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Everything posted by oucoa

  1. as the title say's I have been in game since beta and have max number of avatars mostly all 55's and I only role Imperial, have several 55 repubs. and a 2nd account with about the same mainly I'm in it to p.v.p but have been P.V.E for a while since crimson order went ghost town on me now for the 2nd time so contact me if your intersted in a solid player also please have a guild that is decked out top tear guild ship and all. thanks
  2. Completely agree. And thank you for posting and pointing out some problems with the op and having solutions to the problem. Please rip into this ideal and maybe we as a community can have a working pitch to this never ending problem.
  3. Well i addressed your questions as stated by OP... I dont see any problems again Count me in. And as far as haveing GM on short order to address ticks on hackers. If that was going to happen it would have happened long ago... Get on board with some type od solution
  4. Im forwarding this for impolais. Today , 01:31 AM | #1 REPORT POST QUOTE I have an ideal that my guild an I have been throwing around........... let a select group of players that want to help foster a fair environment, and a productive way to combat the overwhelming number of hackers in the game. We can achieve this together by using a cooperative customer to vendor/service provider relationship. using a select volunteer group of players/ customers that are willing to give up some volunteer time to police the war zones with an avatar provided by you to their account that one can not be targeted, can not be stunned/snared and has the hit point of three endgame bosses (basically untouchable).. Now with that said these avatars CAN NOT ATTACK OR INTERVENE WITH THE WAR ZONE HE IS ASSIGNED TO IN ANY WAY.. we are just there as RECORDING OBSERVERS that report our findings to you. Now that being the meat and potatoes just having these avatars that hold a GM tag and do not count to any team or accomplish any awards during said match would be a great deterrent to most hackers today. But, it doesn't stop there. I say if we find any players of the same guild not only should the Ban be on the players but since more than one player of the same guild was witnessed, the guild itself should be punished by stripping all players in said guild from all war zone comms, gear and valor. Basically putting them all back to square one as we can not validate whether they received said gear/awards by help from the cheater/hackers in their guild. This is meant to provide a stigma against collaborative hacking communities.
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