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Everything posted by Darkheyr

  1. And there you go again making assumptions about what I do or don't do. Let me answer that the same way as the other thirteen times: Nice for you. Not happening over here.
  2. I'll never get the crafting materials part, really. Just to make this clear, selling mats is how I gain my credits these days - and profit has dropped off sharply ever since guild ships are announced. There is a small chance that it'll raise again once people have their ships and start needing more decorations, but as long as people are saving, mat-selling will probably be a very poor way to generate credits, especially once everyone does it. On top of that, Isotope-5 doesnt sell for nearly as much over here, just like top-level purples don't really go for much. I probably have higher profits trying to sell Hooligan Armor, but that comes and goes.
  3. It was waved into my face by one of the "50 million is fine" crowd, Andrellma to be specific. I don't have his specific calculation at hand right now, though he WAS going for a pretty low hourly rate. I don't care much either way because I don't consider 30 or 40 hours to be anything better if its spent in dull credit grinding.
  4. At 8 members, it equals roughly 60 hours of daily grind. I consider that unnecessarily restrictive for certain playstyles.
  5. Who are you to determine that a 100-member guild is built the "right way" and the other one is "dying or growing" ? The entire game is designed around 4 and 8 man content, which a few variations - those being Ops available as 16 man variants, and GSF at up to 12 people per side, though they open, again, at 8. Further, some playstyles tend to favour certain guild sizes. Its just how things happen. Why should 100 members be the correct way to go about it? I'd consider that size rather inpersonal, for my taste.
  6. How about "playstyle" and "fun" ? It has been discussed to death in various threads around here. But really, does it matter? Whats the harm in a lower price to accomodate people with less time, less desire to spend that limited time in boring activities i.e. credit grind, or simply to help out smaller guilds that happen to be formed of such people? It's not like anyone is at disadvantage by a lower price. Even the often-praised goal or achievement is still provived through the still expensive upgrades.
  7. I can understand how people miss singular posts in 70-pages threads. I can't see what you just did there. Almost every single post between the one you are quoting and your own states what the intent behind the words were. At least try to understand whats going on before you barge in like that. Its common courtesy.
  8. Not all that many, but more importantly, you are progressing while doing the content you are interested in - operations. Thats sort of my main point here. I don't do PvP or credit grind or GSF or whatever to do HM operations, I do storymode operations, which are the entry level for that kind of content. But for some inexplicable reason, guildships and by extension guild conquest requires you to do something entirely different first.
  9. Yet you can do operations right when reaching 55, and after some storymode you have sufficient gear to attempt hardmode. Its a natural progression. Grinding credits for a guild ship before you can ever start doing guild content is not quite the same.
  10. Uhm, no. Group Finder bolsters you just fine. You can gear up for HM in story mode ops.
  11. The only thing you need to start raiding is a level 55 character - or 50, for the old ones. The requirements for more difficult ops are fulfilled by doing easier ops. Normal content progression. Which is basically what those suggesting a lower starting point for everyone want.
  12. Very true - though I agree that the searching part should have taken latecomers into consideration. Doing it alone really can be needlessly tedious. Or the fact that today its a bit more difficult to even find groups for those old flashpoints. Then again, limiting flashpoints by level always seemed stupid to me. I'd think Bioware could make much more use of existing content by offering every flashpoint as a scaling tactical variant, and as a hardmode variant at max level. That would alleviate so many issues, repetition of the exact same six or seven or so hardmodes included.
  13. Yet everyone needs one to do guild content. As said, if that was a common bar for an entire content type, I'd quickly stop playing. I'd certainly never start raiding if it had a 50 million entry price.
  14. Then again, if the movie is bad, and the next movie is bad, eventually, you are going to consider not paying for the next movie anymore. Its sort of similar of me being very careful what single player games I buy at full cost these days - I need to be very convinced that I'm getting my money's worth before spending it. It's not so much that Bioware has to guarantee entertainment... but in the long term, that entertainment should be provided to remain in business, or people will eventually take their money elsewhere.
  15. As posted elsewhere, I think this would alleviate many, many concerns, especially for the roleplaying faction. I'd prefer a totally different mechanic, but don't see it happening this close to launch. What would be appropriate is difficult to say - most roleplayers on my server seem to be agreeing that something between 5 and 20 millions would be doable, which is where my personal gut feeling would lie as well.
  16. I would find it less of an obstacle to the people I'm refering to, and I'd probably front 10 millions myself for my guild. Still, I think another mechanic entirely would be the better approach. The upgrades progressively increasing in cost would be fine, in my eyes - especially if that is related to the actual guild content, which it seems to be as far as we know. I just don't see another mechanic happening this close to launch.
  17. Yes, but its not reasonable for certain constellations of playstile and game time allotment, especially considering that some people just want the ship as an RP platform. Nobody would be hurt if there was a smaller buy-in, but the current buy-in bar is prohibitive for some, or just an unreasonable price for what they'd do with it for others. I just think that Bioware could make it accessible for more people without hurting anyone else in the process, and then make the upgrades themselves what larger or more involved guilds could strive forward. Similar to how you can start with some casual story mode operations before going hardmode/nightmare.
  18. To be fair, communication has been lousy. You pretty much have to watch the livestreams for a lot of information, which isn't always possible - especially considering timezones. Add in language barriers for some people...
  19. Considering I was not refering to the OP, I'm not certain what your comment is attempting to achieve. Yep, same here. I'm pretty much considering to just hoard my mats and hope prices will go up due to the various prefab requirements, but given the saving spree, I'm not sure it'll work. Then again, worst case would be me having lots of deco-crafting mats to spare...
  20. Wrong. Its time coupled with boredom. Credit grinds are boring, but I rather like the class stories. Yet even as far as levelling goes, the tenth character tends to be more of a chore than the first one, as I'm sure you agree. I certainly am taking my bloody time levelling my trooper and my assassin compared to the other characters I did, despite wanting both of them at 55. And I'm fairly certain I did most of the Trooper levels via GSF. Now, credit grinds... They bore me after one hour, not after ten characters.
  21. The majority however will. Don't get me wrong, I make my own money off the GTN more than anything else, but I do realize that someone, somewhere had to run dailies to get those credits. Most other activities only roughly pay for themselves once you put things like Stims and gear upgrades into perspective, or simply do not generate near as many credits as dailies do. And once everyone wants to save up credits, the GTN will not work as well. Especially if everyone was to try selling on it.
  22. I honestly am very doubtful that the majority of players is entertained doing dailies for 63 hours. Which is what this argument was about, if you recall.
  23. No. He quite clearly discerned between Treek as a neat shiny which does not change your access to game systems at all, and things like guild ships. And I'm inclined to agree. I'm fairly certain that if I had to pay 50 million credits before I could start raiding, do PvP or do GSF, I wouldnt have started playing either. And, quite probably, given that is a significant part of my playtime listed up there, I would have stopped playing at all by now.
  24. Thats not what he said. Try to stop reading singular paragraphs or posts in a vaccuum. If you are unable to do so, you should practice before trying to enter discussions.
  25. In your experience. *shrug* I barely see her, and just about never without someone else complaining that she should be put away again.
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