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Posts posted by gtangtan

  1. For the love of god, someone spread this post by dev.


    Hey everyone,


    Originally Posted by Alex Modny

    Naked Bolster

    The main change being made to Bolster is how it treats item slots with no items in them aka the naked bolster. If there is a slot without an item in it, that slot will only be bolstered a portion of what placing an appropriate item in the slot would. This will remove the naked bolster situation. Being Naked in a PvP area will now be much worse the further you go up the PvP progression.

    In addition to these changes we fixed many underlying bugs in the Bolster system and tweaked some numbers to make Bolster give a little less stats than it does currently. We also corrected an issue where relic slots were being treated in our system as expected to give out more Main Stats than they were. This caused relic slots to be overly valued in adding to your DPS stats when mostly they add Endurance and a Proc. All of these changes should pretty much squash out Naked Bolster as being undeniably better than any set of gear. There might be cases where Naked is ever so slightly worse but that is usually a case of the equipped gear being not so great for PvP. If you see players in PvP playing Naked from now on you should expect them to be underperforming stat wise and over performing cojones wise.


    Elite War Hero

    War Hero and Elite War Hero (referred to as WH and EWH from here on out) gear is now better! It is no longer worse than Naked Bolster. The reasons why WH/EWH had less stats and were worse than old Bolster is because it is ‘old’ gear and this ‘old’ gear used a different stat budget where it got its stats from. This ‘old’ stat budget (which isn’t used in 2.0) accounts for Expertise into the budget (Partisan and Conqueror do not) meaning they were lower in Main, Secondary and Tertiary stats to account for the Expertise the items had. This will be removed and the stat budget the Expertise was taking be refactored into the Main, Secondary and Tertiary stats. The net result is WH/EWH will have no Expertise and increased stats, but Partisan will still be better than it. The ranking you will see in effectiveness is WH < EWH < Partisan < Conqueror.

    However, we have an issue with this conversion, the Expertise crystal in the WH/EWH weapons. Because this crystal is used in Partisan and Conquer and the system is unable to edit based on condition which item the crystal in the WH and EWH weapons still have Expertise. It is recommended that you replace this Expertise crystal with PvE crystals. We apologize that we weren’t able to fully take all the Expertise off the WH/EWH and that some players will lose customization, which is very important to us and to you.

    Older PvP Gear (Battlemaster, Champion, Centurion, Recruit, and Recruit Mk2) did not receive this free upgrade conversion. At this point in the SW:TOR item progression, these items are simply out of date with the current power level and are not recommended for use.

    There is a very important note in regards to how the bolster system handles mixing expertise and non-expertise mods on a single item: The short answer is, you shouldn’t do it. The longer answer is, players are much better off than when they decide to make an item a PvP-focused item, they replace all of the mods inside it with expertise mods. The bolster system handles “PvP” items slightly differently than “PvE” items, and putting even a single expertise mod inside an item tells the bolster that the item is a “PvP” item. The result of this situation can be less than ideal for a player in either content channel, and certainly isn’t working as well as we intended. We continue to discuss fixes to this particular issue, but players can work around the problem by making sure they are either pure PvE items or pure PvP items. Note: This is only with mods on a per item basis, mixing different items on a full character is fine.


    Gear vs. Skill

    Pre-2.0 PvP was all about your items. Being ‘the best’ meant you had EWH with augments and no one could touch you. This situation was unfortunate because it made the PvP game too harsh on the ‘have nots’ and made the grind to EWH much more bitter because of getting your face pushed in the mud day after day. The gear gap was too big and some players became non-contributors quickly because of the gear gap. It wasn’t fun for the majority of players. In 2.0 we don’t want to totally get rid of PvP gear progression, we still want a gear gap but we want to tone down how overpowered the top tier gear is versus the lower PvP gear so that the moment to moment gameplay is more enjoyable. We want everyone you group with to be contributors from a gear standpoint (them not responding to “inc grass 3” calls or not throwing you the Huttball when they are immobilized is something we can’t help :p). We have seen the argument of Skill vs. Gear throughout the existence of MMO PvP and we are of the opinion both are good for an RPG, falling on one side of the scale (gear has no purpose in PvP vs. gear is the only thing that matters in PvP) is not desirable. It is a balance act, sometimes it will slide too far on one side or the other and we will correct it but this methodology, the balance between skill vs. gear, will result in the most healthy PvP game and community possible for the long term.

    P.S. Thanks DarthOvertone for making us laugh during this tribulation.


  2. How often does some a-hole spawn camp people? If you are in a pve server, you can unflag yourself. i don't know why you are even flagged to begin with, but if you don't want to be trolled, just go unflag yourself by sitting on your fleet for 5 minutes and don't attack that guy in yellow name plates with the title elite warlord. if you are in a pvp server, you should grind out the most competitive pvp gear in wzs since isn't that kind of why you are there in the first place?
  3. I'm so worried about imps trolling me i must wear my expertise gear all the time, so i can run away from them... Since everyone knows you cn unflag yourself on a pve server, I assume you are in a pvp server, in which case you are screwed before you grind out a few wzs and get your entry lvl pvp gear. that takes like what, 5 hours to get to full partisan gear?..
  4. Originally Posted by Alex Modny

    Naked Bolster

    The main change being made to Bolster is how it treats item slots with no items in them aka the naked bolster. If there is a slot without an item in it, that slot will only be bolstered a portion of what placing an appropriate item in the slot would. This will remove the naked bolster situation. Being Naked in a PvP area will now be much worse the further you go up the PvP progression.

    In addition to these changes we fixed many underlying bugs in the Bolster system and tweaked some numbers to make Bolster give a little less stats than it does currently. We also corrected an issue where relic slots were being treated in our system as expected to give out more Main Stats than they were. This caused relic slots to be overly valued in adding to your DPS stats when mostly they add Endurance and a Proc. All of these changes should pretty much squash out Naked Bolster as being undeniably better than any set of gear. There might be cases where Naked is ever so slightly worse but that is usually a case of the equipped gear being not so great for PvP. If you see players in PvP playing Naked from now on you should expect them to be underperforming stat wise and over performing cojones wise.


    Elite War Hero

    War Hero and Elite War Hero (referred to as WH and EWH from here on out) gear is now better! It is no longer worse than Naked Bolster. The reasons why WH/EWH had less stats and were worse than old Bolster is because it is ‘old’ gear and this ‘old’ gear used a different stat budget where it got its stats from. This ‘old’ stat budget (which isn’t used in 2.0) accounts for Expertise into the budget (Partisan and Conqueror do not) meaning they were lower in Main, Secondary and Tertiary stats to account for the Expertise the items had. This will be removed and the stat budget the Expertise was taking be refactored into the Main, Secondary and Tertiary stats. The net result is WH/EWH will have no Expertise and increased stats, but Partisan will still be better than it. The ranking you will see in effectiveness is WH < EWH < Partisan < Conqueror.

    However, we have an issue with this conversion, the Expertise crystal in the WH/EWH weapons. Because this crystal is used in Partisan and Conquer and the system is unable to edit based on condition which item the crystal in the WH and EWH weapons still have Expertise. It is recommended that you replace this Expertise crystal with PvE crystals. We apologize that we weren’t able to fully take all the Expertise off the WH/EWH and that some players will lose customization, which is very important to us and to you.

    Older PvP Gear (Battlemaster, Champion, Centurion, Recruit, and Recruit Mk2) did not receive this free upgrade conversion. At this point in the SW:TOR item progression, these items are simply out of date with the current power level and are not recommended for use.

    There is a very important note in regards to how the bolster system handles mixing expertise and non-expertise mods on a single item: The short answer is, you shouldn’t do it. The longer answer is, players are much better off than when they decide to make an item a PvP-focused item, they replace all of the mods inside it with expertise mods. The bolster system handles “PvP” items slightly differently than “PvE” items, and putting even a single expertise mod inside an item tells the bolster that the item is a “PvP” item. The result of this situation can be less than ideal for a player in either content channel, and certainly isn’t working as well as we intended. We continue to discuss fixes to this particular issue, but players can work around the problem by making sure they are either pure PvE items or pure PvP items. Note: This is only with mods on a per item basis, mixing different items on a full character is fine.


    Gear vs. Skill

    Pre-2.0 PvP was all about your items. Being ‘the best’ meant you had EWH with augments and no one could touch you. This situation was unfortunate because it made the PvP game too harsh on the ‘have nots’ and made the grind to EWH much more bitter because of getting your face pushed in the mud day after day. The gear gap was too big and some players became non-contributors quickly because of the gear gap. It wasn’t fun for the majority of players. In 2.0 we don’t want to totally get rid of PvP gear progression, we still want a gear gap but we want to tone down how overpowered the top tier gear is versus the lower PvP gear so that the moment to moment gameplay is more enjoyable. We want everyone you group with to be contributors from a gear standpoint (them not responding to “inc grass 3” calls or not throwing you the Huttball when they are immobilized is something we can’t help :p). We have seen the argument of Skill vs. Gear throughout the existence of MMO PvP and we are of the opinion both are good for an RPG, falling on one side of the scale (gear has no purpose in PvP vs. gear is the only thing that matters in PvP) is not desirable. It is a balance act, sometimes it will slide too far on one side or the other and we will correct it but this methodology, the balance between skill vs. gear, will result in the most healthy PvP game and community possible for the long term.

    P.S. Thanks DarthOvertone for making us laugh during this tribulation.


    Someone read the dev notes...

  5. Originally Posted by Alex Modny

    Naked Bolster

    The main change being made to Bolster is how it treats item slots with no items in them aka the naked bolster. If there is a slot without an item in it, that slot will only be bolstered a portion of what placing an appropriate item in the slot would. This will remove the naked bolster situation. Being Naked in a PvP area will now be much worse the further you go up the PvP progression.

    In addition to these changes we fixed many underlying bugs in the Bolster system and tweaked some numbers to make Bolster give a little less stats than it does currently. We also corrected an issue where relic slots were being treated in our system as expected to give out more Main Stats than they were. This caused relic slots to be overly valued in adding to your DPS stats when mostly they add Endurance and a Proc. All of these changes should pretty much squash out Naked Bolster as being undeniably better than any set of gear. There might be cases where Naked is ever so slightly worse but that is usually a case of the equipped gear being not so great for PvP. If you see players in PvP playing Naked from now on you should expect them to be underperforming stat wise and over performing cojones wise.


    Elite War Hero

    War Hero and Elite War Hero (referred to as WH and EWH from here on out) gear is now better! It is no longer worse than Naked Bolster. The reasons why WH/EWH had less stats and were worse than old Bolster is because it is ‘old’ gear and this ‘old’ gear used a different stat budget where it got its stats from. This ‘old’ stat budget (which isn’t used in 2.0) accounts for Expertise into the budget (Partisan and Conqueror do not) meaning they were lower in Main, Secondary and Tertiary stats to account for the Expertise the items had. This will be removed and the stat budget the Expertise was taking be refactored into the Main, Secondary and Tertiary stats. The net result is WH/EWH will have no Expertise and increased stats, but Partisan will still be better than it. The ranking you will see in effectiveness is WH < EWH < Partisan < Conqueror.

    However, we have an issue with this conversion, the Expertise crystal in the WH/EWH weapons. Because this crystal is used in Partisan and Conquer and the system is unable to edit based on condition which item the crystal in the WH and EWH weapons still have Expertise. It is recommended that you replace this Expertise crystal with PvE crystals. We apologize that we weren’t able to fully take all the Expertise off the WH/EWH and that some players will lose customization, which is very important to us and to you.

    Older PvP Gear (Battlemaster, Champion, Centurion, Recruit, and Recruit Mk2) did not receive this free upgrade conversion. At this point in the SW:TOR item progression, these items are simply out of date with the current power level and are not recommended for use.

    There is a very important note in regards to how the bolster system handles mixing expertise and non-expertise mods on a single item: The short answer is, you shouldn’t do it. The longer answer is, players are much better off than when they decide to make an item a PvP-focused item, they replace all of the mods inside it with expertise mods. The bolster system handles “PvP” items slightly differently than “PvE” items, and putting even a single expertise mod inside an item tells the bolster that the item is a “PvP” item. The result of this situation can be less than ideal for a player in either content channel, and certainly isn’t working as well as we intended. We continue to discuss fixes to this particular issue, but players can work around the problem by making sure they are either pure PvE items or pure PvP items. Note: This is only with mods on a per item basis, mixing different items on a full character is fine.


    Gear vs. Skill

    Pre-2.0 PvP was all about your items. Being ‘the best’ meant you had EWH with augments and no one could touch you. This situation was unfortunate because it made the PvP game too harsh on the ‘have nots’ and made the grind to EWH much more bitter because of getting your face pushed in the mud day after day. The gear gap was too big and some players became non-contributors quickly because of the gear gap. It wasn’t fun for the majority of players. In 2.0 we don’t want to totally get rid of PvP gear progression, we still want a gear gap but we want to tone down how overpowered the top tier gear is versus the lower PvP gear so that the moment to moment gameplay is more enjoyable. We want everyone you group with to be contributors from a gear standpoint (them not responding to “inc grass 3” calls or not throwing you the Huttball when they are immobilized is something we can’t help :p). We have seen the argument of Skill vs. Gear throughout the existence of MMO PvP and we are of the opinion both are good for an RPG, falling on one side of the scale (gear has no purpose in PvP vs. gear is the only thing that matters in PvP) is not desirable. It is a balance act, sometimes it will slide too far on one side or the other and we will correct it but this methodology, the balance between skill vs. gear, will result in the most healthy PvP game and community possible for the long term.

    P.S. Thanks DarthOvertone for making us laugh during this tribulation.

  6. I am a veteran MMO player who fail to read patch notes beyond the first sentence. i don't understand why they buffed my gear for no reason or why conqueror set is still better for pvp than best pve gear with bolster. i'm just another troll who jumps to conclusions because i have ADD and don't have the ability to finish reading a short dev note. or spend 5 minutes in a wz comparing how the new gear works compared to how it used to work yesterday.
  7. You are in a wz with 3 ppl in full recruit and 2 ppl in lvl 42 greens. You see the other team's emote, indicating that it's a double premade from the top pvp guild from your server. You have tried telling the newbs on your team to get free gear, give them advice, or called them names, but now you realize it's utterly hopeless. You don't feel like leaving the wz., because you have been leaving wzs left and right for the past hour. your loss 5 minutes from now will be so great that it traveled backward in time and just slapped you in the face.


    My question to you is... what would you do for the next 5 minutes to maximize your utility (fun/value/enjoyment) knowing that your team is gonna get *** raped?


    In huttball, my favorite is spawn camp the other team, wait until one guy finally dies, take him out as soon as he comes out from the spawn and troll the other team... what's yours?

  8. Healers in this game is pretty OP, and this is clearly a L2P issue. How do you not even use kolto probe as an operative healer? You probably have never heard of the instant free heal to anyone below 30% HP. To anyone with HP above 18k, that translates to about 5.5k hp. So. in one GCD, you go from almost dead to decently healthy and only the biggest hitting abilities(7k smash, 6k zealous strike) will kill you despite your self-heal. Also, if ur an operative healer, u almost always want to stay in cover. it prevents ppl from leaping to you, pulling you to them, and in some places provide additional range defense. you also get 100% dmg reduction for 3 sec, removal of all hostile effects, pretty short CD on defensive screen, stealth, ae stun, speed boost, list goes on and on and on. a good operative healer will survive in most 1v1 situations long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Against some newb dps, a good operative healer can probably kill the dps while healing yourself too. Read up on some pvp guides before ************ about ur lack of skill.


    You've seen this before, right? I never believed it until I actually rolled a healer myself. But healers are so weak in PvP it's unreal.


    On one side, you have stuns and CCs and our wonderful ****** nerfed resolve. A healer can get stunned/CC'd TWICE in one short fight which is enough time for a bunch of scrappers to take out half of your group's main DPS. On top of that, you have interrupts.. I play an operative. We rely on one heal to chain onto other sometimes more effective heals (unless you go for the kolto probe route which gives tactical advantages over time, and you can execute one tac advantage for a small instant heal... but it's sustained healing, not burst healing like you'd need in a short typical 6v6 fight). So I've been stunned twice, half my group is dead. I still can't do anything because my heals are on cooldown and I'm being focussed by eleventy squillion sentinels because the enemy actually proved their superior intelligence and MARKED ME. Even with my powertech tank friend (who I group with regularly through all my warzones) I couldn't do anything.


    So in every fight, my healing is ineffective, my team's getting pissed off because of the very little group survivability. What the flying **** am I supposed to do?

    I just warzoned through an entire day because of the wonderful double XP. It's not a one-off thing. Throughout 8 hours of agony I was forced to endure so much ******** because of the useless resolve and no way to stop yourself from being thrown across the map like a *********** ragdoll.


    Please, BioWare. FIX THIS. I don't care if it's just a 5-second anti-CC/interrupt/stun with a 10-hour cooldown. I want SOMETHING that will give me a fighting chance when I'm faced with a competant team. This is absolutely ridiculous, no wonder I see so few healers in warzones when I play on my powertech.

    EDIT: I left one crucial bit of info out. I'm level 39 and I usually group up with a 41 powertech tank friend.

  9. My guildies and I rolled a all GS premade and completely demolished the other team. to anyone saying that's not OP, u really need to fight an entire team of GS/sniper or be a part of that team.. putting 5 sab charge on one guy and seeing him go from 100% to dead in a sec is pretty funny. dropping 6 flybys on a node and killing their entire team, classic. sab/engineer pwning a mara/jug even when the mdps is right in the melee range. that's just wrong, lol..


    I love my sniper and I really can't understand any buffs since I feel he is often the most important of my 8 classes in pvp. All three specs have great teamplay uses and the one I normally use (MM) is capable of dropping cross healed healers without them even realizing it until it is too late.


    Also, two of the three specs (not MM) are capable of huge chart dmg and this is what many people consider meaning the most (it doesn't lol). Now my MM usually tops the chart but I can destroy MM chart dmg on several of my other chars. Also, MM is the type of class that shouldn't be going for top chart dmg. It should be all about dropping important players before the other team can react.


    So I really don't see why sniper needed any buffs, however since I have a sniper I don't really mind this part.


    What bothers me is that sniper/slinger heavy matches are extremely boring imo. Everyone I have talked to about this agrees with me as well. Now I know that just talking to some people doesn't mean that most people feel that way but I have a good feeling that many people will if sniper fotm actually occurs.


    Now what I think will most likely happen is that most snipers will continue to suck and then pick another class and that the fotm will be short lived. If this happens I don't care if snipers are made a little more OP. However, if I am wrong and sniper fotm is here to stay then pvp will be extremely boring.

  10. And a team of 8 Scoundrels/ops will wipe this team ... no problem!


    That's true.. I guess an entire team of stealthers would probably be very hard to guard against. but chances are, we will survive the initial burst because a GS will knockback+root, hunker down. drop an AE on himself. defensive screen and call for help. That will almost surely guarantee that the sniper will survive until reinforcements arrive.

  11. As a joke, my guildies and I all got on our GS and made a premade of 4 GS. With a decent other half of the team, we actually DESTROYED the other team. Every single match, we were spawn camping the other team (which had some decent premades from time to time as well.). Basically, we had a flyby at their spawn point at all times and whoever just came out of the gate would get rooted in the flyby. then we just dot them and watch them melt away... During one voidstar match, we were spawn camping them at the bridge, dropping flyby on the upper level and picking out whoever jumped down to try to down the bridge. It was totally funny to watch as we were just pwning ppl left and right but it also made me wonder how would I ever fight such a team... when I'm on my sentinel, I have to use every single CD to kill a good sniper, but an entire team full of them??


    I really think a team of 6 GS/sniper and 2 soundral/operative healer is actually the ultimate team to have. Has anyone seen a similar thing happen before? What are some of the counters you can think of?

  12. I grped with another friend in ewh and we face rolled their entire team to oblivion due to the large number of undergeared pugs. Really depends on the match though and if the other team has a couple more geared ppl than ur team, u do get screwed quite a bit.
  13. Sages have the most trouble with Powertech/vanguard since they can't cleanse the burn (sages can't cleanse tech dot (powertech burn, gs bleed, corrosive acid, etc)). Rail shot has a range of 30m, so if u have the burn on you, you really need to run away from them. However, they cannot put the burn on you if you were never at 10m range to begin with. Most sages I encounter think play sage like it's a mdps class, which is why my actual mdps class destroys the sage less than 10 sec... Good sorcs/sages always watch their distance and can be EXTREMELY annoying to kill but those are pretty rare. All i got say is that it's a L2P issue but sage dps is just really hard to play due to the discipline (controlling your urge to force speed into a grp and using force wave, making you stuck within a grp of mdps, resulting in the sage/sorc getting face rolled) required.
  14. It's a matter of ur camera angle and happens to me from time to time also. definitely annoying.



    yes, happened to me before, which resulted in half the team yelling at me. It actually cost us the game because we would've scored but ended up losing by a tie (other team had possession at end). I tried explaining in ops chat but most probably thought I was just making excuses for failing. Frustrating because it makes you look bad even though it's not your fault..
  15. I couldn't call inc in wzs... But then realized that the other team couldn't also.


    You can really tell who's paying attention in pvp when chats are down since good players will patrol around and use their camera to survey the map while the baddies just sit there and get owned by ppl.

  16. It probably was a lag. happens more often than not when ur hittin channeled abilities. (happens often on my sage and gs).


    Or it the person was good, he prolly popped force camo, negated ur masterstrike, and attacked right back to you, thus coming right back out from stealth.


    Also, depends on the class, but there is a counter to every single attack in this game and good layer know how to use them, which is also why they wouldn't be taking damage.

  17. He means back in the day when project had an animation delay of about 0.5 sec as opposed to shock, which was instant. Sages who tried to use project to interrupt cap at the last second would miss it from time to time due to animation delay but this was fixed a long time ago.


    On the actual thread issue, they are mirror classes. you need to look up which abilities correspond to what but scoundrals use punch and shot gun in their attacks and agents use knife.

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