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Posts posted by KshatriyaDharma



    When I saw the posts about Snipers/Gunslingers being too weak in WZ's I immediately sensed this buff coming, maybe I should check my mediclorians or sth....


    I didn't comment in that Thread though, because I knew most ppl won't understand exactly why the Gunslinger is actually extremely powerful and was in no need of a buff.


    The buff isn't huge, but again the balance shifts in a direction that is simply wrong.


    Why the Gunslinger is the most powerful Ranged-DD in the game:


    - 1-2-3- Spikes will be the most effective way of dealing DMG once ranked WZ's are up, if they don't change the lack of burstheal of the Healer-Classes: The amount of DMG you can burst out in under 1 to maybe 1.5. seconds is huge compared to the amount of heal in that time, so spiking DMG will be the way to go. With the Gunslingers already having extremely high single-target burst with two very strong combos Amied shot/Charged burst + Quickshot, Quickdraw or Speedshot with well over 5k hitting the target in a matter of maybe 0.5 seconds, they will only get stronger in that department.


    - Range: The Gunslingers have the highest range in the game and are therefore able to spike, while staying way in the backline, which helps them not get killed.


    - Defensive CD's: Yes, they may not be as OP as the ones of the Mara, but they are still pretty decent. With Hunker Down (+Holed Up), Dodge, Defense Screen and Scarmbling Field used correctly, the Gunslinger can stay as effective as possible in many situations.


    - Hold Position: That's why I think Gunslingers are heavily OP at the moment: There is no way to interrupt them, which is one of the major ways to counter spikes and with good interrupting, you can take out a huge amount of DMG of other ranged DD's, like the Commando, Sage etc.


    - XS Freighter Flyby: This skill gives you almost 10 seconds where your opponent will not be able to cap/recap any points with an incredibly low cooldown I might add.


    Yes, it's not a very mobile class, but not every class has to be mobile. The Damage the Gunslinger is able to spike onto single targets with two very powerful rotations every 15 seconds (so one spike every 7.5 seconds) and the fact you cannot interrupt him, make him one of the best pure Ranged DD's for PvP.




    You should have just said that, would have saved me from reading your post.

  2. My opinion of SS:



    Highest burst

    reduced cd on hunker down

    reduced cd on flyby - which is the best aoe in the game.

    ballistic dampers

    Diversion - the accuracy and cover debuff




    White dmg - hits all defence types. Quite poor on heavy armour and tank specs.

    lower sustained dps compared to DF after the initial burst





    My opinion on DF:



    Yellow dmg - tech, not affected by enemy defence

    high sustained dps

    Increased mobility



    literally no defence

    lose the reduced aoe cooldown

    lose the reduced hunker down cooldown

    takes 3 GCD's before your burst kicks in




    The play style of both is quite different. I am quite torn at the moment between the better utility of SS over the better sustained damage of DF at the moment. But both are viable in pvp in my opinion.

  3. I have been playing a slinger since beta and I mainly pvp. Full BM, rank 75, running a full augment set at the moment, working towards the war hero weapons. So I'm speaking from a PVP perspective. Few things from my own experiences.


    1. LoS is our worst enemy, any smart player will LoS you to no ends.


    2. We have no "real" cc.


    3. Classes which have force leap or have a gap closer on a 15 second cooldown means once hunker down is done they can pretty much keep us in range quite easily. cc on cover and then use of the ability. Some tank specs can keep us snared indefinitely. Even when using hunker down, we are immobile...not really ideal for a ranged class. Couple this with now uninterrupted master strikes - not pretty.


    4. We have no heals or escape type abilities.


    5. We have possibly the worst defence of all classes, super squishy.


    6. Our strongest attacks require activation times or channels



    Right now we are not great against 1v1 duel type situations. But in group pvp, I can rain hell on any class, if I am allowed to. It all comes down to positioning. But in cases where I cannot gain the edge of higher ground or LoS the enemy, it is very difficult against highly geared and competent players. Even if we are LoS'ing each other, their instant attacks are far more damaging than mine, our attacks that require a channel or activation time will not even be effective, such as aimed shot and wounding shots.


    I do love the singer, but we are very much a support class at this time.


    We have good burst, on the practice dummies I was able to push out in my opening rotation 28k dmg in 18 seconds (14-18 seconds being the change from in-combat to not) running a SS/sab hybrid spec. But I am testing out DF again, to see how good the energy management is - it seems to provide less burst but more sustained dps now that wounding shots can be utilised without having to reapply the bleeds so often.


    Overall, I feel our offence does not stack up enough to negate the poor defence we have. We should be comparable to marauders as the pure dps specs. Their dps, utility and defensive abilities outweigh ours easily.


    I agree to the point that there are better 1v1 classes than the slinger.

  4. imo,


    It is not the fact that ranked warzones are not being implemented in 1.2. No one really wants to play with broken content.


    It is that they failed to communicate it to the community until 6 hours before the patch. They would have known a lot sooner that it would not be implemented, you can't just flick a switch and decide not to include a certain part of the patch. It just looks shady.

  5. I agree.


    So many times knock backs come down to perfect timing or can only really be effective at that split second, on the voidstar bridge or fire pits in huttball for example.


    Having to force us into cover and then to activate the ability means using it such situations is very difficult. Many times I've been knocked back myself because it takes too long to get into cover and then use the ability.

  6. In case any of you missed it, a couple more changes hit PTS tonight for the Dirty Fighting based Smuggler, they look quite nice on first inspection.




    Nice Try 2/2


    I'm off to find a Targetting dummy/Queue for WZ's and see how they pan out. :)



    Hmm, this looks pretty damn nice for DF's

  7. The problem does arise when the combat is non stop



    ^ This



    I am two pieces from full BM and I am currently using a non DF/lethality spec.


    When you have multiple targets and cannot break combat the energy issues are insane.


    I felt the damage was good and burning tanks down was refreshing but I could really notice the loss of burst dmg which meant my primary target "the healer" would in fact take longer to kill.



    I'll respec back to DF to see if it has scaled better with gear for me though, I have changed my gear a fair bit since I last tried it.


    I feel the tree needs some tweaking with energy tbh.

  8. After messing around with different stats I can now hit 5k crits every 3-5 warzones, mainly on clothies.


    Using my 20% armour debuff, the pvp adrenal and relic.



    Highest crit so far being 6892.


    I'm a gunslinger.

  9. So do you want 5k medal? Ok: modified BM set (assault mod with power and surge and not alacrity/accuracy of BM basic mod) + rakata stims (565 power for 15 sec) + BM relic with power (380 power for 20 sec) + surge rating 75% (bonus by set and not by stims) + flourish shot + aimed shot. Hope for a crit after aimed shot and good luck.


    do this and you will get 5k aimed shot crits.

  10. I am a Gunslinger and I've generally made sure my acc is always around 100%.


    I know that it only lowers defence chance after 100%.


    Has anyone done any testing to see how effective acc actually is in pvp?




    My basic primary acc is at 100%


    But then my special primary acc is at 110%....is that really needed for pvp?

  11. The hard cap is at 40% so yeah, once you get to 35% + you're starting to look into power (since all the high end gear has uber accuracy anyway).


    Is crit stated to be at a 40% cap?

  12. Have to say that I am so disappointed with this patch.


    The fact that you allow massive valor gains per kill and change the daily to promote faction kills simply means that the larger faction numbers auto-win.


    Being on a heavily imperial favoured server, at least 2:1 to republic, the imperials are now simply farming our turrets which give I believe 1-2k valor per kill and they respawn instantly.


    Their are rep players who cannot even now spawn because imps are just camping the base.



    People are grinding out 25k plus valor in an hour.


    What a kick in the teeth for those who worked their ****s off to get to Battlemaster.


    I have already heard of top pvp players on my server who have already cancelled their sub.


    What a joke.

  13. It really is a shame that their are so many factors that are favoured towards imperial.


    I can imagine many people switching sides or even unsubscribing because of this.


    /Bump...as these issues need to be addressed very...very soon.

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