a cup while getting coffee that doesn't taste like burnt sewage. It's having your cake and eating it too. Offer suggestions for Bolster rather than asking for a downgrade in the evolution of MMORPG systems just because it's familiar.
  17. Brackets mean the exact same problems you just gave and introduce a host of others. Bolstering needs improvements and that's about it. If you had a team full of 20-30s you were OUTPLAYED because by now you've got a solid array of abilities and talents. The only thing I'd want to see is an option for level 50s to queue up with only other 50s. Bolster is an excellent system that solves many problems and makes solving others easier. Brackets promote unfair twinking and result in the exact same problems that Bolster has now, being disparity in gear/abilities/talents. Bolster's advantage is that they can simply alter how much contribution lower levels get from gear and even provide DISadvantage to max levels that lack Expertise gear.
  18. See, this is the MOST ANNOYING THING about MMORPG PVP in that I've got to juggle a dozen hotbars of skills while dealing with bunny hoppers and circle strafing. The fact I actually aim is a good thing. Not only do I not have to worry about being strafed, I don't have to try doing it myself. Learn how to not rely on a design flaw to win rather than complain about losing access to an exploit too many MMOs let happen.
  19. No, I've gotten NO crits, which means I'm missing out on some extra ingredients to craft other stuff. It's really slowed me down, to be honest.
  20. I've literally yet to crit Biochem OR Bioanalysis. It's really hindering my capacity to level biochem with no crits, and because of what stuff I don't get access to it's been a less then helpful crafting skill. Underworld Trading crits like one out of every ten times with Kaliyo, since she gets a bonus to it, but I've absolutely not crit AT ALL on Biochem or Bioanalysis. Anyone else seeing the same?
  21. I've yet to play a class with a channeled ability to any real extent and have only rolled a Sniper so far. However, it feels like channeled abilities (like Pebblestorm) seem to continue to hit me despite LOS'ing my target. Meanwhile, Snipe and other cast time abilities will cancel from an LOS break. Am I just nuts or is anyone else noticing this?
  22. coun·se·lor    [koun-suh-ler] noun 1. a person who counsels; adviser. 2. a faculty member who advises students on personal and academic problems, career choices, and the like. 3. an assistant at a children's camp, often a high-school or college student, who supervises a group of children or directs a particular activity, as nature study or a sport. 4. a lawyer, especially a trial lawyer; counselor-at-law. 5. an official of an embassy or legation who ranks below an ambassador or minister. Con·su·lar    [kon-suhl-ar] noun 1. an official appointed by the government of one country to look after its commercial interests and the welfare of its citizens in another country. 2. either of the two chief magistrates of the ancient Roman republic. 3. [b][i][color="Red"]The mother f***in' class in this mother f***in' game.[/i][/b][/color] Counselors are the new Rouges. It's really annoying
  23. Dannicus

    Word PvP rewards

    Meaningful world PVP first, then rewards.
  24. Problems will be addressed and issues resolved with the bolster system over time. Having more skills and talents certainly makes a difference, yes, but that doesn't somehow mean they have as dramatic as an advantage as you bracketeers think they do. Comparing a video of level 50 sniper PVP to my sniper at level 19, yes, there is SOME difference, there are some noticeable increases in damage and survivability, but that's a level 50 fighting sub 20s compared to being a sub 20. PVP gear likely makes more of a difference than talents do. Brackets are a bad idea. Cross-server is a bad idea. Bolster is already in place. Keep it, it works, it can be improved, it makes balancing easier, and it makes playing with friends and guildmates convenient and easy. It was SO stupid having a guildmate outlevel your bracket in Rift, or the same happen to you. I don't want that. Bolster is awesome, so either figure out what you're doing wrong, level up to get some helpful talents, and run with friends/guildies. All bracketing will accomplish is creating the same problem over multiple level ranges. You'd go from dominating at bracket cap to being stomped when you level to the next one. A normalizing system like this is a FAR superior system.
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