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Posts posted by Bombalurina

  1. I got 970k healing today in a Novara Coast, and I break 800k several times a day since the patch.... I fail to see anyone's dumb arrangement about how healing isn't working. You all just need to learn how to play the class properly, out of my whole server, I've only seen ONE person play the class right out of the hundreds that have tried.


    Let me tell you this my fellow healing Operative/Scoundrel healers.... THIS class, is the hardest class to play in the GAME. I've played the other healers at 50 and I'll agree with you, they have much more utility then us, but I have NEVER lost in healing output against a sage/sorc or commando/BH. Be aware of your roll and just realize that you are a sneaky, burst DPS, raw heals class.


    Now, learn to do your research, talk to others, and shut up already. If you are complaining in this forum, you aren't playing the class right.

  2. Wow..... I'm so impressed how 80% of my guild just unsubscribed over vent just now. We were WAITING for this for 3 months.


    You don't have any reason for us to even queue for "Rated" WZ's for no REAL reward.


    We need to have a reason to log in anymore. We DONT care about legacy. We DONT care about family tree's. We DONT care to play with crap players. We DONT want to transfer characters. We DONT want this game to fail and you are killing yourself.


    For "Listening" to your player base, you are failing to listen to the 50% that play these games for competitive pvp.


    How hard is it to give +2 stat bonuses to the highest rated gear? I'm sure you learned this in MMO school. We NEED that carrot on the stick and you just burned the stick and ate our carrot.

  3. Hear me out.


    The designers stated that Smuggle capping nodes/doors was not a glitch and was intended to be in the game.


    What they did not intend was the lack of utility we would have as a class compared to others for 1.2 8-man premades. We suck at hutball, our DPS is nerfed, one our talent trees is useless and our CC and survivability is below par. Give us back the utility that made us worth having. Give us the added extra excitement of forcing defenders to ACTUALLY pay attention to their doors again. Give us the ability to single handed turn the tide of a match like a good pull in hutball can do or a knock-back would.


    Don't let us be the head-headed step child of Rated Warzones, it's not game breaking, it's competitive.


    Please Vote +1 or - 1 and let your voice be heard.

  4. In my pre-mades, I am a scoundrel healer and I run w/ a scoundrel scrapper.


    Our plan is simple. Tank grabs ball, tank runs to pit, tank throws ball to invisible scoundrel. Scoundrel caps ball, 6 cap in 2 mins. I just run around and heal aimlessly and works fine.

  5. I'd agree with the fact that we are great healers as it is... if it wasn't for the fact compared to the other two, we have little survivability/utility. We don't have AOE knock backs, or Ally pulls, or AOE stuns, or 14 second immunity to interrupts, or lightning speed on 20 second CD, or single target CC's that don't auto-white bar.


    To make up for this fact, we should heal better than the other healers. Because you'll be like me popping 700k healing in Huttball, and still feel useless towards the objective.


    We have to face the fact like gunslingers/snipers, we are just raw numbers and no utility.

  6. BH Healers are (live) moving fortresses that can heal. A guarded BH will NOT die in our premade vs premade fights. Immunity + Durability = Unstoppable. Now, I'm an scoundrel healer. If I'm guarded, I can take a beating, sure. But not 5 people beating that BH's can take.


    This is all about the consideration of 2 heals balance. If you have 2 healers, both guarded in voidstar, rotating taunts + Healing each other. The BH is never going to go down or is never going to let his target go down due to his amazing energy regen. If you were to take any healer + a BH, you win. But two sorcs or two scoundrels, they can be burst down. Not BH/Commandos, you can say, "Nope! I'm white bar, I can sit here and heal for amazing to myself and not ever have to be worried about interruption." You're the only class that has the ability to increase your healing ability, you're survivability and you're utility all in one move. Not to mention never have an ammo/heat problem.

  7. "All good PvPers"


    Speak for yourself.


    Valor 72, full battlemaster "the hard way" and I welcome the changes. Player vs player should be just that .. not player vs gear.


    Good PvP players will love the even playing field to really shine, bad PvPer's will be show up to be gear whoring muppets.


    I hate gear grinds in PvP, heck I'm not found of gear grinds in PvE either. Cosmetic *looks cool* stuff should be the rewards for rank / progression. Not stat points. IMO.


    Speak the good word my brother. Speak it loud.

  8. This thread is designed to get the numbers out there and see who can crank out the highest output possible. There are tons of highest DPS out there, but it's time the healers stood up and showed our worth. Post your record heals and strive to become the best of your class and never stop at 300k.


    Sith Sorcerer / Jedi Sage

    Most Healing Civil War : http://imgur.com/r/swtor/wrukn

    Most Healing The Pit : TBA

    Most Healing Voidstar : http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/9915/swtorhealing3512.jpg


    Imperial Operative / Scoundrel

    Most Healing Civil War : http://i.imgur.com/U5NTr.jpg

    Most Healing The Pit : TBA

    Most Healing Voidstar : http://i.imgur.com/gPHcI.jpg



    Mercenary / Commando

    Most Healing Civil War : http://i.imgur.com/pw6ap.jpg

    Most Healing The Pit : http://i.imgur.com/nVWjd.jpg

    Most Healing Voidstar : TBA


    (Will edit once more post.)

  9. Speccing into sedatives means you can't tranq a mob you have no intention of fighting because once the tranq wears off your debuff puts you into combat with it. (at least it used to, I haven't tried in a long time)


    Who the hell PvE's? This is for PvP, this is my favorite talent in voidstar, right out of the gate, I hit as many targets as I can w/ it, ESPECIALLY the person who grabbed the PvP buff. 15% - 10% = only 5% buff, sucks to be him.

  10. Am I really seeing this? So MUCH QQ over really nothing. Honestly we as a healing class are very well off as it is. You guys really need to learn the play style more then trying to "Fix" sawbones. I don't go a game without breaking 300k and my highest healing record is 910k. I'll go DAYS without dying and I wear SAGE gear as a joke to prove you don't need gear to pump out amazing heals as a Sawbone.


    But that is our role, raw healing. We don't have utility and we don't have survivability. But we make up for it in winning the healing charts every game.... but the numbers don't lie.


    Highest healing records in voidstar:


    Sage/Sorc : 1.3 mil healing

    BH/Commando : 1.2 mil healing

    Scoundrel/Opr : Under 1 mil.


    Just a few things need to be fixed to match up to the other classes healing, not 5 pages.


    - Give Kolto Pack a reason to be used. Bring it back to the OLD OLD way before beta. (1.5 sec cast, more healing then Underworld Medicine, 15 sec CD, no upperhand cost. 15 energy.)


    - They are fixing Kolto Cloud, so don't need to complain about that.


    - Don't punish us for using our only escape mechanic by stopping our outgoing heals for 10 seconds. Sages don't get a healing debuff for using force speed, troopers don't get a debuff for using reactive shield, why do we?


    But these changes are minor. YOU ALL need to learn to play the class properly and stop asking to be spoon fed like some WoW Healbot using children. If you WANT to learn how to heal RIGHT, ask me.


    - Bombalurina [Death Wind Corridor Server]

  11. The fact that people think scoundrel (healers) are crap is so funny. Not a day goes by that I don't do 700k healing and completely dominate the charts. Healing is so easy as a scoundrel and people just aren't smart enough to see there potential.


    For DPS, learn to play your role. You CAN still do amazing damage and you still CAN dominate. If you're going to QQ about surge and nerfs, then you were never a good player to begin win. Suck it up or go back to WoW.

  12. I do 700k pretty regularly. Here is the thing. Gear is nice, but it's not special. I do over 600k in sage gear. (

    ) Watch it.


    It's all about positioning and doing as little "Casting" as possible and focus on your instant casts on as many people as possible. Trying to avoid that "Green Cast Bar" will help your survivability because enemy DPS hunts for that.


    Also, Med Screen is the worst talent, take them 2 points and put it in the 4% alacrity.


    Alacrity is a ****** stat for gear, but take it if it's free.

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