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Posts posted by -FadedOne-

  1. The sense of community everyone now and days talks about simply dose not exist in the current online community. The entire social aspect of games has been phased out to never ending repetition "end game" content recycled every couple months and carrot on a stick goals like gear. Not to mention the majority player base now and days for games expects such and consist of the "i want it now my way" and play games for no other reason than to compete and talk crap about how awesome they are and show off there phat loots. I blame the player base a thousand times more so than the companies. The best games are gonna suck with the worse players in them.


    basically what I'm saying is bring back the community's of the first gen mmos you know the ones that people played games for fun :p

  2. seriously my biggest turn off on republic side is the lack cool looking skills. Bounty hunters shoot fire, missiles galore, rail gun lasers jet pack charges/uppercuts. Sith shoot lightning/choke people. i mean troppers have one gun that dose all of there moves... boring as ****. and jedi shoot rocks for god sake. Why do they not shoot massive energy blast like in the hope trailer i would rather them shoot kamehameha's then pebbles.. lol seriously.
  3. do people really not remember how *********** terrible and buggy almost every mmo is at launch?.. id say this one is doing pretty well for a company's first ever attempt at a game of this type and scale. i know all the wow fanboys probably were not around for launch dying and having to put a ticket in to get ressed by a GM because the graveyards didn't work and your body despawned now that's game breaking. get over it its been 3 weeks weeding out the bad code to fix bugs in a game this size and complexity has to be mind numbingly painstakingly exhausting and know your game is full of whiny little kids who have no idea the amount of work that goes into it, all the while your boss is on you for results asap. Get your head out the clouds and have some common sense and realistic expectations.

    and the kids saying they are "real" "hardcore" gamers and the real bugs/issues are only apparent to them is silly.and not to mention hardcore gamers make up a very small proportion of the gaming market and most company's admittedly are not focused on your needs/wants in a game. They are going to appeal to the most broad audience possible the casual gamer.


    O and the guy who said ya it could have been better with no bugs, but would end up launching at the end of the year if not next year, god bless you sir you give me a glimmer of hope in humanity. Id rather have a game with some bugs than wait another year.


    eat my wall of text

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