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10 Good
  1. Critical is way to high anything past 30 % your wasting item slots. second why so much WP and not power? its affecting both your high crit rating and bonus healing. The End is great i roll with pretty much the same amount and RWZ teach you whos really a tank even with taunt, guard, and peels. 22k HP sage ftw. Also i recommend about 200 points of alacrity since anything AFTER that hits DR same with surge after 75% DR is in effect and thus your costing yourself itemization slots which could be put to greater use. Of course this also comes down to personal play style and group comp.
  2. Who Pves? Warlord healing sage premade and RWZ PVP only. @1 we are either the easy kill or the real tanks of this game. @2 to many people were riding the coat tails of Pre 1.2 op healing and needed a wake up. Currently lockouts and TTK is what needs to be reworked. Resistance to either lockouts mez or stuns or increased damage resistance. In terms of spec 31/7/3. Why are you taxing me on basically two of the points or 1 point for 1% Dmg reduction wow I just reduced 100 Dmg for a talent point what a waste. Also fix the egress bug it's not working as intended.
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