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  1. Lol! I just now got my ship and I know what you mean! (At least he's not talking in that ridiculous way that the bots did when we first met them and quested for them!)
  2. Oh for gosh sakes! I finally figured it out after much searching! I swear this thread was my last resort! But I finally found something saying that the "gem" symbol at the top of the screen pulls up your crew. I even still have the girl member as well. I had no idea and if anyone else has this problem, I hope they will find this thread. No, I'm not a newb to mmo's! I'm just a newb to this game. I'll get the hang of it sooner or later . . .
  3. Are companions supposed to disappear with no way to bring them back? Once you have your companion - the first main one, at least - aren't you always supposed to be able to resummon them, or are they removed at times to make you complete some quests alone? The reason I'm asking this is because, at level 16, my droid has disappeared - and I really do mean disappeared, not just needing to be resummoned. There is no circle in the lower left hand of the screen for resummoning your droid. It didn't die either. What happened is that I got a "guest" companion - a padawan that was to help me complete a certain mission, and for a while, I could have her present for fighting and send my droid off on missions and crafting. However, when the quest series completed that she was tagging along for, she disappeared - and my droid companion disappeared as well. There is NO way to resummon him, at all, that I can find. And yes, I did look at the FAQ and see where they had the question of how to resummon them when they die or disappear. The answer tells you to click on the circle in the lower left hand of the screen to resummon them. There is no circle. The droid does not show up on my chacter tab, and I had no warning he was going to go away for any reason. Our companions are permanent, aren't they? Other than a "guest" one such as the girl that was with me for a while was. She was clearly marked as such, but I though the droid was supposed to be here to stay, or resummon or whatever. Can someone please tell me if I'm just missing something or if this is actually a glitch that I need to report? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  4. Another prime example of people expecting a game to revolve around themselves. and how they feel it should be played, instead of buying a game and playing it the way it was intended to be played. When you play something like Legend of Zelda or Mario Brothers on a consolde game, do you whine to the developers of the game that it was just too hard for you to jump up high enough to avoid the crab, or that you're sword isn't uberly cool enough? No. You play those console games as they are meant to be played, and if you don't like them, you don't play them. Many games are ruined for the simple fact that the developers try too hard to please everyone, and they get to the point that the game is no longer what it was created to be. I'm not saying this game is the greatest, and I'm not saying it's the worst. I do not feel it is a ripoff of Wow, but I do appreciate the ease of playing, due to familiarity with how things work. I'm enjoying the game. If I decide in the long run I don't like it, I won't play it. Simple as that. Changes they make might ruin my liking it, or might make me like it better, but I'm just so sick of these developers trying to bow down and lick everyone's boots so that they can get more money out of a game. Just leave it be - let it be what it was intended to be. Sure, fix the bugs and glitches, of course, just don't redevelop the game just because this group or that group says to. Do you even know how difficult it is for the developers to try to make a world totally accessible in every aspect? Just to be able to freely run around and go from place to place, doing whatever you wish at your own whim? It just cannot be done. This is not Star Trek and we don't really have Holodecks where we can play in our fantasy worlds created around us. We wanted flying mounts in the old worlds in Wow for so long - people screamed for it - and we did finally get it. However, they had to revamp the entire areas just to be able to make it possible. The game was not originally made for us to be able to fly in those areas - it wasn't coded that way. In this game, so far, it seems to me that they've tried to aniticipate every combination they could so they could try to make the game run in a fashion that people would enjoy their own different stories. I think they did a pretty good job with that. I was never really a fan of playing games like "Mass Effect" where you spent so much time watching cut scenes and making choices, but SWTOR has made that enjoyable. I never thought I would play a game like that, but here I am, in this one, and they've actually got me liking it. It all comes down to how loyal you want to be to a game, however it is made, that makes a game survive. Please don't make it free-to-play, just keep doing what you set out to do and don't start making people have to pay to get "cool" things ingame, such as with "markets" like in Conan. Yeah, there were some people who paid more to get special editions of this game, and they have things that others don't, but so what? That's not going to change my enjoyment of the game. They did the same thing in Wow with every expansion. Again I say, so what? If people are willing to shell out the extra pay for it, then let them. I'ts not going to change MY enjoyment of the game. Sorry for the miniwall-of-text (it pales in comparison to the wall that began this thread), but seriously - lets play a game like it was meant to be played and either like it or not. Give the creators of it a chance to at least enjoy their creation that they put so much hard work into, for at least a little while before people start tearing it apart and making it a completely different game from what it started out as!
  5. My mouse seems overly sensitive ingame too, with the settings at it's lowest. But what really bugs me is the pivoting camera. when I'm running and I look to one side, then let go of the mouse button, it swings back into the forward looking view. I really prefer to be able to decide when I want to look back ahead, and it makes me a bit nausiated the way it swings back forward. I tried to figure out if there was a way to turn it off, but the settings don't really have anything that works. There is one setting that sounds like it would be the one to turn it off and on, but it does nothing to stop it from swinging back around. If anyone knows for sure how to fix this, or if it can even be fixed, please let me know. As for the sensitive mouse issue, so far it hasn't caused me too much trouble, but then again, I'm only a level 5 and haven't been in any situations yet to where it would really be an issue. I sure hope it gets fixed before I get to the point of grouping for a boss mob. I too have a Microsoft wireless mouse and keyboard. I have found that with a wireless mouse, when playing WoW at least, my mouse will sometimes randomly go wild and spin around and then make the view looking up at the sky - very aggravating. I also found that if I put fresh batteries in that the problem is solved. I don't know if that works in this situation or not for those of you having that type of problem in this game.
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