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Everything posted by BrandonSM

  1. He too said no.. But I didn't think it was worth mentioning since I didn't like his past movies. However I do like him as a person and know he is a big SW Fans. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/11/08/kevin-smiths-poignant-thoughts-on-star-wars-vii
  2. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/11/10/confirmed-arndt-writing-star-wars-script Thoughts? In my opinion, I have an good feeling. Toy Story 3 was an animated masterpiece and Little Miss Sunshine was good.
  3. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/11/10/abrams-favreau-on-star-wars-episode-vii-rumors Tarantino as well http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/11/09/news-spielberg-tarantino-snyder-on-star-wars-episode-vii It looks as though we may be seeing a fresh director, as all the major one's are slowly coming out and saying No. Thoughts?
  4. Or Tron. Honestly, I see only good coming from this Disney. As much as you guys hate to admit it, nothing in the world compares to seeing Star Wars on the big screen. No matter which movie it is.
  5. I just hope they aren't the main characters. I want new main characters. Even Hamill said he see's himself being a side/Obi-wan Kenobi-type character.
  6. Wait. So crystals are all grey until they become attune with A Jedi and Sith and then they turn colors? I mean, it doesn't surprise me. It goes with the latest TCW Episode.
  7. Yeah. I mean, Nolan's Batman's had me actually thinking about being a real Batman.
  8. I bet if Nolan wanted to he could do Flash and Style really well. Whedon does flash and style is invalid due to the fact that Nolan doesn't try doing Flash and Style.
  9. Thats pretty much it... I'm also puzzled by why you want gritty and realism in SW Movies?
  10. Thats your opinion on Downey. In my honest opinion I thought Ruffalo did an outstanding job, especially since it was his first movie in the comics genre period. Anyway, like I said before. Speilberg has said he wouldn't touch SW because of the respect for George. I'm all for Whedon or Verbinski.
  11. Luke Skywalker is canonically the greatest Duelist of all time. No point in debating whats already been fact.
  12. If you honestly think he was serious over that comment....
  13. Why was it only 4 billion? I know, that sounds like allot. It is but SW is listed as a 6 billion dollar franchise and is increasing... So did they buy the whole franchise or just the movie rights????
  14. Jon Favreau is a hit and miss. There is no between for his track record, he either does really good or really terrible. So it could be risky.
  15. Gore Verbinski, sure... I'd like to see Speilberg or Abrams but both of them have said they wouldn't touch SW. And Nolan is my all-time favorite director and writer but I don't think he personally would do SW and the fact that he makes everything realistic in a way might get in the way.
  16. Does George Lucas still have the "whatever I say goes" power now that Disney owns Lucasfilm?
  17. To be quite honest, I'm hoping for a new set of characters. As much as like the original cast, its nice to have change.
  18. They most likely, won't care... I hate it but its likely true..
  19. Abeloth is definately the Anti-Luke. And Luke definately the Anti-Sidious. Those are the three gods of SW and they are anti's of eachother.
  20. No, cancelled. No may never flat out say it, but I assure you LA is Against BF3. http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/723496/free-radical-head-battlefront-3-canceled-due-to-psychopaths-at-lucasarts/ If that doesn't say Cancelled. I dont know what does.
  21. ??? Qui-Gon made Obi-wan the man he we know him as. And if he is your favorite character how is Qui the worst jedi master?
  22. He should be a villain in the criminal underworld. Joker 'The Hutt.
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