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Everything posted by Nosfertaus

  1. The Galactic Starfighter is so unscaled its ridiculous! You need to make brackets or something for how much people unlock or your gonna lose peoples interest fast. I go into one starting out and get like 2 shot by people that already have a lot of upgrades. I also don't think its fair that the people that do have upgrades would have to makeup for the rest of the team. As for normal PvP the brackets should go at least every x0 levels with the top being something ending with x9 or something. From what I saw the first bracket is like 10-29 or something crazy like that. Those people wanna go in there for something fun to do not die because they are lacking the talents in the tree and skills learned at certain levels. I have played since beta and this should have already been addressed and fixed at this point. Its pretty disappointing to come back to:(.
  2. Thx for the info all, just wanted to see others opinions on the subject and what they have heard.
  3. They never did say if it was gonna cost to character transfer, I know that in most games for some reason they dont like the idea of merging servers to save people that are on low pop servers but if your gonna make people pay like blizzard 25 dollars a pop for each character I know I personally will be done myself. Took to much time investing in a server that no one hardly goes on anymore that used to be full when i first started the game. I'm sure im not the only one that has 3-4+ 50s and thinking the same thing.
  4. Anyone figured out how to use your proton torpedos yet? I've tried like everyone button and looked thru the keybindings but there isnt any options in there that are set for your ship.
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