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Everything posted by Exilious

  1. So I can confirm that the resolution for this bug is to make sure that you have no Locked Medium Elite Commendation Cotainers left in your cargo hold. Make sure they are all in your inventory. Then you will be able to buy the unlocked container.
  2. I am level 65 and have early access and I get the Cannot Afford message. Is this the same thing you are experiencing?
  3. I still can't redeem. When I attempt to purchase the Glowing Container, I get an error message that I cannot afford the item, despite the fact that it is listed when I sort by Affordable Items.
  4. And that is what we use today! Intel chips support x86-64, AMD chips support x86-64. None of them support pure x64 (AKA IA-64) 64bit Windows 7 is X86-64. Read, my friend. Fingertips.
  5. I don't think you actually read it. Did you read it? Nope you didn't. You really should, what with the information being at your fingertips and all. Modern 64 bit is nothing like the old Itanium 64bit. It's x86-64. It's completely kernel based x86 with 64bit components added in. You will never see a sole 64bit OS. It'll never happen. Do some research. Internet. Fingertips. Wikipedia.
  6. There seems to be a memory leak as those processes can hit the 3.2gb extended address aware cap. They just keep going up and up.
  7. I went to Harvad and got a PhD in Social Psychology and I can say that with all of my education and learning considered, this is a 50+ page troll thread.
  8. English, French, German. Each is roughly 7gb. Comes out exactly right. English only is 20gb. Yours (with 2) is 27gb. Beta was 34gb.
  9. If this type of remote rendering was going on, then why do I usually stay around 10-15kbps usage and max out at 30kbps in Imperial Fleet?? It's the exact same usage as WoW, FFXI, and any other MMO I've played. And that extra 20gb in the beta version was because it was not a localized copy. The beta contained ALL languages whereas retail is localized.
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