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Posts posted by Ravenouschaos

  1. I realize it has been said MANY times before, but I am adding my voice. If this is not addressed by Monday, as in a plan laid out so we know *** is happening and how it is going to be fixed, I will be canelling my pre orders. I am as hard core a sw fan as you will find. I stuck with swg through all the BS (nge, cu, imbalences) but I NEVER had to sit for hours to get crapped on. I love the game, but this is pure unadaulterated bulls***.There is no way to sugar coat it or put a positive spin on it. Fix it or you will have amass exodus soon.
  2. My guild was put on Fatman. I thought that the 2 1/2 hours of queue time was part of the game! You mean I wasn't getting XP and lvling up? Damn I was having fun watching the ships fly around.


    Please fix this. I don't care how, but when you work 50+ hours a week, you only get a limited amount of time to play the game each day. If that is wasted on queue times, then what's the point of having the game?


    This. I have maybe 2 hours every other day to play (full time student/work/husband/father of three) and its not practical for me to spend more than half of that time in que. Its also not an option to call my wife and tell her to put me in que before I get home. I've been to five launches, EQ, WoW, SWG, GW, and Rift so I'm aware of what can happen. This game, how ever, had a great stress test and is now falling on its face. The only thing I can think of is that they are keeping a low pop cap on the current servers to allow for growth during launch. It has to be fixed though. You also have to think of the friends we will try to recruit into the game. They probablywill want to play on the same server...


    Warning: My thoughts are a bit disjointed, I've slept 6 hours in the past three days.

  3. Don't blame bioware blame the players who aren't in a guild who just started playing and decided to roll a high pop server instead of one of the lower pop ones.


    Bioware cannot change player stupidity.


    When I started my server's pop was LOW. These servers should be either pop capped or expanded. There is NO reason why there should be que times, especially if there are more servers waiting to be brought online. Decide what a health population is, and cap it, that's it.

  4. Are there at least any lightsabers etc that you can get with commendations that aren't alignment specific?


    Not after you leave DK. It kinda blows. Not alot of choices for use balanced players. I was thinking of going ds just so I can use the better gear. Crappy choice if you ask me...

  5. Just would like to point out,


    at the stick at the top of the general page..


    They will be sending out "MORE" invites over a LOOONGER period of time today..


    then BELOW THAT


    they say there will be FOUR waves... seriously? >_> thats one LESS than yesterday if you count the "bonus" wave they did .......




    and we must sit around and wait even LONGER between waves to see if we get in or not... this is getting annoying now.


    Less waves does not mean less invites. Why must we spell this out?? Ffs, more invites total in the combined four waves. I can also draw pictures if you would prefer.

  6. The only mistake BW did was not to send a loose schedule of when ppl might get their early access. The rest are just ppl ************ for the sake of ************. With 2+ million potential players ... there will be a few thousand who can swarm the forum and voice their upmost disappointhment with the game. It has nothing to do with quality of the game.


    Agreed. OP makes all gamers seem like petty, vindictive people just looking for an excuse to cry foul, projection much? While SOME of the vocal minority may fit that description it is just that, a minority. Just because most of us understand that rolling out a brand new mmo is not a Cakewalk does not make us fanbois and nerds. I do ageee on the lack of character customization and the need for basic ui optios,but I realize this did not go in because they lacked the time, its not broken, it needs improvement. If you are that unsatisied, please, leave. Neither Bioware, EA nor this community needs your sour attitude, it seems like you may be happier elseware. No one is forcing to play this game.

  7. Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.


    No, it won't. Most of us understand what up to five days means. Most of us don't throw a hissy fit when we don't get exactly what we want exactly when we want it. Everything will be fine.

  8. I just want to state up front that i am sure we will all get a decent amount of early access. I am still waiting for mine






    I would like to remind the group of gamers that likes to pretend they are higher and mightier than the rest of us that yes indeed, EA/bioware DOES OWE US SOMETHING, they owe us something for the $5.00 fee they charged us..



    so please.. stop being sucks and using the line that we are " lucky " we get early access.... no we are not lucky, we paid for it. If EA does not give a reasonable amount of early access time, it could indeed be considered breach of contract.



    AGAIN, i dont think its going to be an issue, i suspect we will all get about 4 days of access. 1 month from now, nobody will care about any of this. I just need to vent on some of the stupid people who make posts thinking they are on higher moral ground than other gamers.



    Another misinformed and self entitled post. I can type in big letters for you. The $5 you paid was to RESERVE the game at the RETAILER. It was not a FEE for early access. Early access was GRANTED to those who pre ordered. Please cancel your pre order so that we will not have to put up with you in game. Thank you.

  9. It saddens me greatly that SR actually had to post this.. come on people.. you are not entitled to something that someone gives away.


    Agreed. It was nice of him to come on here and humor us to begin with. No, I'm not in yet, yes, I'm very anxious to start playing, and yes, I'm upset that I'm not waving my glow bat around right now. However, I understand that they are doing it this way for a reason. I DO think they can easily handle waves throughout the day, but like I said, they must have they must have their reasons. BW and EA knew this would upset the community, and they still did it, I'm sure its not for *****s and giggles.

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