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Everything posted by Cicero

  1. I have been longing for more story content / interactions with my toons, new romance options (come on, my agent and Vette or Risha would be charming together) etc. But doubt it's going to happen. It is sad, but imo the gaming industry today sees immersive storytelling as a waste of money. Why expend a lot of money for that when you can just churn out another Call of Duty or add some skins to games like Fortnite? And I look at fact that one of my sons and all of his friends simply do not play story-driven games (or at least games with a decent backstory and lore). It's all just battle royale and other story-less stuff. I respect different styles and tastes, but not sure if the gaming habits of younger gamers provides optimism for those desiring story -oriented stuff. That said, my older son (21) is drawn to RPGs, MMOs, etc., so maybe I'm just being too pessimistic, and/or unfairly assuming most newer gamers have tik-tok type attention span and will not want to invest in time in more immersive games, Regardless, I know this old man is not going to influence what EA decides to do with SWTOR. Going to just hope for the best. I'm probably just being a grumpy old man frustrated I cannot have cutscenes or new toon content, and catastrophizing that future gaming will consist only of mobile games, shooters/battle royale games, and Madden 2030. I guess one good thing about getting older is I forget stuff, so the existing class stories seem pretty new when I roll out new alt every once in a while. lol
  2. The whole canon/legend controversy & debate aside, I think the Thrawn Trilogy is a good place to start.
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