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  1. I'm going to reply section by sention on this: Actually, this undermines your case... heavily. You are part of the .01% of gamers that will ever see a world first anything. Your concerns are heavily divorced from the viewpoint of most of the people who play this game. By the time most of the people playing this game reach the point of even attempting the hardmodes, Bioware will have had more than enough time to tune and patch the raids (probably repeatedly). From a purely financial perspective, it is not in Bioware's interest to prioritize fixes and updates to suit your particular playstyle. I say that not to offend you, but to simply add perspective on my comments to follow. You right and wrong on this point. End game content is a significant point on holding on to subscribers past the initial 2 month window of a new game, but it is less significant during that initial time period. You have to realize the average age of MMO gamers has been steadily increasing the past several years, and most older gamers (defined in this context as 23+) who are no longer in school and working full time simply do not have 20+ hours a week they can sink into a game. Now this isn't true of every gamer in that group, but we're looking at averages as they apply to the subscriber base. Again, I'm bringing all this up in hopes you will see that catering to your particular subset may not be in Biowares best financial interest atm. These are reasonable points and in the best interest of players of small group content of all levels, as well as raiders of all flavors. As such, this is a high priority item, and well articulated I might add. This is a known issue that Bioware has said they are working on. Not much else to do but wait for the patch. For the moment, this is a hardcore issue that will not effect most of the player base. The average gamer will take that craft that they think is 'cool' or that they personally find more interesting. Only the highest end hardcore raiders will pick a craft based solely on such a narrowminded criteria, and having been involved in raiding in WoW I can say with complete confidence that the truely hardcore will flock to whatever craft is the most beneficial, even if it's by the most miniscule margin. If your point is simply that you feel that there are ways to broaden and deepen the crafting system, I would invite you to list them. But to look at it only from the cutting view of "What is the bleeding edge raiding scene going to use?" is a fools errand. As that my personal interest in pvp is limited at best, I will refrain from commenting beyond the fact that, yes, for pvp to succeed in an MMO it has to provide either a truely unique and compelling gameplay experience (which is doubtful simply from the framework and developer time requirements) or it needs to provide a material award of some nature. It's possible they are bugged, but I would guess that at least one of them is intended to be simple, providing a straightforward fight as a reward for beating the previous harder boss. (Example from Wrath = Lootship) I would agree with your underlying premise, in that hardmode should involve new complications as opposed to simply bigger numbers. I am not of the opinion this should be a high priority item, as that it is a few months before the mathematical average player will even be attempting this content. They're designed for people who either aren't in a hardcore raiding guild, and for reasons of time, RL responsibility, or simple personal choice will not be seeing most of the raid content for quite some time, if ever. For a fair number of the people playing the game, this will BE their endgame experience. Of the 'endgame' content that you've mentioned, this should be Bioware's #1 priority; again, the compelling reason is simply numbers. Again, not my cup of tea, but I think anyone who has ever pvp'ed will tell you that being effectively stunlocked thru a fight is somewhere between disheartening and infuriating. I would like to see some time devoted to this in the near future, for the sake of the pvp servers if nothing else. Thank you for taking time to post. I found your perspective illuminating. I hope you will give the same thought and attention to my points as I have given yours. As a final thought, I would ask you not to take offense to any of my comments regarding hardcore raiders being a minority in this game. It is not meant to disparage you; I personally appreciate your efforts towards your chosen playstyle from my perspective of a lifelong gamer who values skill. I would just ask you to step back and look at the player base as a whole; realize, for the good of the game and the community, that sometimes your needs are going to take a lower priority and the post-launch patch window is one of those times. The subscriber base as a whole has a lot of needs that need to be addressed right now, and Bioware needs to look at the numbers and make impartial decisions. Not catering to the ultra elites, not catering to the terrible players who couldn't careless about the game and want everything handed to them (I'm looking at you, Blizzard), but the central core demographic of people who want to play the game at a reasonable pace, with a reasonable skill requirement, and want a rewarding balanced experience along the way. To quote a favorite podcaster of mine, TotalBiscuit: "You've got your top 1% of players on one side of the wall and your terri-bads on the other side of that wall; and you know who's sitting on that wall? That's right, everybody bloody else!"
  2. It randomly disappears sometimes. This is a known bug from beta. Try opening and closing your inventory a couple times with the hotkey 'I'. That usually fixes it.
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