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10 Good
  1. I really like this idea. I enjoy crafting, but the amount of schematics you have to look through can be annoying. Basically the current system is organized alphabetically, with the secondary option to organize your schematics by level, rating, or difficulty. With artifice (sorry I don't have a lot of exp with other crafting skills) these methods are clunky at best. A schematic skill tree system would be so much better. Currently level is the most useful for me because it shows the level needed to wield it, which cuts down on the amount of schematics I need to flip through to find the one my guildmate needs. It can still be annoying when you have a lot of same-level schematics, but it's the lesser of the 3 evils for me. Organizing by rating is slightly less useful. With this setting I can almost get a clear picture of my item modifications (namely color crystals), but my wieldable schematics and some of my item mods will be all over the map. For example the level 10 tier 2 focus will out-rate the level 14 base focus, or the level 23 tier 2 focus has the same rating as the level 26 tier 1 focus. Listing the schematics by difficulty is completely useless. Once your schematics are grey they are all placed in the same alphabetical "category". This might be nice if you want to find a schematic with a particular prefix, but when you have all of your tier 2 color crystal schematics start with "Advanced" or even "Blue" it becomes a nightmare, and don't even get me started on titles like "Fervor Enhancement 13" (which for artifice is a lv 31 item mod with 11 endurance and 16 critical rating, NOT the prefix "Fervor") Once again I like the idea of having a "tree" approach as opposed to a "list by" approach, but being able to list the trees further by say, level, rating maybe even alphabetically would be nice. I think my "perfect crafting system" would be a skill tree system like the picture, combined with either a filter/list by Level/prefix/wieldable or an advanced search option. The tree system with a simple "list by" option like we have now would be alright too.
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