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Personal Information

  • Location
    Harrower-class dreadnought - Damocles
  • Interests
    Hunting the Jedi
  • Occupation
    Dark Lord of the Sith
  1. Hello I dont know if anyone else is having this problem but I tried to access my in game mail yesterday with my sith warrior character and it was blank I had 19 mail to read but it was blank like it was delete I also ran across it with my Jedi character too it seems to be some kind of bug as with the first one I logged out and then back on in the morning and it was there and the second one all I had to do was go to a different mail box I have a screen shot of it too but have no way of uploading it to help.
  2. Hello I am wondering if there is a way to get Cartel Market Certificates other than playing the Cartel slot game and old Cartel packs as people are listing them at ridiculous prices on the GTN as there are Items that I would like to buy if not you should make an option on the Cartel Market for Certificates to be bought like you do for the Cartel Coins say 20 for $20 or something like that it is not hard to do plus it would be more money in the pocket for E.A.
  3. Hello as a returning player to the game that was unable to play the game over the last few years due to computer issues I find that having the option for a life time subscription would of aloud me/others to get the subscription only characters and perks that come with supporting the game say the life time sub is around $300 US over time the sub would pay for itself when playing the game I just find it weird that there is no option for a life time subscription.
  4. Hello I am unable to get the mission Mixological Profiling, it is in my legacy (Press Y) as one of the Shared companion mission to do but the in game customer help tells me I was not subscribed to the game at the time and the legacy mission will show up in legacy regardless if I have access to the character or not. But the problem I have with that is why does Shae Vizla or Darth Hex not show up or any other shared companion then that I don't have in my Legacy shared companino missions I would like the character of Nico Okarr as I need him to complete the legacy I KNOW I WAS SUBSCRIBED DURING THAT TIME back in 2015 and would just like the character please.
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