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Everything posted by SerZa

  1. I'll make a character right now.
  2. I'm on break so whenever you guys wanna play.
  3. Entertaining friends of course!
  4. Your lack of faith disturbs me...
  5. As long as I get to play with you guys I don't mind what we do.
  6. Nothing super amazing. Stilling working for my Cisco certifications for my networking class (it's hard work but I'm improving.) High school is still what it always is, but I'm almost done with it. Also are you guys still willing to join the same server and create a guild?
  7. Get to like 25 then I either lose interest in the story or I reroll to play on a different server, so if you add up how many 25's I've had I have like a level 75 if that counts.
  8. Yes please do this! I've been close to quitting, I need a change or something! :(
  9. Yeah it is sad, but our busy lives get in the way a lot haha. I'll try to be more active!
  10. If I'm home. I have to go visit a family member today.
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