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Posts posted by maebeebuzz

  1. just read the new rules, i like them... i would suggest that you do something with the skipping, i know linear add more "points", but i think ( for me) the points worth nothing, i mean its fine for overall guild ranking, but, people like their world 1st / 2nd / 3rd... well at least me, its my opinion... i would just DQ skipping honestly... and make the bonus something else or just remove :)... also add a period of time to the skipping DQ, lets say new DG fight but really impossible, theres 13 days to wait for fix / nerf / kill, if no one kills within 13 days, next weeks reset (starting same day for everyone) people is allowed to skip that boss to have a "fair" competition.


    So my point is, linear clear bonus is fine, but i would just DQ skipping in "this ranking"... let them be first in their server who cares, post what they want on their website, but here we have a "set rule" not open to "mathematics" "arguments" , WoW comparison, anything....guilds who likes the rule, participate.... others can create their own thread :)....


    Otherwise we will have the same problem we had in TFB... theres the real W1 DG kill - DiLiH in the rankings... theres the real W1 full clear - DiLiH... then there's this other guild that claims "world first kill" and confuse people, because there wasnt a clear rule that said if it was right or wrong to skip.... because apparently skipping a boss because its "bugged" or "overtuned" (false, and doable) make sense, but claiming a world first killing a boss that they couldnt kill (like 1 - 1:30 mins behind timer, at least in their kill vid.) and killed because of a "bug" (an actual real bug that killed the boss for them), then thats a world first (for them) when they could have spent few more wiping days like everyone else, and maybe eventually kill since they are good, or wait for nerf if they wanted and not claim something thats not true :) ... i would just avoid this whole argument on 1st / 2nd, skip not to skip... and Disqualify Skipping as a rule for certain amount of time :D.



    that's My idea, since i probably will miss that meeting.


    I agree. Thank you for saying it though, since if it comes from anyone from our guild we would just get called "elitests","tryhards", and "e-peen strokers" (though I cant stroke what I can't find).


    Seems to me though that refusing to go along with the only two guilds with clears and titles, the majority of the PvE community, and the people who took the time to set this up for the good of the whole community means you're more worried about stroking your own than having someone else do the stroking. I'd rather be Queen of the Mountain than simply the hill in my back yard that no one else plays on.

  2. Let me ask One thing! Why dont we Organize a Progression Podcast of all Progression Guilds on all servers ? All the Gleads can get to know each other and there we can discuss Rules for Progression etc etc .?


    That's exactly what they did for 16s last round of progression. Before SaV launches live I think that would be a good idea. Ill look at what US guilds I think should be included, if you have like an EU list that would be awesome. Let me know. :}

  3. :D

    I would like to point out that one of the healers in the 1 group that has downed DG was a merc healer and he was amazing. Not to knock on the sorc but it looked like that merc healer was dominating there. If I had to venture a guess that merc healer was probably accountable for about 65% hell maybe even 70% of all the healing. The sorc heals looked like he had plenty of time to assist with dps and raid heals. In fact the one group that cleared this fight had a composition that isnt considered ideal and was lacking BIS UW gear at the time.


    Because Merc healing in phase 2-3 would be optimal. Their AoE can be used to the greatest effect. Sorc Reviv is wasted, no one can stand in it, Tigg and I talked about how it wasnt worth the force to cast it in phase 3.

  4. My point being people said omg omg its to easy! now its omg omg its to hard, it must be impossible, it must be broken! What will make people happy?



    We never said it was impossible, that was everyone else.

    We still argue if we had been more on our game we could have done it with a little bit of RNG luck.

    We hope they dont fix it and let us throw ourselves at it again.


    28% is the lowest we got, with enrage. But in a good dps attempt we could get only 2 lightning storms and shields.

    Leave it how it is, at least until its OBVIOUS no one can clear it.


    It's been less than 24 hours folks, man up.

  5. Hey everyone! For the next 21 hours or so (till 3pm PST tomorrow) Justbodies, Gudarzz, Murkin, and Synnfull are streaming on twitch. All donations are going to Toys for Tots and we really hope everyone stops by to watch, hang out, and if you can....give!


    Road at Torocast.com gave us an awesome shout out and you can head over there to read up on what is going on.

    Tor for Tots!



    <3 <3

  6. Well, Lyneighhhhhhh, which type of gamer do you want me to be? :cool:


    (Warning to the readers, this might turn into another "flirt with Gudarzz" thread.)


    Someone invite Lil-y, **** might get interesting.


    Or i hear Rage has Divina's number.




    Oh Guda, do you like coffee?

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