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Posts posted by Neptunius

  1. As the title says im noticing today that the forums are a lot more calm and peaceful than before, thats good no more QQ. :)


    You know why?


    Because we are not allowed to say anything that is negative about swtor nor EA nor BioWare.


    Im glad, that there are forums where we can say the truth.

  2. They cancel the 8hours yesterday, but, to people with work, that did make a plan for some extra work while the 8hour server down, got pretty much screwed and thats cause today they take servers down for those 8hours that should have been yesterday...


    I so freaking HATE you right now BioWare!!!


    To trolls out there! Go **** your selfs!



  3. I been MH a few times in HC4 and i never had any problems with healing.

    I even been in a HC4 where i was there for support heal/dps/cc, tho, i did end up as Main heal lol the sage couldnt handle his job.


    Now, i did have a few wipes, but, that wasnt the class fault, that was the idiot :p that broke my CC on a champ...

  4. Nice looking guide :)


    Could you add guide on what companion to use when fighting Sith Sorcs mobs? (not players)


    Those SOB's can do way to much dmg to us(commando medic's) and our one true interrupt skill isnt fast enough to CD.


    Im pretty sure, that they can one shot people with that lightning....

  5. I recommend crit/surge over pwr/alc. You'll hit your big heals far more often and they will be bigger when they do. When I heal raids, it's no problem.


    Would crit/surge also work if a medic commando respec to dps?


    Im going to try those on my medic, so far, i have used power instead of crit and never had problems, but, if the heals gets so much better, then i like to try it :)

  6. It's an issue that needs seeing to.

    One more problem is that the healing companion sticks in place and keeps attacking if i, for whatever reason, decide to move beyond his healing range or out of LoS.

    And also the fact that they must attack someone else than us, i attack one target that i think is priority, companion attacks someone else (i think it's baased on who attacks me first), and i need to constantly click on them to attack who ever i am attacking.


    And while we complain about stuff, why most they slowly walk to us? i try to LoS pull some ranged mobs, and my companion decides to slwoly saunter towards me while being attacked by them, instead of running to where i am (and where mobs would not be shooting at them).


    Also, i'd like the option to keep their ability bar open, without loosing 25% of my quickbars in the process.


    And i'd like one more quickbar at the bottom of the screen thankyouverymuch. :D


    Seen this so many times and have wanted to rage all over my companions so many times for it to lol


    The extra quickbars would be so awesome :)

  7. Nope, i will stay for a very long time, even if i get a feeling to "rage" at some of the things lol


    Been here already so long and i did have a "rage-quit" on forums before beta.. :o


    I waited to long for this and i loved the old SWG way to much, to live without a star wars game :p is something i cannot do, nor will...

  8. Hello.


    I like to say, that im getting so damn tired of these error/bug/what-ever things with our companions!


    Take a healing companion, now he or she can attack and heal, now we got different kind of skills they can use. If we deside to have our companion only to heal, then we just disable the attack skills and all should be fine...


    But, oh no freaking way! With all attack skills disabled they still ATTACK and guess what, they rather attack your enemy than to give you a heal so you dont die.. uhm what?!?!


    I have testet this out many times and with different classes and levels, it dont matter if your level 30 or 50 they act the same way.


    I have even tryed to remove their weapon, to see if that gave them priority heal first.. but no freaking way, they just run up to the damn enemy and bloody hit them with their FIST!!! I mean cmon.....uhm erm...WHAT?!?!


    Another thing i testet, is that, you disable all attack skills, then after some time hunting, then you deside to let companion sell all your trash items(like grey items), Btw. thats so cool they do that. :)


    Anyway, then they return with cash for the selling and guess what?!?! They enabled one attack skill at "spawn" & that skill is called wounding blast, now why didnt you(BW) fix this??


    I also testet that by getting on and off my speeder and no matter what, they enable that one attack skill.


    So, i like to ask BioWare, when will you look at this problem and or will you ever make it, so they only heal or only attack?


    Did you(BioWare) design these companions to act this way, so they are not bugged or what ever?

    I really like to know this.




    Please people, do not troll my thread, anyone that post any reply that has no significance to topic will be reported for trolling!


    My native language isnt English, so, if you find any flaws in my spelling, then please keep your reply clean and respectful, there is no reason what so ever to flame me for posting.




  9. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bfRMRbcdkqZrcoZb.1


    pve build above. pretty basic. you can toy around with a few things in the combat medic tree but the points in gunnery/assault are necessary.


    trooper combat medics are the best single target healing classes.


    trooper combat medics are excellent for surviving in pvp and are near unstoppable if played correctly in pvp situations.


    good luck



    I like to ask, why didnt you pick Cell Capacitor?

  10. Greetings,


    The problem with these two abilities is their cast times. The Trooper spends so much time going through a casting animation instead of actually using the abilities whereas the Bounty Hunter does not.


    For example, Mortar Volley is supposed to launch three shells over three seconds. Instead, the Trooper spends the first two seconds going through an animation and the final second launching two shells. The third shell launches after the channel time has already expired. The Bounty Hunter does not have this problem, so obviously he has an advantage especially in PvP because enemies have an additional 2-3 seconds to move from Mortar Volley as opposed to Death from Above.


    In addition, Full Auto will only deal damage twice (as opposed to three times) if the Trooper suffers from pushback. This would be fine except the Bounty Hunter's Unload is not vulnerable to pushback and will always deal its full damage. Full Auto must also be channeled for at least 1.4 seconds before it begins doing any damage, whilst Unload must only be channeled for at least .8 seconds.


    The following video demonstrates these imbalances:




    This should be addressed because the Bounty Hunter and Trooper are supposed to be mirrored and on even ground. The way it is now, the Bounty Hunter is simply better than the Trooper. BioWare, please take note and consider fixing these problems.


    Thank you,




    I dont know if you played SWG, but, back in SWG, the BH was also the best of these two, i dont know if this has something to do with it.


    Btw, your movie link isnt working now..

  11. Because it suits them better.


    Also, nobody cares, maintenances are always a pain, get used to it.


    Tip of the day : Get a job, you won't even notice the game is down during the day.


    I got a job and you know what? I work at NIGHT!!! Do you know what that means?!?!?!


    I feel the same way OP do and i'm so *********** tired, that US always comes first when it comes to maintenance times.


    It's 2012 and people still screw EU people over with this.


    EA/BW you make so much money from this, why cant you make maintenance for EU at our night time?


    Seriously?!?! :mad:

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