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Everything posted by Aujel

  1. Both really work well in my opinion for soloing all story stuff. The sorc with healing can handle more at once, but it takes longer to kill if you're just letting your companion do the damage. Do you plan to level as one of the dps trees or Tank/Assassin vs Healer/Sorc. I'd probably lean more towards Sorc for pure pve story, but it's not that much harder as assassin.
  2. My 2 credits on the resources, you don't need much beyond a stack or 2 of 99 of desh/silica as they only affect items up to like level 13-16 and you out level that stuff so fast it's silly to worry much about those items. Just a suggestion from a fool who's leveled a crapton of alts
  3. Have 3 smugglers total, all using the Captain title. Crunch Crunchberries Pharticus
  4. As much as I hate it when someone completely sucks it up in pvp, just because they might suck doesn't mean they don't enjoy playing their toon. I've met tons of players that under perform by serious gamer standards, but they still find it fun trying to pvp. It's just the way any game is with pvp. No reason to get too angry about it, hopefully 1.2 will improve the frequency of better skilled players in pvp. Just my 2 credits.
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