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Everything posted by Eyeskream

  1. i bought the CE my sig was automatically made by bioware cause well im leet
  2. There is to many threads people questioning this and that, nerdraging over this and that. if you want updated information starting for tomorows wave, i reccommend you get on swtors twitter, log on the forums here, and keep your email refreshed. also log into the launcher to check. thats all the information thats currently out there and thats all you need to know. twitter has it all, and so do these forums.
  3. redeemed my code on nov 28th. if i get in tomorow id be very suprised..considering i dont have enough information on how they exactly they will be panning it out in the next days, (the EGA) i figured id get some time on monday and thts it lol
  4. i cant wait when the 20th comes and nobody even talks about the EGA anymore. game comes out in 6 days man, i think youll make it.
  5. pretty sure this was the last wave for the day. read on twitter....
  6. i had a dream about swtor last night, and i was creating my character, then i woke up. i cant even get early access in my dreams.
  7. 29 minutes? you mean an hour and 29 minutes i think. and also good luck i hope ya get in today my anticipation is just as strong as yours!
  8. i can wait. but i find myself checking the forums allot, my email, and twitter throughout the day. even though i preordered in late novem lol.
  9. What ive learned from launch was that biowares new mmo community is a bunch of spoiled brats. hopefully some of them clear out.
  10. and your garsh darn tootin i edited my post, i was trying to hide it but it didnt work
  11. twitter: The final wave of emails have been sent. We will be sending another wave tomorrow starting at 8am CST. 6am cst right now. 7am in est for me. do the math, idiot.
  12. 2 hours to go. come up at 9am EST for me... hopefully the forums isnt mayhem today. yesterday was just stupid
  13. the NGE destroyed swg a long time ago. and thats when i said bye to it, no need to say it again. doesnt deserve it.
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