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Posts posted by Smarf

  1. Thanks for the tips, I'm just starting out a Vanguard too and this helps.


    For leveling, is it better to go with the Endurance heavy items or Aim? A lot of the mods will either be 10 Aim / 8 Endurance or 12 Endurance / 6 Aim. It seems like Aric does the most damage and I just stand there soaking it up, so I'm not sure if I should be tankier or more damage.

  2. Well if I pronounce something then I'm saying it out loud, so I say "The Old Republic". I also don't say OMG or *** in real life either though, so your mileage may vary.


    Oddly though, I say WoW in real life but usually just type out World of Warcraft. To be fair though, WoW is more ingrained in people and culture now though, and SWTOR has just come out.

  3. game cards cost more don't they? What I do is I got a Prepaid credit card at Walmart I load money on it Via direct deposit for my game account when you load it direct deposit it doesn't cost anything but your employer has to allow multiple direct deposit locations for it to work. the way I do it.


    Game cards cost whatever the subscription costs. If it's 14.99 a month then you get a 60 day card for $29.99.

  4. Hey guys, regarding the morality system I have a question.


    I started a Bounty Hunter recently and decided I wasn't just going to keep choosing light side or dark side choices and wanted to think about what I would do in that situation.


    I'm just curious if the morality system functions the same as Mass Effect where you unlock more choices the higher rank of dark/light side you are. I'll probably end up being "grey" and was just wondering if I'm going to be missing out on some conversation choices.


    Currently, the only use for dark side and light side is because of gear. You'll find equipment that either requires a certain rank (Dark Side I or Light Side III) or that you can't use if you're a certain side (Dark Side forbidden).


    There is no such thing as "grey" side as far as equipment goes, so you'd be missing out if you don't pick one or the other. Also, the Dark Side currently changes your appearance as you rank it up.

  5. I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.




    I'd prefer everyone have fair access to the game and have intermittent server issues than some "privileged" people getting to play the game 5-6 days before me for no reason other than some stupid "lottery".



    Now, I'm pretty much assuming that Bioware is going to give pretty much everyone who preordered in the last couple months one day "early access", just to make sure they live up to their "promise". Gee, thanks Bioware. I love being mislead by saying I'll have early access only to find out that I won't be playing it till one day before launch. It makes me feel like a REALLY valued customer.


    It's not a lottery, it's a lack of reading comprehension + laziness on your part. They said on day one of pre-orders that the day you redeemed your pre-order code would determine your place in early access. So there is no "lottery" or randomness to it, those of us who took the time to read 2 sentences and order in the first few weeks got in first. It doesn't get any fairer than that, unless you'd rather no one got in at all which is what every other ##$(*#($* game does.

  6. just curious, all i see are increasing numbers of problems and their severity, at this rate by launch it will be a complete catastrophe as nobody can log in and those that do will have to wait 6 hours for a queue and then get -75% at least fraemrate they got in beta..


    it took them how many years to prepare for this? how can they not anticipate this.. like the voicemail "due to unanticipated call volume, i'm now going to hang up on you immediately"..



    really.. i mean.. what was all that stress test weekend BS about.. they cant even stagger the pre release entires without screwing up? i mean.. i get better tech support from EA i got two free games from them for biowares mistake of not letting me in yet and i'm going to gripe and get more free stuff tommorow.


    i never thought i would say this but EA tech support is a dream compared to what i've seen here. and i told the EA GM about the non existant CSRS on here, and literally she said "wow thats horrible"


    so.... EA owns bioware, and EA CSR calling bioware tech support a joke... now.. thats ironic.


    What's screwed up exactly? There aren't any problems in game, and the servers haven't crashed. I think you should actually play it before you start complaining about a bad launch. Or is this just another, "Waaaah, I didn't pre-order early and get to start playing with everyone else yet" thread?

  7. It's not strictly fair, but it's also not a big deal. Someone who had three more days of head start now might have to spend three days in the hospital later. You know we'll all be sitting on a stable of 50s in a month or two.


    What exactly is not fair about Bioware saying, "the earlier you pre-order, the earlier you'll get into early access" and then doing that.


    It's real simple. If you wanted to get into early access on day one, you should have pre-ordered on day one. Period.

  8. You must be ********.



    I am cancelling because before I even see the intro to this game that ISNT EVEN LIVE yet... someone will be level 50... 75% to max profession... server economy set with a % of players no longer even needing what I would have to offer it... names perma-locked up on all servers to spite the rest of us...


    THIS IS NOW A GAME IN PROGRESS... you might as well wait 2-3-4 months... it's the same **** now. I am not an equal... I am a sloppy second... a 3rd rate citizen to this company.


    And it can go **** itself.


    Or you could, you know, start on one of the new servers they're opening on launch day. But that wouldn't be as dramatic as you're making it out to be.

  9. I bought a laptop just to play this game at work while we're slow during Christmas. While sitting around during pool league last night, I left my laptop open with the game running.


    One of the bartenders came up and said "Holy #$)( is that Knights of the Old Republic 3??"


    It was fun explaining it to everyone that wandered by. Except the drunk people. No one likes talking to drunk people.

  10. In the history books? Whatever. It's a common marketing term that covers a few options instead of just one. Like "while supplies last" or "limited quantities available."


    It's just stupid to expect them to change all their advertising on a day to day basis when they probably weren't even sure how many people they were doing for each wave. Are you so entitled that you think they should have changed all the ads to say "Pre-order now to get in on wave 3 on the 4th day." No wait, scratch that. "Pre-order now to get in on wave 6 on the 5th day."


    Yeah that makes so much sense.

  11. It is completely sad to see BW's total indifference to the rest of us that are still forced to wait.


    They show up at regular working times, do their jobs...let a few people in to play the game, and then they go home after 8 hours....a 9-5 job.


    Dear Bioware,


    Are you currently aware that you have waiting customers in Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, and more? And only allowing 5 waves in per day at the time that you're in the office is a complete slap in the face to your customers (who supported you and paid your paychecks).


    Are you too cheap to get multiple teams going to allow waves of eager paying customers to enter the game at all hours???


    I'm sure people in Europe and Asia would certainly enjoy this idea.:mad:


    Are you aware that you think they're letting in five ways a day based solely on how the first day went? Are you aware that you have no idea how many people are getting into each wave? Are you aware this could have been avoided if you pre-ordered sooner than later?

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