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Everything posted by Darkmitch

  1. After filling out the Unsub survey, I guess it is time to chime in. I am in 100% favor of a new location and bump the thread. I would like to see an official statement from a Bioware employee as well. I am an officer in Rage and am very disappointed in the way the transfer system has gone. It has killed a very tight community in which I could honestly say all sides of an MMO were represented(PvE, PvP, RP). It hurts me to see that this move has hurt so many guilds and tight communities but the one light in the dark is the fact that some people are sticking to their guns. I will stand with my brothers in PvE and await a response, even if that means not play swtor. Good Luck to all who leave and Iron Will to those who stay. -Vult
  2. We have completed the pylon boss for 8man/16man on all difficulties and we have found if you do NSSN,in the least amount of clicks, AND before the two champions spawn you win. We are 8/8 for this strategy. Sithwarrior has the solution to the puzzle. We have notice that normal mode(8/16) that you can just click like an animal and you are fine. Nightmare requires all three of the previous mention mechanics to work. Good luck
  3. I can share what we do. We split the group into 2 8 man groups and go to each pylon. The folks over at sithwarror.com have found a solution/turn order to go from one color to the solution color. I highly recommend solving the turn order before starting. Since on normal there is no lockout we place one range dps on the puzzle at all times. Usually, we are able to solve the puzzle right after the first champion(insect thing). Things to watch out for: Melee adds have a reflect shield that reflects all damage back, if not more(I think its 200% on HM). The good thing is the adds hit for next to nothing so just move on the the next add. We got counter clockwise while the tank goes clockwise. Kill range first since they can CC and have NO SHIELD. The melee and every other add can be interrupted and cced if things get crazy. We think this is the fastest way to do it and it works very well for us. One thing to note is this encounter can be very difficult if the operation group has low health(12K). Our first attempt about 2 weeks ago everyone was at 12k health and made it almost impossible. After gearing my marauder has 17K health, which makes this a breeze. Keep at it and goodluck:)
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