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Posts posted by DigitalDreamz

  1. OK so I got it working, instead of being on the ship I was on the Republic Fleet and was able to reset the quest, I'm now off and running so if anyone encounters this simply head to the Fleet and reset your quest there.
  2. Hi so my level 44 Trooper is stuck with this quest and after searching the forums I've found this quest has been acting up since a few years ago with no fix. I've repaired client and did everything else the previous posts suggested with no luck whatsoever.


    I've opened an in-game ticket and I opened it on 10/21/2015. As today is 10/29/2015 and patience is wearing thin I am posting this in the bug report in hopes of getting some resolution or at least a response from somebody about a fix. The reset button is greyed out so I can't reset the quest and it keeps telling me to talk to General Garza but have done so already. My next mission is outpost 256 where I have to save some heads of state.


    So if anybody has suggestions, a fix or work around I'd GREATLY appreciate it.


    My ticket number is: 20996194

  3. Playing through my first Jedi Knight I see the 12x story exp is gone, which stated as such in the patch notes. However it stated we could level simply by doing the class missions only yet as I try I'm nowhere near the level I should be compared to the story boost.


    So can anyone give a detailed explanation as to what changed and how? Thanks.

  4. Dislike this change for many reasons. Also in past MMOs where they've implemented some form of level reducing mechanic it had the complete OPPOSITE effect. They thought people would go and play with friends in old zones and increase the population in older areas but when de-leveled these titles found gamers just said screw it and never went back at all.


    It's exciting because it's new is all. You're rolling through heroics because your companion is grossly over-tuned and this change was puzzling as to why they added it in.


    Please revert or add an option to turn it off.

  5. @ Malastare


    I've stated in my first post I'm remaining open minded about the change but my initial thoughts are negative, and yes I have went into lower levels and experienced the changes although it's skewed as my companion is now so grossly overpowered, as a matter of fact my companions in level sync are close to double my hp and power even with me having upper end gear.

  6. This is getting old and this lore claim doesn't get less illogical than it used to, really man.


    So before you could be a level 47 Darth on Corellia and you could take up 20 Jedi Masters on Alderaan at once but you were beaten up by a mere droid on Corellia. Now that makes perfect sense, indeed A very interesting lore, indeed. How about beating the crap out of the member of the Dark Council while a wild tiny lizard on Makeb dealt more damage to you than that member.


    Exactly right, we face stronger and stronger enemies which makes us stronger and enemies of old are no match for us anymore. Now I fly to Alderaan and have stayed at the same power level no matter how much training and experience I get which to me is ridiculous.


    Or how about I fly to Alderaan and am as strong as the house guards, then fly to Tython were all of a sudden I'm equal to flesh raiders and then fly to Coruscant where I'm now equal to The Justicars.


    Now THATS illogical.

  7. Yea at first I chalked this up to just over-tuned stats but new patch notes make no mention of changing so I guess this is how it's going to be? M1-4X at level 18 has 10, 200 health :eek: Haven't seen that much hp from my characters till about 40s+.


    Also all my companions for some odd reason have removed their pants, no lie. All their other gear is intact yet they all are in underwear. Perhaps this is the secret to their strength? :p

  8. The responses being hostile towards the OP is ironically similar to any new feature where people are quick to praise the developers rather than hear others out. I've seen some posts which have been downright hostile, rude and condescending because they don't know how to deal with people who have differing opinions.


    Personally I'm apprehensive about this new change. From a lore perspective I take my Jedi Knight into Tython after engaging in numerous wars, fighting countless evil and spanning the galaxy being a master above all and all of a sudden I'm now only slightly stronger than a flesh raider? The same flesh raiders newbie padawans destroy? Satele Shan sneezes and wipes out an entire legion of them yet I'm only a few levels above them now. Or does she also level synce?


    Also I enjoyed helping lowbies out with quests and heroic quests, I retained this sense of impressive power as my blade whirls around in this thunderous boom and enemies drop, having this sense that my character REALLY is all powerful.


    Third keeping your actual level intact gave the game a sense of pure open world immersive planets. But now I have a hard time feeling like my character is actually becoming more powerful, rather I'm bound by this imaginary planetary force which limits my strength. On Quesh it could make sense but Coruscant?


    I'll keep an open mind and see how things play out but initial thoughts aren't very high for this change.

  9. So many great ideas in here, even between the few arguing with each other. Bioware will look at your ideas and figuratively wipe their a s s with them.


    They'll most likely give you nothing OR they'll give you a fix that's so opposite, backwards and nonsensical from what you need that it'll probably make things worse.

  10. You can apologize to them all you want. You can send them roses and tissues because you made them cry and some baby wipes for their bottoms. Pat them on the back and tell them everythings going to be OK but I have information that may be shocking to:


    The forums didn't cause the layoffs nor did it cause the massive 75%+ drop in subscriptions. The main reason for the drops are quite simple guys. This game has failed to deliver.


    You know who's fault that is? Take a wild guess!!!

    *Judging by some remarks on here I'd suggest some of you apologists don't have the mental capacity to figure it out*


    I'll answer it for you:

    The developers are at fault. Not a single forum member or customer caused ANYTHING.


    If the developers aren't confident in their product or need people to be gentle to their feelings they seriously need to **** and find a new job. If the devs can't stand up to scrutiny and criticism they're in the wrooooong business.They were given half a decade and 200+ million dollars! 200+ million and now you want to be sensitive to their feelings!?


    I think with the OPs thread you apologists have hit an all time new low...and it was already pretty low to begin with.

  11. Here's the only buff you'll ever need:


    Armor override: While armor override is active you are immune to movement impairing effects and can cast while moving. Cannot be force charged while armor override is active. Lasts 10 seconds. (45 second cooldown)



    Anything else beyond this you really need to L2P or pick a different class.

  12. Engineering slinger, concealment operative, vengeance jugg, carnage marauder, deception sin.


    These specs do fine in PVP and have great utility.


    Isn't it common for rated groups to NOT have any of these above though?


    Operatives always are heals. (Left tree, utility or role tree)

    Juggernauts are always Rage. (Right tree, pvp / burst tree)

    Assassins are hybrid tanks. (Mix of left and right leaving middle alone)

  13. Just going around building talent specs, reading posts and looking around something dawned on me.


    *Now forgive me if this is common knowledge*


    Is the left tree the 'utility' or 'special' tree where you bring something unique.

    Middle tree is the pure pve dps tree.

    Right tree is the pvp tree.


    Pyrotech is far right.

    Focus is far right.

    Balance is far right.


    All have talents exclusively dealing in pvp.


    Far left are healing and tanking trees.


    Middle are pure dps trees.


    Seems like it to me anyway.


    Strongest pvp specs:

    Far right


    Weakest pvp specs:




  14. I'd imagine he's still working for Bioware but is just not motivated or energized about the future of his company any longer. The company he started in is long gone, the reputation of the company is gone, his friends are gone and the creators are gone. The MMO he and his team worked on has changed so drastically and probably so far from what they wanted at the year one mark.


    I imagine him at his desk, hand holding up his head and frowning. He's reading these forums and everytime someone mentions a bug that still isn't fixed it makes him cringe. He thinks about what he can do to make things a bit better but then over a loudhorn you have an EA suit with a whip screaming "MOAR CARTEL PACK NAO!!!" *whip crack*

  15. Their fault not mine. Simple as that.


    MMOs are a long term investment in both time and resources. Continual support, patching, content, security and gameplay over the course of several years are the nature of MMOs nowadays. They CHOSE to include aspects into their game such as VOs and class stories. To willfully include this into an MMO KNOWING FULL WELL in the future they cannot support it any further than from release is foolish and quite frankly embarrassing for the leadership of this game.


    What's even more embarrassing and speaks volumes is that what we see now is exactly how Bioware and Electronic Arts wants it! They look at the state of the game and are actually pleased! They laid people off, downsized the staff, went F2P and programmed in a real money cash shop. They know the game has failed even their own expectations. Their trying to milk as much money from their current subscribers as they can before this MMO goes into retirement ala Warhammer Online.


    EA issued a press release stating that they had high hopes for this title, it's fallen short and so it's been placed behind Tiger Woods Golf on the priority list. Folks, Tiger Woods's last game came out a year and a half ago. Shows how much they care.


    So the expansion coming up is the biggest and most content you will see for 2013. You'll get nothing else mark my words in terms of progressive content. Bug fixes will be so few and far between unless it applies to the F2P -> subscriber conversion OR if it's to fix the Cartel Market. This is as good as it gets and it's only going to go downhill from here. Remember folks EA is driving this car and they wrecked the last one pretty bad.


    Lol that would definitely be funny if they did that. they'd lose out on comms as well as XP. Still kind of silly to twink anyway. may as well just do PvP at 50, or just delete the toon and start PvP'ing from 10 again. (depending on if you prefer low level PvP Vs 50)


    No you're not understanding why they twink. They simply do it to completely steamroll anyone in their path then leave before it's finished. To them the joy of destroying four people in about ten seconds makes them giggle so they want to do it over and over and over and over again.


    They really can care less for comms, XP, medals or credits as they more than likely have a main that generates most if not all of the accounts income. The joy comes when you have the level 12 xXXSkywalkerXXx get slaughtered something so fierce he refuses to leave the starting zone.


    Also the worst twink I've seen was a PT Pyrotech stimmed with almost 1700 aim at 49 OUCH!!! If I can find his vid I'll post it. Just completely shreds the opposing team. Like ... just ... man I felt bad for the other guys,.


    I'm sorry but this thread reminds me of one of the most epic posts I've read on this forum.


    Quote: Originally Posted by fungihoujo

    Fatman server presents, real pvpers of genius.

    'real pvpers of geniuuuus'


    Today we salute you, mister really really really low level noob pwner.

    'mister really really really low level noob pwner!'


    Fully organized, you sit at the top level of your bracket and crush people who are still trying to decide which AC to take.

    'don't pick commando'

    You brag about your kills like a bunch of frat buddies who just got a cheerleader to come to your party, a cheerleader named Darthselenagomez.

    'I swear I thought she was level 19, officer!'


    You ripped expertise mods from enough weapons to fill every piece of gear, because no advantage is too great when you're facing someone who bought the game yesterday.

    'who's the tough guy now?'

    But wait, after level 49 it is over- the level 50 nooblets proclaim. Not to worry. You've found a way to beat the system by ducking out of the match like some kind of Houdini at the last moment.

    'stick it to the maaaaaan!'


    So crack open an ice cold shockfrozen water mister noob slayer, because your dedication to maximizing yourself against players who can't tell a guardian from a sage is why you put the win, in twink.

    'mister really really really low level noob pwner....'


    Holy moly that was amazing lol!

  16. Yes the high level gear does look really bad BUT:


    My personal opinion on the best looking sets are the centurion pvp sets and the level 40 pvp sets. Just very nicely done and fit well.


    Here's a link showcasing each set from twenty - forty then elite war hero. Check out the consulars sets. They get increasingly amazing to a stunning level 50 centurion set. Just so perfect then WHAAAM we're hit with something so horrifically ugly words are not enough:



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