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Everything posted by BurningChick

  1. My facepalm moment was with the elephant in the room that Gabe didn't mention: while the Ilum "glitch" could have been exploited by either side, it was exploited primarily (solely?) by the Siths because of a rather large population imbalance between the two sides. The devs primary job, ongoing, for a healthy PvP environment should be finding ways to bring the two populations back into balance. And for the Siths telling Republic players to suck it up? Just remember: ya'll want to have quality opponents. RoFLstomping gets dull after a while.
  2. Well ... I'm not a powers guru, but there are some cases where "mirrored" powers behave differently -- ferinstance, one or two powers have front-loaded damage Imperial side, while the Republic gets back-loaded damage. Same damage, same effects in both cases, but it's far easier to interrupt the damage component of the Republic power. A handful of little things like this initially gave the Imperials a tiny advantage in PvP. Unfortunately, that tiny advantage meant a few more wins for the Imperials (53 : 47 on some maps, per the devs) which has meant that an increasing number of "Play To Win" PvPers switched to Imperial. What we have now is a t***** problem to sort out. Imperial is more attractive to play (literally and figuratively, Imperial animations are often splashier). This has led to a population imbalance. Which has led to Imperial farming Illum turrets on several servers. Which is going to throw PvP even more off-kilter as Imperials get better gear. That's one of the odd things about MMOs -- players can tease out the most minute advantages from a PvP system and leverage those advantages to a surprising degree. For those who don't see the big picture: having OMG awesome gear is great -- have fun using it in PvE 'cause you're unlikely to be seeing a lot of hot Imp / Republic action until BioWare starts fixing its mess. Edit: Really? A rose has many thorns and is therefore "t*****" ... that gets bleeped?
  3. What kills me is that the folks who've been getting agrarian on lowbies are eventually going to start whining about how hard it is to start matches ... after they've turned off the casual players with their actions.
  4. Ahhhhhh, this thread explains what I've been seeing during Huttball matches. Zzzzzzzz .... And it's also no wonder that I've been finding myself PvPing less -- it's been happening more often that my high-30s trooper gets RoFL-stomped so fast on some maps it's almost impossible to rack up more than 1 or 2 badges.
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