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Everything posted by MasterFeign

  1. Their twitter has posted an update that they're looking into it.
  2. It's associated with the log in issues, they've posted an update on their twitter.
  3. BW has yet to make a public post about it yet. Just watch their twitter and dev tracker for latest info.
  4. Actually, I think the pillars for each capable square should be slightly further out, because in some locations where there are pillars, people are capable of capping still inside the square but on the outside of the pillars. I think this mostly happens at the science lab spot.
  5. Might be associated with the log in servers being down. People that are logged into the game now are able to be online, but the login servers, themselves appear to be offline.
  6. I logged out (while online) to switch servers) and no server list popped up, so I assume this is part of the same issue.
  7. All those millions of hackers out to get you specifically!
  8. Favourite to least favourite (not relegating myself to just 4.X) - Carnage - Immortal - Deception - Darkness - Annihilation - Corruption - Marksmanship - Engineering - Arsenal -Madness/Hatred - Vengeance - Medicine - Shieldtech - Advanced Prototype - Bodyguard - Lightning - Innovative ordinance/pyrotech - Fury/Rage - Concealment - Virulence/Leathality
  9. Lol, I remember that one. Then there was also the sorc dps h2f comment, as well as the deception sin is only meant as a hit and run class... Currently, my biggest complaint which correlates with the DCDs of juggs and heals from sorcs, is the ttk on each of these classes, especially in WZs like voidstar, where if you have too many sorcs and juggs on the enemy team, it's nearly impossible to get the door capped, because of all the 2nd lives. And by the time you eat through them, the door is down for enemy back up...
  10. You'll have to ask in the general forums. That's the dev's new pvp forums there. They haven't posted here since August of last year.
  11. A madness sorc does quite well in pvp, especially once you've fully min maxed (current dps cynosure gear has a nonsensical amount of accuracy, change that to crit/power or power/alacrity). Also, don't forget to augment your gear.
  12. Welcome to pvp (and most specifically, welcome to pvp 4.0 on mostly pve servers). That is to say, you can expect more than one sorc healer in the same WZ, and not a lot of people focusing on said healer, because reasons. There's nothing to miss, though, people just don't know how to play. You'll get people on these forums that will complain about premades, when in fact, no premade is evident, but they complain as such, because the enemy team has such good team synergy. You'll also see a lot of people complaining about cheating or exploiters, and aside from the new recent addition of the WZs, 99% of these threads are people complaining about aspects of classes they don't understand.
  13. A huttball replacement buff. The huttball gets replaced with HK-55's disembodied head. An HK-55 mount. Use his remaining body parts (that you haven't used to make with the helmet or weapons), you ride on his arms and limbs. HK-55 voice modifier. A debuff that replaces your character with HK-55, entirely. Full set of glowing gold HK-55 armour. But in all seriousness, if there is anything remotely HK related as rewards, I'm driving the 20 mins to BW HQ and camping out until they think of something better, even if it's not BW Austin. But for reals: a crossguard saber.
  14. Indeed they can, and they keep the battlemod as well. As well, snipers can still entrench, meaning, they will get the power mod off without issue. And with the time to kill on a jugg being so high, they'll pretty much be able to get it off too.
  15. Gah! I did forget about snipers. Disabling cover would make a huge disadvantage, but disabling entrench could be alright.
  16. So classes like sorcs and juggs that carry around mods (especially the cancel control point kind) have an advantage in how long they live in order to use their mod. Sorcs/sages can use force barrier and not lose the mod, while juggs/guardians can live a long enough time with their DCDs to eventually to get off the mod (at this point, you're fighting against resolve and your interrupt/cc CDs. There should probably an interrupt charge. Like after two interrupts while its being cast, the mod is voided. Not to mention that the mod should disappear on the use of force barrier. Also, people suiciding so that they don't give the mod to the enemy team... (TTK= Time to kill, ie the time to kill a character)
  17. However, I think it's more fun playing as a marauder. But you also have the option to tank as a jugg too. But I also like playing tough classes (granted I haven't picked up my operative yet...).
  18. If you're new to the game, play as a jugg. With that being said though, a well played jugg will generally beat a well played mara. Specifically, a jugg tank should always win, but the two other jugg dps specs can be a closer fight. A well played mara, on the other hand, could come out on top, they just have to time their CDs correctly, to out survive the jugg CDs. Once you get the timing right, a well played mara can easily beat an average jugg, but you'll still take a good amount of damage (again, because of the Jugg's available CDs). Lastly, mara dps is higher than jugg dps, but juggs can survive longer, so if you have a healer on your team, playing as a mara will be more beneficial, but a bit more difficult.
  19. MasterFeign

    It's here!

    I really wanted to play using my sin or mara, but looks like I'll be dusting off my heal sorc and skank tank! Also, score 1 for non-chalantly adding season 7 in, without any real announcement... #addingtothebalanceissue
  20. Getting the best gear (208s for pvp). The average dps/healer will have 70-72k HP in 208s, fully augmented etc. A tank will have anywhere from 72k to 88k health, depending on how they min max. It's not HP that's really important in pvp, but how you min max. Like a carnage marauder might want to acquire a lot of power stat, to hit harder, kind of thing.
  21. The funny thing is, lately I've been queuing against teams that have had an overwhelming amount of jugg (tanks) and sorc (healers), they're getting guarded too. But because it's people jumping on the fotm train, a lot of times they lose. Granted I've been in plenty of games where the jugg/sorc heavy team ends up winning, but it's still funny when the team that should be winning is losing badly. Things that could help: - Make ED's heal static, and maybe even on a rate limit - Increase the CD of ED/saber reflect - Remove the "script damage" of saber reflect (ie. make it mitigatable) - Remove Unnatural preservation, entirely (phasewalking and using self heals is an easy replacement) - Shorten the immunity after the end of force barrier - Heals should consume more force
  22. Phase walk also essentially replaces the need for 'unnatural preservation'. I'd like to see UP go.
  23. MasterFeign


    3-5 months from now, minimum.
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