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Posts posted by timewatch

  1. He's saying WoW ruined the community. The way i see it, a online community only works for niche games with a tiny playerbase. No one can know 10,000 other people online. But if there's only a few hundred playing on your server, you can really form a community.


    So for this game to succeed as online game, people must quit! Get the playerbase small as possible, then you can have a real community where when you pvp someone, you really know them because they are the only one playing with you. If you pve a raid, you really know them because they are the only people online to play with you. See?

  2. I've always thought scoundrel/op are suppose to be 1 shot killing glass cannons. Imo, they should nerf them by making them easier to kill after using their wonder ability, instead of just nerfing the abilities themselves directly.


    put a debuff -exhausted or something, that makes them move slower and take more damage after using their wonder ability.

  3. You should never start on a low-pop server during launch. Yeah, lots people tell you to go there to avoid queues. But launch queues generally last only a week or so. After that its happy times.


    Low-pop server is only for people who don't want competition for quest objectives and stuffs. They always become dead about a month later. And developers will not combine servers until 6+ months for whatever reason.

  4. The backstory for ilum was the empire were mining crystals to make stealth ships. But drilling the ilum so deep causes earthquakes and eventually the destruction of the planet.


    Make that happen! Ilum has gained the stigma of worse world pvp ever in teh history of universe. Blow it up and start from square 1. If nothign else, just copy wintergrasp.

  5. If i have to guess, i would say the trooper ammo system is just for UI appearance. Behind the scene, it probably uses the '100 energy' thing bounty hunter, smugglers, operatives all use. They just convert the appearances to ammo. Just like BH don't really use heat, it uses energy but converted to make it look like they are using heat.
  6. WoW is only launched 7 years ago. These MMO takes so long to make, mmos these days are still trying to cash in on WoW success. But by the time the mmo are complete and ready to release, time has passed them by. Instead of keeping a step ahead, they are keeping a step behind.


    The next big MMO is going to be nothing like WoW. And so far, pretty much every mmo is just a pure wow clone.

  7. The sith advantages are probably intentional. They probably thought there would be more republic than sith players. Its like in WoW, early on in Wow, horde had huge pvp advantages to let them survive vs greater alliance population.


    but when battlegrounds came out, the numbers are even and hordes win most fights because their racial were so much better. Took awhile to balance it out.

  8. Did you play on a light server during the 20th launch to avoid long queues? Its pretty much a mistake to pick light server during launch to avoid queues because they become empty later on.


    The trick when playing new mmorpg, pick a heavy server! A week worth of queue is better than lifetime of ghost towns. Samething happened to all the mmorpgs .. except for one mmorpg which was still adding servers months after launch.

  9. Not having a LFG tool is killing this game. LFG is essential for a multiplayer game, they sholud have just called this SORPG game, singleplayer-online rpg. Everytime I want to do a heroic quest or flashpoint, I just want to quit this game...because you know why.
  10. I like to open with sab charge on the strongest mob at a distance then run to them throwing a grenade. Then once i'm in melee, pistol whip to get upper hand and blaster volley them. Kill large groups of mob pretty fast.


    But once you get Risha, she'll do most of the work. :) As sawbone, i'll handle one mob with dirty kick, shotgun, cheap shot. Rest of the mobs are dead by Risha's hand. But you'll be fighting more strong+elite mobs. So I just heal Risha when that happens.

  11. I played both aoc and warhammer. The problem with warhammer was, its marketed as a great pvp game...which didn't actually have great pvp. Its pvp was exactly like WoW except much worse.


    AoC is marketed as a adult game but when the game launched, the developer spent a lot of time removing what little nudity the game had so its compeletely T rated. You can still undress but everywhere else, there's no nudity.


    Swtor is marketed as a story-based mmorpg. And the story is definitely great! So this game won't fail as bad as the others, but the question of how long story can keep players interested is another story.

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