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Everything posted by davidpop

  1. lol that is about the dumbest thing i ever seen..... Hahahahahahahahaha, why do people do that, and who the hell would want to watch someone else play. Jesus christ.....
  2. Hmm but my guild is on one of the servers that is full, great...
  3. You forgot the spanish people, but yea it would be nice to know wich servers they are going to highhack asap. Or even better, if BO is gonna slam the hammer on everyone who dont the concept of speaking english on a english server, or if they gonna bend over like Blizzard and let them do what they want.
  4. I ask again, if it is not launch day, why does Bioware say it is?
  5. I dont care if i get in today or the 19th, i just want to know when.
  6. Queuse and lag, atleast i would know that i would get in, in say 3 hours.
  7. I dont think its idiotic, but they should give people a ETA on when they get in.
  8. Funnay that Bioware think they are launching to day then.
  9. You can tell yourself that as many times as you want, dosent make it true tho.
  10. Problay not in terms of copies sold, do people even realise how insane it is that WoW at its peak had 11mil. active accounts. No other game is going to top that for a very long time.
  11. Servers they had to take down again, because they became ghost towns?
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